Or this gonna happen to you!
Mummy give me milkies.
Stay away from /v/ bros, I fapped about 5 times yesterday
Porn is for literal subhumans.
Who is the bitch in the webm and why is she everywhere all of a sudden?
Ok, that's it.
I'm gonna filter all french flags from now on
I was hope for them to get shot
Porn is fun and entertaining.
Those are big ol tits
I don't know if it's the lighting or the blue contacts but that is legitimately the most attractive Asian I've ever seen..
Very hot. Very redpilled.
Hello! Can anyone suggest a good website to watch anime online? If you could also suggest any good ones, I would appreciate it. The last ones I watched was Parasyte and Tokyo Ghoul. I kinda stopped watching for a while, but I can't find anything in western media lately that doesn't piss me off, so I figured I would go back to watching anime.
ah yes i love a good christcuck larp thread
Requesting sauce please
>Those are big tits
Have sex.
Kill yourself cum-brain kraut. Every thread, you degenerate.
Aika is a qt
Just one last fap and I'm done. Gotta make it count
Produce offspring or die.
Sounds oceanlab-esque. What is that?
Isn't that the sister of that little aggro underage youtube star? Same nose.
look right on schedule the german MindGeek sponsored porno shill
That she is.
This is a famous cosplayer nonsummerjack
This happens to me when I go yo /v/ too
What about having sex with your missus WHILE you BOTH watch pr0nz together? How does that one square?
do u like turning other anons on/? is that what gets u off? posting pics like this and imagining my erection?
I am conflicted. I want to protect and nuture her, yet I also want to tie her down and ram her for hours. Wat do?
sure why not?
What's the deal with this company? They basically own online porn?
So, Germans are into Japanese porn? I can't stand the sounds the women make, it turns me off immediately.
AHH yeah, all those blurry pixels. Guess I'll just go have real sex instead.
oh look it's the french fag again
get a job seriously dude
How? Don't tell me you fap to Tifa?
I have. Now I'm horny and I have no idea how to acquire gf.
It's usually senran kagura that does me in
>japs film in shit resolution
>3mb limit for webms on Jow Forums
its tiresome
Need her name sempai
It's fairly easy, just go for girls that are on a similar level appearance wise to you. The golden rule is to never go for anything 1.5 and over. If you are a 6 the best you can do is a 1.5. Even if you do somehow get a girl higher than that, the relationship is almost sure to fail.
Fuck lads I might be in love.
how can you not know Aika?
I thought there is so many porn addicts here yet many dont even know Aika?