Jesus H. Christ

>hated (especially by kikes)

>still went on to conquer the entire fucking world and btfo every pagan war-God with 0 difficulties

how can anyone even doubt he was God?
There's no way any regular dude couldve pulled this off.
Not even today with our social media would this be possible.

Attached: Rex_Mundi.png (1031x1200, 2.71M)

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Can you blame the Jews for hating this Social Justice Warrior who made their racial religion open to anyone of any race in the entire world so long as they believe in him? I can't blame them for hating this cuckoldry offspring.

its time to realize Christianity is the strongest religion that has ever existed

its time to realize Christ is the truth

its time to embrace the truth

Attached: Un1titled.png (616x845, 709K)

Based. Jesus conquers all.

Attached: Christianity will prevail.jpg (1412x808, 239K)

back at it again eh levi

Nazis need to realize this is a Christian board. They will be tolerated no longer, unless they repent.

Attached: deus vult bro.jpg (798x650, 69K)

That kikes hate one of there own who dindu nuffin and supposedly never even existed tells you all you need to know.

They hated Him because he exposed them as the synagoge of Satan

Attached: OyVeyShutItDown.jpg (322x543, 116K)

>2 kiked shills
>le deus vult
how fitting
