Are blacks this lazy ?

holy shit I thought it was a Jow Forums meme

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How about another free boat ride, Tariq?

Descendants of slaveowners should be compensated for the government taking their property


Niggers are so stupid, I think we give them what they cry for constantly because we know it won't help them. Throw a drowning nigger a life preserver and he'll throw it back with a demand for one that matches his kicks, if he doesn't rape it and then drown.

I can guarantee that if reparations somehow do get paid that it is not going to be enough for a vast majority of people.


Blacks owe whites reparations for introducing them to civilization. They can always go back to living in mud huts and wearing grass skirts if its so bad for them.

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my thoughts exactly

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every basketball american gets 3 tons of cotton

Pay them in cotton
Hon hon hon

>taking blacks as human beings
holy shit you dumb!

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If reparations actually fucking happen....
1) I’m gonna be pissed af
2) I’m going to buy $10,000 worth of stock in Nike, Kool Aid, and KFC

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>Are blacks this lazy ?

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They are learning from the winners of the victimhood Olympics very well.
The problem is that the Jews are much smarter and have a shit ton of power.

the reparation will be in the from of a one way ticket to africa.


We’ve already paid that fee in the form of 7 decades worth of crime and violence with the taxpayer footing the bill. Majority of the people who demand for reparations are a lifetime net loss to society, fuck your reparations, you owe us back pay for the last century and a half.

He probably isnt even a descendend of a slave, highly doubt all blacks in the curent US are all slave descendends and nit just migrants

I demand reparations from Rome . My ancestors were genocided and forced into slavery. I WANT MY GIBS NOW!!!

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Of course the niggers are that lazy, but imagine being this bitter lol

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the only way i can see this ever working is if you could actually trace your heritage back to your ancestors having been actual slaves. all these uppity blacks that read the headline think free monies if coming their way even if they were never slaves. but itll never pass so fuck niggers

Hmmmmmmm, no.



>is hanging the only solution for the nogs

We already do, it’s called food stamps. The history of the USA is the history of babysitting niggers

We SHOULD give the free one way cruise to ooga booga land. The cruise would have Hennessy on tap and black and mild and loud rap music. 90% of the vine coons won't resist.

Wait wait wait
They have been using the benefits of slavery just like every white person, roads, schools, defense, gibs, why would non slave owners give reparations to non slaves in 2019

This is why no one likes niggers.

Why dont you just take the pot of gold you give Israel each year and give it to the niggers? It would be enough to cover it

There wasn’t federal taxes back then nigger

>so we need that money

for what, some silly gold chain?

This is a whole new level of hustling kek.

>federal government made money off slaves
Slaves were owned by private citizens not the government. Washington thought slavery was a bad system because slaves were lazy compared to workers since they had no motivation to be efficient. Also all the money "made from slaves" has been paid back with the money for the civil war and then for gibs.


Tariq Nasheed has a great little brand going on social media, doesn't he? It's good money. Good for him regardless of the shit that comes out of his mouth or through his Twitter feed. It's just media. It's made for consumption. It's not real.

To be fair, Nasheed is a race hustler and a meme. He doesn't represent all my brethren. That would be like using Brian Clyde to represent all whites.

>I think we give them what they cry for constantly because we know it won't help them
You're suggesting that people want to waste money on them and want them to be held down somehow. They get what they want because of Jews holding a gun to people's heads. It's extortion with the threat of force behind it.

>slaves were lazy compared to workers since they had no motivation to be efficient
Yeah... that's why they were lazy, George...

Give blacks a load of money to shut then up and then charge extra for black people to get your money back quickly... Simple

Pay them in rice crispy treats.

With how much whites have been held back and how much has already been lost and how much will continue to be lost due to them, they owe a debt so great to whites that it can never be repaid. Their removal or extinction will have to suffice.

I would love it in fact but you fucking whites don't want to leave my continent

Slavery was a mistake. A Jewish and greedy mistake.

Historically Black colleges & universities & prisons.

I am favor of a reparation:

Back to Africa

Will mutt babies quality for reparations?

Even more than that, though. The language and culture has been ruined. Generations of whites have been, and will be, corrupted because of them. Whatever positive future that might've been possible will never be, now.


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>ll these uppity blacks that read the headline think free monies if coming their way even if they were never slaves.
That's the whole point. They don't actually care about their ancestors or justice or righting any sort of wrong, they just want to rob white people even more. It's purely malice and greed.

>but itll never pass so fuck niggers
They'll never stop talking about it, exactly like Jews behave with the fictional event they call 'the holocaust.' They'll just keep moving the goalposts and using it as a tool, as leverage, to oppress, rob, and destroy Europeans/whites until or unless they are forced to stop. With how the entire culture is now so anti-white and pro-black, and with the anti-whites and blacks gaining more and more power by the day, I think they are going to get something that'll be called 'reparations'.

friendly reminder that if you consider working conditions from 1800s, and debt wage slavery back then, where the average work week was 72 hours a week, 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, slavery actually wasn't that especially horrible labor wise. It was probably less labor than the average factory man in Boston, who never left a 10 mile radius, just as the slave never left their plantation. Also when you factor in the fact that if they were still in Africa, they be a hell of a lot poorer, and how hundreds of thousands of white americans fought to end slavery, I think any imagined debt is paid back. But it doesn't matter. America is going down the shitter, and I hate it. What ever accelerates the collapse of all western civilization is good on my books, so I think every nigger should be given $2000 a month for life, for eternity. It's like YangGang but only for niggers.
>hint: Then they will stay meming how "this is just a good start," and want more gibsmedats, because these things don't just stop.

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I am all for the rich Jews giving money to the blacks. Since Jews made money in a system of white supremacy, they owe blacks that money.

Someone post the net-drain-on-the-economy caused-by-each-nigger graph

We all know what happens when you give a black person a sum of money. It's gone in a matter of minutes, spent on shoes, hats, cars, rims, nails, weaves... Any reparations need to go into some kind of regulated programs designed to actually help these people, that's the only way it would ever actually benefit them.

>implying Tariq Nasheed isn't a Jow Forums meme

Shoot any Congressman who votes in favor of any form of reparations.

Reparations should be paid by the person who sold the nigger, not the one who bought the nigger.

If whites & asians see what major cities like Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, and Memphis have become they'll say hell no in a heartbeat

Damn nigga we is incapable of introspection and instead elect to live a miserable existence in this corporeal dimension encompassed by nothing but consumerism, hedonism and sensationalism attempting to live vicariously through social influencers all while taking credit for various accomplishments of other races because of the crippling inferiority complex that we are unable to come to terms with which as a result enterprises a certain unadulterated aggressiveness that we pass on to our illegitimate children who then propogate the lie that we are an oppressed people despite slavery being the best thing to ever happen to us and we will continue to stuff our faces with fried chicken and high fructose corn syrup and acetaminophen as we spiral down the proverbial drain which in turn facilitates the vicious cycle that we claim to be victims of circumstance of despite knowing we have all of the resources and advantages required to pull ourselves out but instead it's more profitable to be perpetual victims and game the system ultimately leading to an early demise.

I mean uhh shit nigga.. fuck nigga dam shit nigga fuck..

>Are blacks this lazy ?

He's honestly not wrong. also pay the families of white slaves too

Of course not, them reparations will be done spent in 6 weeks

Reparations should only be payed to former slaves not their decedents.

No, we give them the money and they blow it back into the economy on all the shit you just mentioned and then they never get another dime no matter how much they cry.

Actually black Americans owe their very lives to white Americans.

During the slave trade days, slaves were not just people taken off the streets. They were prisoners of war that were captured by warring African tribes.

Do you know what happened to the prisoners of war that were not useful as slaves? They were simply butchered.

Every American slave was literally a person saved from a horrible death, usually involving being speared to death or chopped into pieces by a machete.

Only thing blacks are owed are gunshots to the brain.

How exactly did the federal government make money off slaves? They shot a bunch of southerners and tore the country apart.

They need it.
All The Gibsmeat and the 50 year crime spree aren't enough.

Niggers are mentally incapable of feeling gratitude.

I'm curious as to how these people answer the question, "but how does that benefit white people?"
I want to know what whitey is getting out of all of this shit.

This guy single-handedly is doing more to keep blacks in a state of underachievement and perpetual slavery by the system than any "kkk/slave owner/white man/racist" ever could.
Seriously this dude is playing his own people.
What a fucking scumbag.

> “Foundational”

Implying that we’re giving money to blacks who were alive at the time we founded this country.

What we’ve got here is a situation where people who were never slave owners and giving money to people who were never slaves.

But there’s a good chance one of my ancestors died fighting to free slaves, so do I get free money too?

Fucking entitled nigger gibs

Kim gets it


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you truly are here forever

Negroes will never admit that what's holding them back is their shitty culture.

What about low pay workers who built the US railroads etc.? Give them mo money too they didn't deserve to be paid so low centuries ago.

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1. Give them money.
2. They spend it on bling and shit.
3. Bling and shit providers get rich.
4. They're as poor as before.
5. Problem solved.

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Actually, white people need #reparations for all the interracial rapes

That would imply they have accountability, a nigger could literally stab you in the chest then go I AINT DU NUFFIN the next second its not lying they are literallly so fucking stupid they cant cause and effect to the point something can be their own fault.

Fuck, I didn't think anyone saved that, glad to see it posted.

Alt hype has a pretty good video about reparations: He gives some excellent arguments for it.

>5. Problem solved.
How? They'll just demand more gibs then. If you actually look at the data, you'll notice that blacks have been getting utterly overwhelmingly disproportionately all sorts of gibs for a century by now. Both globally and withing America. But it's just never enough. The way blacks see it is that if the white man is richer than the black man, there simply must have been some historical oppression to make it so. No other reason is ever acceptable.

>gibs me dat whitey
There are no former slaves alive today.
There are no former slave owners alive today.

If the government ever tries to force me to pay reparations, it's over; I'm done with this country. My ancestors didn't arrive in this country until the 20th century, and I'll be damned if they think I'm going to pay some niggers for slavery, when I have literally no ancestral connection to American slavery, in any capacity.

Fuck these lazy, good-for-nothing niggers, and fuck all the nigger-loving Democrats that are desperately trying to keep them voting blue.

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Fuck you, nigger. No way. Reparations=Civil War II. How are you going to force me to pay you money for something neither of us had anything to do with, nigger? Thinking is never one of their strong suits,but fucking damn.

Sheeeeeit gibs me mo gibs muhfuh,sheeeeit muh dick, bix nood an shit sheeeeeit.

they should offer to give them each $100,000 and a free boat ride to libya in exchange for revocation of their US citizenship. its a win win. they get to build wakanda from a failed state and we get to see crime rates plummet.

Nigger got a GRIEVANCE about something.
Isn't that surprising?

This desu

>but you're white and your family benefitted from the infrastructure and resources that ran the predominately white culture--therefore you still owe reparations
t. lefty nutjob

I'm pretty sure the civil war cost more than total cotton sales in America. Blacks owe us money for freeing them from the south.

Daily reminder, read this if you haven't and everything will become clear

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I don't understand how black people today deserve money for something they never went through? My grandpa got cancer from xyz so I should get money? The fuck?

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This. Reparations for Atlanta.


Nigga, they will put 3 years of work into 10k of gibs. Does that sound lazy to you?