>inb4 muh mean IQ
IQ is not an good indicator of somone's intelligence. And all of these wouldn't have been invented if Africans were truly "dumb"
>Africans are retarde-
Other urls found in this thread:
>African inventions include bones
Wow that’s some ground breaking stuff
The game here is to generalize to "Africa", which was home to Caucasoid Semitic peoples and 4 races of Negroids.
Most African languages counted 1, 2, 3 and many
>invention that changed history
>concept that a child can come up with
That's not how this works you little shit.
>something a child can come up with
lol what a retard, I'm sure you did the same as wee child and not shagging wild emus you strayan cunt
how come they never discovered Madagascar?
Also, how come the tribe on Sentinel island still wait for lightning to strike a tree to get fire?
There are no white people holding them back, that's for sure.
faggot OP?
are you still here?
Wow, your terrible b8 sure did get me riled up.
I'm super mad right now.
North African sub saharan
Mind you when they say Africa. They also meant the early Ottoman Empire which were not Savages on the plains, but literate people with universities who recieved their information from the Greeks and Romans after their collapse.
35,000 years ago
Lol k
Nigs and Whitoids can't compete.
Have you not seen Black Panther? The nigs are living in 3019.
>Exclude these countries
>List goes down to zero
Gr8 b8 m8
>IQ is not a good indicator of someone's intelligence
G loaded IQ tests are the single most accurate tool we have to measure intelligence and consequently success in life. What else should be used if not IQ?
Nice river boat lol
so you admit that math comes from Afrika????
The thing is that these are either inventions by “Africans”, who are not black but live on the continent, or they are so simple that to say that they are African inventions is foolish. Some bone with basic markings on it would have been invented by any people, no matter how stupid. Even non-human primates invent things like that.
>not a single invention from sub saharan africa
>10 Egyptian inventions that changed the world
KEK, needs to be called Wakanda Island moving forward.
That fat chunk of wood probably would sink at the first storm. Awesome for large rivers though, to transport men, cattle or merchandises.
The little one have far better chances and could cross oceans.
But i admit its pretty impressive.
Still, it pales compared to ship of the lines like the HMS Victory, or the french Ocean
a fucking bone with some scratches
It has 29 scratches and "scientists" speculate that it was used to track moon phases. For all we know it was just scratched for the heck of it and the number of 29 is incidental.
How would this card work in the actually game? Seems like a dead draw.
We must fight against the americanisation of our culture, and this man leaving the S of off Mathematics means a lot. He shall be exiled to the wildlands, also known as... Wales.
Yeah. It is as likely some guy was bored and just decided to carve something to pass the time.
>Oldest known POSSIBLY mathematical object.
It's a bone with random notches in it.
Bao Chuan were the largest ships in history until steel battleships. 400' mahogany flagships with red sails commanding a combined fleet of over 2000 ships during the largest treasure journeys. The early Ming, 1390-1436AD were truly impressive.
>tfw Cheng Ho's fleet shelled Mogadishu with poison gas rockets over an insult
Afrononsense shouldn't confuse Egypt and Mediterranean inventions with WAKANDA.
Subsaharan Africans seem to have invented genocide, cannibalism and bushmeat disease vectors and not much else. Oh, and necklacing, thanks Winnie Mandela.
top kek
Also notice there is no pattern to the grouping of scratches. Rather it seem it was used count something irregular; may like animals hunted or shits taken.
Total Idiot soup
lost hard, what a pic
>1,2,3,many is math
really showing that pedigree there.
They invented the cat scratch bone you bigot
Weird all these ‘inventions’ are from a few thousand years ago and nit really recorded at all, surely the genius african came up with some mindblowing invention in the time of recorded history like... eh.... spicy food i guess..
Egyptians and north African whites are not niggers
I had to tell a Nigerian woman in London, at work that she doesn't have to eat the bones of the chicken she eats. Fucking changed her life, I died when she told me she hated that part. So I can just see this as general knawing/boredom.
North african arent niggers, even NOW. Imagine american nigger education
Bao Chuan and their smaller junk relatives are surprisingly good in high sea states. They ride a little round but back toward the stern with a large portion of the forward keel acting as extra bow. It's a different hydrodynamic but works.
Ironically, hilariously, China 600 years ago had a better bluewater fleet than contemporary China.
Not sure about one-on-one combat with HMS Victory. It'd be interesting, or a selected fleet. Despite the hull and advanced rocketry, the Ming fleet is still hundreds of years older than HMS Victory or Ocean. Remember, the Treasure Journeys were taking place in the early 1400s.
So why is Apefrica a complete shithole now? Really makes me wonder. By the way, Egyptians aren't African, just like Russians aren't Asian.
What kind of bone is it? Looks like femur section, any idea on species?
Those Chinese don't exist anymore.
Good point. Niggers couldn't handle the 30 km wide current separating africa from the island pic related.
How the fuck do you track moon phases with a piece of bone?
Das rite whitboi!! WE wuz kangs!!! WE WUS KANGS!!!
>how come they never discovered Madagascar?
The bone marrow is good for you. I wouldn't gnaw it out of a KFC drumstick but if you're eating ribs from the Chinese you should get that nutrition as a bonus.
Of course that's assuming it's still reddish. If it has been charred the whole way through or has degraded before the animal was slaughtered then it's right back into the 'why would you eat this' pile.
The point is they were kangs. and the flew and had magic shit and were never enslaved.
Based Maori. Literally vikangz
Nigga you white.
It is a fibula ie. calf bone of a baboon. Also google lebombo bone and you'll find dozens of articles - mostly copy/pasted - that exalt its virtue as foundation of mathematics.
BTW it was found in the 1950s without much fanfare, but now since the re-visioning of our history is in full swing it's praised like they found the holy grail of mathematics.
>*citation needed*
It's like people ignore that egyptians are millions of times closer to europeans than to niggers. Also you didn't invent mathematics because you first came up with how to count things.
Some of these claims are honestly just ridiculous. It seems niggers had fucking STEAM ENGINES and then just somehow lost all of that knowledge. At least make an attempt at staying realistic, nigger.
Plus, even IF niggers had invented all of that, how come the euros found mud huts and cannibalism when they decided to drop by? Did all of that advancement just suddenly disappear for some reason?
>possibly mathematical
>Two fat niggers put their cocks together
>Math is invented
>Africans are low IQ
waiting for them to publish 10 nigger inventions that changed the world
Technically, those two gay guys have more sex than half of Jow Forums combined.
neither do the American inventors
>what is Angola
>what is Mozambique
>possibly mathematical
>proceeds to cite ancient egyptians as source
>ancient egyptians were white meds
>african inventions
Literally we wuz article.
>Ancient Egyptians
>35,000 years ago
Is this site a joke?
Oh it is.
Black build the pyramids whites denie it.
Fact is every civilisation whites went to ceased in development, we see this in Egypt, we see this in Asia, be it India or Japan from Samurai to nonsense only when the whites left they were able to prosper, we see this in America from having a calendar that could see 2500 years into the future, to a shithole, we see htis in south america where the Inca's build cities in ways we can't phatom to the shithole it is now and it is a shithole, you can't denie that.
So yeah, whites fucked the world up, the only place that prospered was Europe, because it was waaaay behind the other civilisationss at said time which is way they resorted to violence.
The natives travelled to Egypt during the time the pyramids were build, we knwo this, because we found coke there now what did the Europeans do during that age?
The natives stranded in europe 60BCE, where were the whites then? fucking eachother in gymnasiums that's where
Well nothing worth mentioning that's for sure.
But BritAnon , this is from an 85 IQ site .
Definitely not bullshit
Saying niggers invented math is akin to saying they set in stone the laws of the universe. They did not and youre grasping at straw
Wewuz. "Africans" didn't even discover Madagascar. The people that they reference are now replaced by sub saharan gibhunters and in the north, arabs.
Sub-Saharan Africans never ventured outside of Africa via boat. Ever.
North Africans != South Africans
North Africans are barely African at all. They're mixed heavily with Meds and every race north and east of them-
pick one and kys
>Attempting to conflate Egyptians with niggers.
Did they use that shitty lebombo bone to build a great civilization? Or did they just act like niggers for thousands of years and live in mud huts?
"le bimbo bone" is what i call my cock
>the 'lebombo bone' is literally this image
>The game here is to generalize to "Africa", which was home to Caucasoid Semitic peoples
Semites are a bible meme, retard
>african inventions
what about nigger inventions though?
yea i dont get it. imagine trying to claim that egypt has anything to do with somalia etc. i guess i am roman soldier now.
that meme
I got a deeper dig for you nig
You cant invent math you stupid niggers.
I though Gobeglitepi was older and its in Turkey
I assume you mark the bone for each day until a moon phase or something.
No, africans still don't have a concrete notion of "zero."
As if it wasn't just a bored nigger carving lines to pass time , idle hands and shit ,damn I do that kinda shit sometimes
say what you will about niggers and the like but Melkor has really improved over the years.
110% chance that's a bone for calling animals and/or flaking obsidian.
>Skip grades because of race
Must be a smart one because niggers only think torturing other niggers or raping black women are the only things you can do when you get bored. A rare nigger autist that carved lines on the bone.
ah come now, could have been the talented tenth