Why do zoomer girls hate white males so much?


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It's trendy to hate on white men but her ideal boyfriend of choice and that of all shitskin girls is still a tall handsome white guy.

Whites are not desired as much anymore and the white males today as you can say on Jow Forums are neets and incels. While black guys are muscular athletes.

You can clearly see why they prefer the black ones

human life is precious

Men will take pepto Bismol when they have an upset stomach but won’t let women have an abortion when they have an unwanted pregnancy baka #smashthepatriarchy


as a black man, posts like this is disheartening because it just encourages the image that white "men" are bad boys which girls love

Maybe in New York. In rural America whites are still the jocks.

But Jow Forums told me white women only want BBC !

If they eat the fetus and mount it's head on their wall, than I personally see nothing wrong with abortion.