4d chess
4d chess
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Trump is the God Emperor
He has dementia
Hahahahah you Israelis are gonna be dead soon.
Wake up, you are serving us
Israelis love trump.
I don’t.
Proxies won't stop the bullets muslims put in your heads.
Says the MIGApede lmao
But ZOGbots will, copeposter.
Good luck fighting the muslims you inbred Zionists. The USA is gonna let you fight this one alone.
He's right though. If any Democrat had the economy Trump has the media would be crowning them the greatest president of all time.
No, we won’t.
>checks flag
Who is when? Where is how? What is why? Who am I?
If there is any war between you and Iran, we are staying out of this. Settle your scores yourselves.
>*leaves your borders hope to shitskins*
Us, Israelis. Didn't you read his post?
take your meds schizanon you’ve been saying this daily for years.
The USA isn't going to war against Iran. Israel is going to war against Iran. and Turkey, and Syria and the entire muslim world.
Tfw democrats cope by attributing great economy to King Nog to try to make him untouchable
This man is a godsend for this nation just for being a smug asshole during a time when PC culture is out of hand.
No, we shall be neutral in that conflict. Israel doesn't want war in the Middle East.
so you're an Israeli now huh Vasili?
>this is absolute proof of Jewish Bolshevik plot to rule Europe
Based. Fuck the white race. Trigger the libs, own the libs.
Yes, and I would have gotten away with it too if not for the meddling OP
Fuck our borders and shit. Invade Iran. Die for Israel.
>too stupid to recognize bait after years
unfortunately there is no cure for reddit's disease.
Russia, its been fun shitposting with you. I just want you to know that once the west fails, and our governments start to really clash again, It will be hard killing you
He triggers all the right people regardless of wing.
The hardest choices require the strongest wills (c) Mark Twain
Based. Triggering people epic style is all that matters, amirite fellow pede?
When those "people" literally eat or facilitate others to be able to eat children and subvert our country, while corrupting the morals of the populace, yes.
>I'm winning
why is it always about him
why isn't about white Americans winning?
oh. thats right because he could give two shits about white Americans
What the fuck are you talking about, retard?
Fuck white Americans and fuck the white race. They’re not God’s chosen people. They’re nothing more than cattle. They’re goyim.
>he doesn't know
You seem to be new around here, reddit might suit your lack of awareness better.
>B-but I'm winning anyway! r-right ? right guys??
If it weren't for the fake news tv might still be popular. Can’t even watch singing shows because the commercials for the nightly news have some shit about Trump being hitler for not shooting Putin with a shotgun in helsinki
you're a retard
plain and simple, hopefully you understand.
>the commercials
also every single commercial is a white women with a shit skin
Aren't you tired of winning ?
based schizoposter
lmao, even your god is scared by these polls, what do you say now cultists?
now he's sounding like hildawg
>wesley fucking clark is still around
I thought this kike retired a decade ago
He's right you know.
>Trump is the God Emperor
Muh Demonrats eat kids makes you look even worse because that means Trumpenstein can’t even lock them up. Redditors are fucking morons.
Soon. Fucking freak.
We elected him to fix the flood brown white replacement flooding the country all he is going is gloating over nothing.
The white replacements are still flooding the US every years in the millions, nothing has changed.
He is not enforcing the laws we have on the books, he is not stopping companies from employing these white replacements.
He is going jack shit but gloating how he won over the democrats, we get it now get to work and fix something for the better.
>But I'm winning anyway!
Only God is God. Now look at this: cbsnews.com
>I voted for a billionaire from Jew York who has jewish kids and grandkids to save the white race and help out the white working class
Democracy was a mistake. You are a mouth breathing retard who only serves to hurt our movement. An hero immediately.
tbf he was describing actions he was going to take during the campaign that would save the white race and he was the only one doing it. I agree though democracy is bad. It wasn't a mistake though, its horrible on purpose.
>one guy has to lock up millions
>despite being one guy he actually tries
>becomes a political pariah in the process because those people own damn near every news network, entertainment channel and site for social discourse
>the courts protect them in the first place
>congress is in on it as well and protects their own
>implying the presidency is an "all-powerful" position
Nice cope, retard.
From Feb. 2018 to Feb. 2019, about 1.8 million more jobs were created in America for workers between the ages of 16-64.
Only 3% of those new jobs went to American-born men. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Maybe a more accurate way of saying this is only 3% of net job growth went to American born men... either way, you get the point. 1.8 million new jobs, 60k went to American born men.
we have no other options
you either vote for the less of two evil or you don't vote
>A billionaire from Jew York with jewish kids and grandkids said something so like the good goy I am, I believed him.
Do you need to be reminded to breathe as well? How are you even still alive if you’re this stupid and gullible?
Giving the jews $38 billon dollars, importing shitskins LEGALLY ofcourse, and sucking jewish cock on the daily is not “actually trying.” Do not copepost this hard. It’s embarrassing for all of us.
Who should we have voted for?
"If only I had the power to address things!"
You did, asshole!
(See pic.)
I guess we all should go back to not voting
since nobody is to be trusted left or right
Well desu the proper response at this point is to revolt and take back control of the government. Country was founded by people getting booty bothered by a 2% tax, now 20% of our wages are stolen before we even get them and that's just the first layer of taxation in this shithole country, oh and we have a communist institution called the Federal Reserve stealing wealth from all the citizens as well and running the entire market. but hey, sportsball is on this week and and I want to dress up in flashy colors.
these are cherry picked statistics.
spend a few minutes on the bls website and you can paint the picture you'd like to see.
how much growth do you expect from 80% of the labor force?
time to surrender.
>revolt and take back control of the government
the problem is my life is just fine and I'm happy
I make 80k+ year, self employed, have 3 white kids and don't really care about anything else.
I'm not going to throw my life away because evil jew run the government.
If i didn't have a job and kids, maybe.
What are all the fucking single loser, who have no white kids, doing. your lives are shit anyway, might as well do something with them.
either have white kids and a family or go out and fight for whats right.
>I guess we all should go back to not voting
Burn in Hell JIDF kike.
>He thinks (((voting))) actually changes anything
Lmfao spat my coffee all over my computer screen, wish I could still be as Naive as you
checked and faggots rekt!
what difference does it make if nobody is trust worthy and they are all out just for personal gain
personal gain is not the point of the persistent
>I either participate in a jewish scam and perpetuate it to keep it alive or I don’t
Gee, we really have no options now do we?
>You must vote and you must show your support for our jewish scam
The jews have programmed you well.
He's right and thanks to the ham fists of the democrats I assign 0 blame to him for all of his shortcomings.
>If you don’t vote for Judaism, you are a Jew.
The mental gymnastics MIGApedes have to perform to believe in what they do while being goyim is hilarious but sad at the same time.
>Muh democrats, muh fake news media
Fuck off trump. Your acting sucks shit, we all know you are a controlled op stooge tasked with keeping (((them))) off the spotlight with your constant left vs right d&c. It’s all a fucking charade for the goyim! The final and only red pill is whites vs Jews. We will never win playing (((their))O games, the game is rigged. The only way we win is we start burning this mother fucking clown world to the ground.
what kind of sad excuse is that
he could enforce the laws that we already have, he could go after the companies and people who are hiring the illegal but he won't.
they are coming here for the jobs, and to send money back home, not to sit around and do nothing
Based idea. We need to start over again so future generations can face what we face now. If the system’s broken, we just need to try and try again. You’re a genius.
hah, you will never pass tho... Stop kvetching
>start a revolution
>everyone with money and power flees the country
>people with power and money supply the brown hordes with weapons
>millions of white people end up dead
>100s of millions of spics flood the border
>million more whites die
>US is now 10-20% white
>revolution dies down
>the remaining whites, who are mostly women, are now enslaved
>everyone with money and power comes back to take things over again
For isreal, that is!
>$38 billon dollars
That didn't happen, you mental midget. It hasn't even passed the House yet. You're just embarrassing yourself now.
>the Democratic party has collective schizophrenia
>Trump allegedly has dementia
what is there for a burger to do?
While America's clown (((politicians))) are all ""winning"", their country is losing.
Jews are the cause of every war for awhile now. We all know this there’s no use for what you do here anymore.
BS, he's blowing hot air up your asses and the Trumptards are eating it up.
The rich have gotten way richer, the middle class is disappearing and the black and brown hordes are swarming over the southern border.
Remember its going to be Israel first folks! Israel first!
They will never win again.
(((His))) numbers are down because most people think he is an absolute dick.
ahahaha yep. The man whose biggest donor is a zionist jew, whose wishlist is all but complete, is going to let the jews fight alone.
/ptg/ folks