Women are stro-

Women are stro-

Attached: Screenshot_20190619-201205.png (1057x662, 57K)

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based spiderbro taking one for the team to remove bad drivers off the road.

Attached: qt ogre spider.jpg (1239x803, 102K)

The woman survives and the man dies and somehow the woman is weak? Fuck off

>Women are stro-
dude, you ever hear a man scream like a little girl when seeing a bigly spider? i have, its hilarious. some people freak out over shit. spiders is one of them. me? i love spiders. they predators. they kill the vermin in my house. bad luck killing spiders in your home.

except for australia, of course

diaper astronaut had no right stuff

Attached: astronautdiaper.jpg (300x146, 9K)

>an incel has heard

what did they mean by this

I agree, though it sucks if one bites you while you sleep.

It is hard to find a man coward enough to scream and lose his shit over a spider, even tough they exist, just like it is hard to find a woman that won't scream and loser her shit over a spider, even tough they exist. Exception don't make rule.

Also, spiders are qt3.14s

Attached: 1509595143680.jpg (550x825, 72K)

This is similar to a case in leaf country where a woman caused the death of two people due to stopping on a highway to save ducklings.

Attached: canada.png (199x214, 50K)