What can be done about loneliness epidemic?
leave Jow Forums and go outside and meet people
Loneliness was normalized by Millennials and it will forever exist.
>meet people
But they suck so bad
Nothing. Loneliness begets loneliness.
Arraigned marriages
Im not lonely at all, i just like fucking with people
Focus on community building
He's talking about the collective problem genius
I totally embraced loneliness and I feel better than when I tried to resist it, most of the people I met were bastards by themselves and some of my friends were taken away from me, and some died.
I now feel lost but happy at the same time.
>Le Calhoun's mouse Utopia is just a Le meme!
We have no excuses for what comes next, we were warned in infinite ways, infinite times.
You can organise social events all you want, people won't go to them, they prefer TV and internet. There are no awkward moments in TV, it never makes you feel uncomfortable, it asks nothing of you. The real problem is people's weakness and laziness.
I don't remember not being alone. So whatever
Easiy, enter a society/club/association(no idea which word would be the most fitting in this context, probably club).
Doesn't matter what as long as this group has traditions and people of different ages. If you are in around people you exchange "culture" with your brain rememberes it's past in hunter gatherer tribes in which close knit multi generational individuals banded together to do stuff. This pleases the brain.
Naturally it is also good for getting new contacs for networking and social capital and all that stuff and you might learn something new like if you join volunteer firefighters or a crafting club of any kind.
destroy phones
government issued gf
That also help. Living life slower and without the fear of "missing out"
no social media
no smartphone
more reading
more exercise
healthier diet
more quality sleep
>What can be done about loneliness epidemic?
If American, wait until the coming civil war and then destroy cell towers/phone lines
stop being lonely
True but you can break the cycle through sheer willpower
It’s a mental block
I meant more at a societal level. If you have three people, and two are alone, the third becomes so as well.
Still need social contact though