Wtf is wrong with the american legal system
Pol will justify this
Any time (((they))) chimp out over a nigger that didnunuffin, he totally did that shit.
Kek his nigger dick can't even cum
What's wrong with an all white jury? You saying blacks and whites can't be peers you fucking bigot?
>Jury of your peers
looks like his fellow citizens found him guilty
also you spelled Jow Forums wrong, faggot
Why niggers use those ties?
This is true.
For all I know, this Wilson was caught in the act.
>Wtf is wrong with the american legal system
I'm not sure, niggers aren't supposed to be guilty, only whites go to jail for fake rapes, because it's generally easy to prove they're rapists.
Hang this coon.
America is great, put the niggers where they belong.
He is the standard color of a rapist
The man admitted everything happened except for sex. Imagine ignoring that fact and make it seem like he was some random person convicted. One of my fears while attending college was that some chick I fucked would cry rape the next morning even though everything was consensual.
No evidence he raped her...
just look at him, he's just a skinny black boy with a bow tie, he could never have done that,don't you feel sorry for him?
Who gives a fuck, he's a nigger
>80% of inmates in America are niggers
Looks like it's working just fine
I was on a diverse jury on a rape case once. The accused was a black guy, the victim was a white woman. The cops found the victim tied up and naked in the accused closet. She had been horribly beaten; he had hit her so hard that her blood was splattered all over the walls.
Two negroes, bunch of mexicans, some white SJW, An asian woman and I.
One of the negroes said "no way I'm gonna convict a bro of rapin' no white woman".
It was a real shit show. the Asian woman and I were the only ones who said he was guilty. The PoC on the jury threatened us, so I asked for a hung jury.
The judge called them all idiots.
Later, one dumb SJW woman asked me "What did the judge mean by that?" I just shook my head.
Yeah, he did it, that was a good read
You are wrong, read the pic
This is fucked up
He admitted to kidnapping her though
Also this case sounds like she regretted the sex afterwards. It's just messed up that they convicted him "beyond a reasonable doubt" that he raped her and that it wasn't jus two drunk people having drunk college sex.
A bowtie to court....... RAPIST
That's an argument that I can say about Kavanaugh as well, but that would make me a 'bigot', right?
Social Justice Warriors are converting it to enforce social justice instead of real justice. They know it will end with civilization in ruins, and do not care as long as they gain even the tiniest crumb of political power over everyone else.
>semen and dna found
That’s a totally different case, he was caught in the act and there are many witnesses
I have jury duty in a week. wish me luck.
>Its rape if I regret it the next morning
>Black guy falls into the trap
>SJWs are now collapsing on themselves
The black dude must've had a small dick or something
>5 mins
Oh, that's it. No stamina. Fucking pussy
Rape, in Kansas, does not require penetration with a penis. You can rape someone with a finger or an object. That's covered by the statute. So the absence of spooge is irrelevant.
>In his written motion, Lowry emphasized that Wilson was just 20 and the woman just 17 when the incident occurred; and that Wilson testified that he thought she wanted to have sex with him, though ultimately they only engaged in sex acts other than intercourse. Lowry pointed out the incident involved no weapon and no threats, and he argued that DNA evidence did not corroborate the woman’s report that Wilson had intercourse with her.
I don't know how I am wrong. Did you even read the link I posted or do you only go off Facebook posts? Like I said, I think it's fucked up he's sentenced for 12 years and has to be a sex offender for the rest of his life just because they had drunk sex.
It is well known that non-whites should not be on juries
Article said they found bruising consistent with rape.
That's just not objectively true.
>nigger caught on tape going someplace with a chick who later accuses him of rape
>different from the case where some landwhales who suddenly recollect their trauma about a Trump selected supreme court judge and cant even get their stories straight
You know what? They are the same. The women regretted it the morning after and used the rape excuse to get out of it
Now its your own boys getting caught in the trap. Fuck you
Please tell me the nigger went to jail
believe all women
Oh shit! Some nigger posting how he dindu nuffin on Facebook! Well, shit....I'm convinced.
You are the very reason we should do away with the jury system entirely. Juries are populated by retards like you.
jurors is the answer.
inbetween jobs at the moment and got called for jury duty so I made sure to get on the trial and holy shit are normies fucking RETARDED. literally any appeal to emotion worked on damn near every single one of them.
Dude was lucky I was there 11-1 hung jury.
believe all women
He didn't admit to shit. Did you read his testimony? The only evidence here at all is that the woman failed a psyche evaluation and had bruises on her. She could have easily bruised herself. I don't want to assume she did this, but in no way are inner thigh bruises enough to convict for rape. Her story contains more objective contradictions than his does. He raped her in 5 minutes without leaving any semen, or more significant injury?
kangaroo court
Photos from the sexual assault exam the girl got at a hospital the next day corroborated her account that Wilson held down and bruised her legs while he raped her on his bed, the state argued at trial.
nail in the coffin
in the same paragraph it states no semen was found dearing the vaginal swab
We need to have cross-racial seminars so we can exchange information. Somebody needs to tell niggers to stop wearing bowties.
>what is corroboration
>what are prints
>what is circumstantial evidence
who the fuck is retarded enough to think that dna is the only determining factor in rape cases
in reality the evidence was probably whack but it don't mean shit to racist cracker whit*id
Roastie should go to jail too for coal burning and being a whore.
No it’s just the media hiding other evidence like for starters he coulda burned all the semen but the victim provided proof of aggravated assault on her ass.
I guarantee they're lying, like blacks and progs ALWAYS do.
What does seman or dna have to do with rape?
Condoms are a thing, time is a thing, douches are a thing. The world isn't fucking CSI.
You, OP are prood that douches are a thing.
Umm excuse me but what happened to #believewomen?
kek. also rare
That's why you don't have sex with someone not your wife or husband
He's wearing a bow tie so he must be a good boy
in the good old days a tree and rope was all that was needed
>Wtf is wrong with the american legal system
It's not based on justice, evidence, reason, or morality. It's based solely on vengeance. If something bad happens we just find a random person and torture them for the reminder of their lives, because it satisfies our lust for revenge.
>That’s a totally different case
how convenient for you and your jewish political talking points
get gassed kike
Oh no, no DNA evidence? That's the inly way we can conclusively prove anything. He must be innocent because an all white jury must hate him.
>be huuuwite male
>find dying woman laying on the sidewalk
>give her CPR
>she takes tou to court for touching her tits/face and wins
>you lose all of your money, your job, family, and get to spend 10 years in prison with the likes of hoodrats who murdered and raped thousands of their own
Gee I wonder why men don't want to stick their knecks out anymore.
because condoms don't exist right.
Some niggers aren't as dumb as Jow Forums likes to think they are.
He's black. What other evidence do you need?
Retard fag detected
> A goddamn leaf every fucking time, be willing to bet also a hooked nose son of satan
#believewomen unless the woman is white and the accused rapist is black. Then fuck that dumb bitch, she just anudda racist why peepoh.
Cant find the evidence because she swallowed it
My state has immunity laws for good Samaritans as long as you have some training.
Eat shit lot of white people got fakely accused by spineless #metoo movement even though these was proven as bullshit their lives got destroyed and shamed for no fucking reason why would i care to fucking nigger who probably done it?
He needs to hang
Evidence of how amazin the jury system is
There must have been other evidence. Absence of DNA evidence does not prove innocence.
Pick only one
retards seem to forget there where courts and sentences before the discovery of DNA evidence.
Sounds kind of like what happened with that white swimmer kid a few years ago.
Yeah, but in that case he had armed lynch mobs coming to his door threatening his life and his families life. All encouraged by the (((media)))
Shouldn't have been being so black I've been in the vicinity of plenty of crimes and never been accused of committing them
>If we had confidence that the nigger did not commit a crime, we would have said so
>outgroups aren't compassionate toward me!!
wow I can't believe my worldview got destroyed like this
So believe all women, unless they're accusing a black guy?
ye cuhs our brutha dindu nuffin he waas a good lill nigga cuhs
>black on white
Ill believe blacks have morals when they start protesting black on black crime.
yeah dude i'm an anti crime activist
There was no evidence.
>dna evidence Is the only evidence
The fact minority groups have tribal mentality, just like women as a whole, is enough proof that they shouldn't work on a jury. All the identity politics forced on then trough the years made then see each others as part of a club, so it's most likely they would chose in favor of their peers instead of analising the case coldly.
It's like they asked me if I an animebro should be jailed. Of course I will say no, don't matter how many proof they shove in my face.
isn't that a vigilante?
>no evidence
But was investigated, arrested, charged, tried and convicted.
There are many other forms of evidence that can be used to convict someone other than traces of semen or DNA. By your logic back when they had no way of testing for semen or DNA traces they were just kind of guessing that the guy raped her and no other forms of evidence gathering were used.
> Albert N. Wilson
I think I know what the n stands for boys.
Same shit happened in the 90’s. Guess what? They were white. It’s a legal problem, not a race issue.
What happened to "believe all victims"? Also, how did they convict people of rape before DNA analysis was a thing?
witnesses and cross-examination
it was just a lot harder.
even with DNA evidence, it's really easy to get your own (((expert)) who will spout off whatever you want them to regardless of what the facts are, assuming you have enough money.
Bruising consistent with rape.
>no one in the world was rightfully convicted prior to dna evidence
What? Stupid fed go away
except everything you said is a lie
who rapes with a condom
Rape isn't just about sex. A lot of rapists shave their genitals completely bare and use condoms.