I wasnt sure rather to post this here or /b/. But idk, with all the political censorship lately, and the fact that we all feel it coming. I decided here was the place. I've been getting this off and on the past hour or a lil longer. On here daily, and I've only seen these messages once or twice in the past several months except for today.
Anyone else having problems connecting the last few hours???
It went down for me for almost an hour. What gives. What are those dirty Jews up to.
they know the National Socialist Revolution is coming
>few hours
Literally just 57 minutes. It happens once every two months
8ch has been down all day too
the jews are trying to suppress something
Servers cloned, every single post and the ID/ip of every single poster is now in the hands of a shadowy NGO
Furthermore. What is a Jew exactly? Is it just a race? What does the religion have to do with it. Anyone can become Jew by faith, but are they then part of the secret club? I’m confused.
Whats site B???
Absolute newfag
theyre prepping for the social media blackout on june 22/23 that will last ~10 days
Literally just came back on for me.
Was it a ddos attack?
Going through the archives and can't find anything too interesting.
Was something posted that shouldn't have been?
It sucks cause I went to take my daily poopoo and usually I browse Jow Forums while I doodoo.
And go fucking figure pol was down...
It ruined my experience...
Glad it's back now, I was having withdrawals.
What are (((they))) hiding.
relax op, it was down for 3.6 minutes, not good not terrible
please tell us you're concealed behind several proxies user, for chriusts sake do not say you've been posting here from your own butt naked and completely identifiable ip
8[remove]ch.n e t
Im looking thru the archives also...
Shills probably got mad they never actually gain any ground and paid someone with a botnet to DDoS for a little while.
>he doesn’t know
starts with K ends with S
Probably just one of the alphabet agencies diddling around
The feds fuck up the site for 15-20mins at a time while they are pulling our updated post history and IPs
its the sekrit club..
the site with the feds
Glad you posted this, was thinking about it recently, hadn't seen it for a while. Saved
so what if I didnt?
Yes, thought is was my shitty phone.
What will the last hours of Jow Forums will look like? (assuming they won't pull the plug without warning)
Jow Forums
Based and radogenpilled
Oh noes! I know several others on Jow Forums that also carry badges and government-issued weapons. Fuck the glow niggers. I wish those faggots would start shit in my county.
There’s only one last place they won’t take down whenever they go blackout...
It was here before Jow Forums, it’s pretty quiet now, I know some of you are there
U aware?
B for Blacked.com
TOP KEK does blacked have forums?
Got a 503 error for an hour until just now.
Lots of sprinkles.
I hate you motherfucker
Turns out Warwick was really the mastermind behind the scenes the past 40 years. Appear weak when you are strong -sun tzu.
And you guys done pissed him off...lol
It’s fun to shit up that place
Lol, you can't be serious. That place went to shit in 2011. I can't believe it's even still up. Mods absolutely ruined it. Go through any old thread and every user is banned
>American flag
I couldn't connect for maybe 15 minutes but i thought it was because storm
What does /b/ stand for I’m new here.
Whenever i see a midget out in meatspace (its always at walmart near the childrens clothing, not even memeing) i make it a point to pat the little fella on the head and walk away like nothing happened.
It’s too quiet there now, not enough traffic to take down. Can be effective place to fallback to.
/ptg/cia/ are overloading the servers trying to slide shit.
Jow Forums has been a mossad operation for years now
you think that the sudden and significant drop in iq of your average poster is a mere coincidence?
/b/ stands for buttjudge2020, you know that gay teen boy running for president?
is this the first time you've seen Jow Forums go down, newfaggot? it happens a lot less than it used to
It's Bootyjudge 2020
One of the Mac minis died. That's, probably, all.
if Jow Forums gets deleted do I get back all the years wasted since 2005?
> (OP)
>is this the first time you've seen Jow Forums go down, newfaggot? it happens a lot less than it used to
nah...A few other times. Im just on edge a lil lately. We all know its coming...
no, you'd waste them again anyway
Wad down for me too.Here is the outage map for today.
I saw what appeared to be an old boomer couple driving around with personalized license plates that said:
Still trying to figure out if there's some other interpretation of the letters...
Always watching cuck
I've had a few one time hick-ups lately from my phone on my work wifi; but zero on my rig. It does seem to be a recurring occurrence at present though OP. Is it weird that this coincides with the most stimulating conversation I've had with another human in weeks happening just 10 min ago?
Idk what’s happening but I’m sure it isn’t good.
said the bong...
Gookmoot spends most of his time kneeling in order to suck FBI/MI5 dick.
This site has literally been compromised for years.
Lol can’t Brits go to jail for visiting this site?
>Imagine being so fucking stupid that you don’t write speech protections into your constitutions
The absolute state of Britain.
>not calling it cripplechan
You mean playing video games?
I bet "THEY" had something to do with it... *Grits Teeth
>It happens once every two months
it goes down for about 5-10mins everyday
something really shady going on
same shit happened to me. New Jersey here.
Pic related and mixture of super sterile posts about satire or anons will say how they truly feel about kikes one last time.
Board is slow as shit now, they must have range and IP banned tons of people.
I'd really like to kinda like to see a general thread like this every day. Everyone just kinda talk about any connection problems they been having or other odd behavior with the site. We could really use this.
Don't worry guys. It was just Hiroshima installing the latest Israeli backdoors.
i wonder if the little bear grew up to be a weeb and is fucking one of the pandas. what sort of horrible hapa bear hybrid do you suppose they created?
You’ll be in the governments little black book.
Once the 1st amendment is repealed, the governments going to visit everyone in that little book for some re-education
I get this all the time
type in the full boards.Jow Forums.org and use a # character after the last slash for a live version
usually works
>I've come to make an announcement, Xi a bitch-ass motherfucker. He deleted my funposts.That's right, he took his yellow fucking quilly fingers out and deleted my funposts like the nigger he is, and he said his dick was t h i s b i g, and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post on Jow Forums.com, Xi you got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except way smaller.
>You know what the funny thing is about Xi Jingping looking like Winnie The Pooh? I mean besides people allowing him to enslave them? It’s how poorly he pulls that look off. Winnie The Pooh is literally the Platonic ideal of a cartoon bear.
>For those of who unfamiliar with that term, I’ll make it simple: somewhere in a dimension inaccessible to us there is a cartoon bear that looks as perfect as a cartoon bear can (among infinite other idealized forms of everything you can imagine). Winnie The Pooh is as close to being identical to this image as it is possible to be, therefore making him a very handsome and good looking bear. The thing about this is is that there is no transitory beauty here, like how a pretty parrot is not a pretty horse. So Xi not only fails at being a good looking human, he looks like a bear that wears no pants. I’d advise suicide for anyone being ruled by him.
>site B
Yes. Xi was very buttmad and ordered gookmoot to delete such an insult.
Only because the post was made by someone within the top portions of the U.S government
Yeah... that was fucked up.
This post was brought to you by GCHQ and the NSA