Is it true that Paul of Tarsus corrupted Christianity like the Muslims claim? Was Paul a false apostle?
Is it true that Paul of Tarsus corrupted Christianity like the Muslims claim? Was Paul a false apostle?
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All religion is bullshit
>muslim claim
so lies as usual from the mouth of a hypocrite who robbed and killed and sucked off little boys and according to his own laws he should have had his hands cut off and thrown from the tallest point.
Saul of Tarsus was the first Jew press agent. Hollywood owes him a debt.
No. All the Apostles received the Holy Spirit and were guided to accept Paul's miracle conversion.
In order for this to be true Jesus himself would be a liar. Which makes Islam disprove itself. Much like other mistakes in the Quran, there are objectively many things that disprove Islam in Islam itself.
Nope the Legions and Caliphates did after they died slaves to the Archons and their "Jewsuits" the Greatest Societies ever to exist were all extremely religious why is that?
Was even Paul a real person? is it historically demonstrated that he existed?
Are you really this stupid Paco?!
1. Fuck Muslims
2. Saul was a Jewish agent of the Sanhedrin
3. The Sanhedrin was the Jewish religious authority that declared war on Rome
4. Saul spread Christkikery to the non-Jewish Roman underclass to turn them into Jewish foot soldiers and money bags for the upcoming Jewish rebellion
5. Jerusalem was destroyed nearly immediately by Rome and Saul was executed for subversion, but the JEWISH Christians, aka the real church, was annihilated. This left only Saul's cult/psyop still operational
6. Because Rome destroyed the Jews so fast, the Christkike psyop didn't have time to corrupt Roman society the way Jewish Marxism does in the modern times. However, Rome was destroyed by Christkikery in the end. It just took an additional four centuries.
No. The corruption of the Church began when it was integrated with the Roman Empire.
Who cares what some pedo worshippers think?
Paul was accepted by James and Peter, who were the leaders of the early Christian Church. Paul argued forcefully that non jews did not have to follow jewish law to be Christians, and this ruffled feathers, but only a few hardcore Judaisers argued this was unacceptable to preach to gentiles.
muslims claim that in heaven you will have a cock so large you can't see the end of it, and your heavenly wifes would have kilometre wide asses
do you really want to trust them?
The traditional view on Jewishness of the 1st century church fathers is
With Paul being the most liberal, Peter the moderate, and James the conservative (ie the one most theologically connected to Hellenic Judaism).
>Hellenic Judaism
This has to be one of the most paradoxical terms in existence. Better to just call it Greek Judaism since that's more accurate. Hellenic is like water and Judaism is like oil. The oil always sits on top and never fully integrates into the water.
>Is it true that Paul of Tarsus corrupted Christianity like the Muslims claim?
"Christianity" was started by Saul. It was his group. Yeshua was more of an Essene revolutionary Jew.
Muslims are retarded though because Yeshua's followers like the Zealot killer Simon would of wanted them all dead.
no, it's hellenic and not greek
since it comes from the macedonians that invaded judaea at that point
>2. Saul was a Jewish agent of the Sanhedrin
>3. The Sanhedrin was the Jewish religious authority that declared war on Rome
Yeshua's followers did too in the Book of Revelations. But "Christians" are Saul's sect
The other apostles agreed. Gentiles don't need to circumcise or keep kosher.
They actually never did. Circumcision is ONLY for descendants of Abraham, and unkosher food is allowed to be given to gentiles under the law of Moses.
>ignatius of antioch
>justin the philosopher
>low class non jews
pick one, apostate.
Paul was the one arguing that Christian converts DIDN'T need to practice Jewish traditions. If anything he made Christianity LESS Jewish.
I’ve only seen jews complain about him, so he’s good.
>Hellenic Judaism
>Better to just call it Greek Judaism
It wasn't Juda-ism at all. That was invented like 300 years later in Rome by larpers.
The old version had to many to be called one faith including anti-Moses Essenes and Moloch and Baal EL worshipers.
That's why Jews have 80% Italian mutt DNA, and then the Sephardic are just Arab-Cannanites
>The other apostles agreed.
They never agreed. Saul claimed this and Peter walked away
among thing paul opines in the epistles the circumcision shills wanted the gentiles to get cut to make it harder to distinguish between jews and gentiles
>Paul was the one arguing that Christian converts DIDN'T need to practice Jewish traditions. If anything he made Christianity LESS Jewish.
He was arguing sympathy for the Jews
If the muslims say it then it must be true.
>Paul was accepted by James and Peter
They never agreed. Saul claimed this and Peter walked away
>If the muslims say it then it must be true.
Everyone says it but Saul's group the "Xristians
>the Archons
(((Gnostic))) Alexandrian shill. NeoPlatonism hates you for killing their teachings
No, he wasn’t. Jews know what he was saying, which is why they hate him.
>Religions that aren't Christianity disagree with Christianity
>since it comes from the macedonians that invaded judaea at that point
>be me
>do a search on hellenic macedonia
>first result Macedonia (Greece)
Is this a cultural difference that you are inferring or are you just trolling?
I'm just going off of what that user put.
>The old version had to many to be called one faith including anti-Moses Essenes and Moloch and Baal EL worshipers.
I'm gonna need a source on that because piling in Essenes with the rest of that is some retarded faggotry that makes no sense.
My understanding is Jesus' implemented a neoJudaic religion, which still had judaic practices such as circumcision, but Paul created something which was loosely built on that, but more Greek in flavour.
We can tell this, because James argued with Paul over why he had dropped circumcision. From what I can tell, which is mostly speculation and indeductive logic based on human behaviour, after Jesus died, his 'religion' had all but disappeared, we can tell this, because there were no books wrote during this time, rather the earliest book was wrote 30years later.
When Paul came along possibly pissed off with his job, life and having a major mid-life crisis, and seeking to do something bigger and better, he decided to establish himself as head of a 'neoJudaic commune' and created his own mythology about the man Jesus - remember this would have been at least 20 years after Jesus' crucifixion.
Paul's new religion did not grow fast, it was still an obscure cult, but the name of Jesus being thrown around again did not again the Roman ears. Emperor Nero, seeking to rebuilt part of Rome, but lacking both the funding and permission from the Senate, decided to bypass them and burn down part of Rome himself and then blame it on the Paul's Christus Commune, giving him an excuse to get rid of the 'free love' peace to all men hippies, and rebuild Rome as he wanted.
The problem however, is that when people heard that Paul's Christus Commune had struck a fatal blow to the Roman empire at it's heart with a massive fire, it acted as a catalyst for a mass following of Paul's commune, sought of like an Al-Qaeda recruitment rally after 9/11.
From there, Paul's faith changed slowly from that of a share-and-care commune, into an institution similar to what we have today in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, with the articles of faith, books, and holy men all being coalesced, codified and blended with Roman culture under Emperor Constantine 325AD at Nicaea
Disregard the second half of that post please, user. I misread it and misunderstand what you meant.
hellenism does denote the cultural influence macedonians had all over the orient at the time
so why should we call it greek judaism when it's not in greece?
>remember this would have been at least 20 years after Jesus' crucifixion.
actually, maybe at least 10years after the Jesus' Crucifixion.
>, but the name of Jesus being thrown around again did not again the Roman ears
sorry I meant - Jesus' name being used again didn't go down well with the Romans, given the chaos last time. It was like killing John Lennon.
>No, he wasn’t
Yes he was. Saul wanted to save his people by creating a Hellenistic version of Yahwey worship for the goy.
>Jews hate him
Where? Modern Juda-ism created in Christian Rome?
>romans 13
Zoomer posts youtube as a response
>romans 13
>Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which Yahwey has established. The authorities that exist have been established by Yahwy
Subversive kike trying to play both sides and prevent Judea from getting sacked
>When Paul came along possibly pissed off with his job, life and having a major mid-life crisis, and seeking to do something bigger and better, he decided to establish himself as head of a 'neoJudaic commune' and created his own mythology about the man Jesus - remember this would have been at least 20 years after Jesus' crucifixion.
True accept that he was actually hunting Yeshua's follower and killing them. It's in the bible.
You’re clearly not even a Christian, so don’t comment. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
>Jesus himself would be a liar
like that claim he'll brb? (some of you standing here will not taste death?)
>nobody has posted this yet
>You’re clearly not even a Christian, so don’t comment. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
That's the thing, only non-religous people understand history and Christianity. You guys are just creepy little weak faggots who argue with each other's churches. You don't have opinions or research. I was raised Christian so that's why I do know and did objective research.
>Is it true that Paul of Tarsus corrupted Christianity like the Muslims claim?
lmao it was MUSLIMS who came up with that? I always thought that was just Pasolini being an edgelord
>base their historical knowledge on a pedophilic, illiterate war chief who took it in through local legend and known forgeries such as the gospel of Thomas
>500 years after the events of Christ
>personally saw the risen Christ who guided and spoke to him
>was in ministry with the original 12 apostles who all considered him an equal in their writings
>a contemporary of Christ and the apostles
>literally the person responsible for reaching the gentiles, meaning the most important person in the spread of Christianity after Christ Himself
This is a hard decision...
Paul went before the other Apostles at the church in Jerusalem (which was led by James, Jesus' half-brother). And Luke, who also wrote the book of Acts, does not record them ever having to correction. Acts 15 and 21.
>nobody has posted this yet
Because it's fucking retarded. All of those people in the Gospels would of been run off when Rome destroyed Judea. Everything else is just the Vatican trying to claim authority over Constantinople.
Islam's genesis was from a mad man, who gathered together a violent band of thieves and crooks robbing caravans which came about to beat their poverty and eventually becoming a Mafia like orgainisation with both predation and predatory practices, loosely built upon a Judaic moral frame work.
Christianity's genesis was from a philosopher, who believed in peace and love to all, and humans being free, which came about to oppose the external brutal militaristic order imposed by the Roman empire and equally internal brutal judaic religion imposed by the pharisees and saducees,
I like Christianity alot, it's mythos, it's iconology, it's teachings and philosphy, and the spirit of it's moral underpinnings (although there are contradictions) it's inspiring and served people well as a code of practice against something far worse.
I think there's room for a new contemporary faiths, like humanists, but more slightly more mysterious / mysticial and a genesis in struggle and creating equality of opportunity.
>True accept that he was actually hunting Yeshua's follower and killing them. It's in the bible.
I think Paul probably saw how fanatical jesus' follower's were, who I guess would have been less than a 250, and latched on the idea, if he could start a religion based on this, he could create something very strong.
Sounds like a prank pol would do. So early christians were edgelord autists.
>with both predation and predatory practices,
both predation and PROTECTION practices
>big empires means christianity is good and true
Islam is the religion of the evil one, don't listen to their lies.
>personally saw the risen Christ who guided and spoke to him
No he didn't. He was a vision on his way to kill more of Yeshua's followers. That's what he was doing in the bible.
>was in ministry with the original 12 apostles
Are you that ignorant of your own religion. The only time he met the 12 was when he fought with Peter.
>literally the person responsible for reaching the gentiles, meaning the most important person in the spread of Christianity after Christ
1. You don't have to say "literally" like a hipster all the time.
2. Christians are Saul's group, not Yeshua's.
3. Yeshua said he came for the children of Israel not gentiles
4. Yeshua's name was never Christ. It was Messiah
5. The first writings on Yeshua are in Aramaic not Greek
>who all considered him an equal in their writings
those illiterate jewish fishermen who wrote in greek?
Every group of egregious heretics claim that Paul was a false apostle, everyone from Muslims, to liberals, to Gnostics and Judeizers hate Paul.
Far from being a false apostle, Paul was essentially the first Christian theologian, who explains the life and teachings of Jesus, establishing an orthodoxy.
Saul would certainly have been looking for business opportunities like the Catholic Church became.
>Christianity means engineering and European engineering
more like...
>council of Nicaea 325
>lets create mythology about martyrs
>they never denied the faith to the end.
I bet they cried like babies, and they would just killed like every other normie troublemaker in Roman eyes.
>Christianity's genesis was from a philosopher, who believed in peace and love to all,
Christianity was created by Paul, that's his group.
Yeshua wasn't a philosophy and he didn't want peace. You posted the pic of him returning to kill everyone. Pic/qoute related.
The point being is that the Cross is sufficient for Jew and Gentile, alike. It is "Solus Christus" for salvation, not Jesus plus anything else.
The Jews are to keep to the law as a matter of heritage and honor to God, not redemption.
>Every group of egregious heretics claim that Paul was a false apostle
But Heretic just means against the Vatican, so it doesn't count because they were Saul's religion the "Xristians"
>It is "Solus Christus" for salvation
What? That's not Aramaic.
Lol it wasnt even forgeries but partials of fogeries and gospels.
It was the height of the 'Dark Ages', as Plutarch called the era so it was hard enough to get texts, and then you throw in backwater Arabia and of course they got missing pages and wrong documents. Historians have traced pretty thoroughly the early Islamic understanding of religion, down to figuring out the exact missing parts of Christian texts Muslims based their religion around.
But Luke was wrote 40-50years after jesus' death.
Luke was a Greek doctor, and right up Paul's ass, and just about everyone was sick of the bloody Romans and their taxes.
I think Jesus just wanted hippy peace.
>Islam is the religion of the evil one, don't listen to their lies.
Said every Christian about every religion, philosophy, and science in the last 1700years
>Christianity meant effective government writing military and organization socially and civilization
The idea that Paul's Christianity is fundamentally distinct from Jesus's is a historical speculation that you don't have any evidence for, you just assert this narrative.
If you take the time to really ponder it, Paul is more important to the salvation of the present day Christian than peter or the other disciples.
It could be argued that Peter, etc, received their commission directly from Jesus, and there power was thus derived from that direct commission.
That's good for them, but that does nothing to joe average living 2000 years later.
But the story of Paul is the story that makes the connection to modern times, and allows the modern Christian to really participate in the fellowship.
Paul, who never met Jesus in the flesh, who sinned to the point of acting against the faith itself, is called and empowered. That is important to those of the modern world who never knew Jesus in the flesh, and speaks as proof to our own chance of redemption.
There is also the large part Paul played in what became the official Bible. The books written by him provide a legal and logical foundation for the Christian belief; and render the Bible more than just the story of one Messiah and his 12 followers.
The Sanhedrin sent out Saul to torment Christians because of his loyalty. He had been trained since youth to follow their orders.
Christianity is objectively good and Islamic is objectively evil.
>The idea that Paul's Christianity is fundamentally distinct from Jesus's is a historical speculation that you don't have any evidence for, you just assert this narrative.
true, but that line coming from anyone who believes in paranormal supernatural abilities is laughable.
Saul was a kike
>Christianity is objectively good and Islamic is objectively evil
there's a reason for that.
Islam genesis:
>to promote theft and violence to overcome crushing sand nigger poverty
christian genesis:
>to promote peace to overcome roman and judaic brutal authoritarianism.
>Luke was a Greek doctor
He was a Syrian Jew
>Lūqās, Aramaic: לוקא, Lūqā
>and right up Paul's ass
I don't know where you get that.
>I think Jesus just wanted hippy peace.
Yeshua wasn't about peace if he said he was coming back to kill everyone and take over the world. But he knew he couldn't beat Rome. He was smart, he said mind your own bussiness. All of it was written after the Temple was destroyed but I highly doubt it was 83AD. It was most likely created as Jews wondered around looking to get back Judea once they were kicked out in 70AD
>Christianity is objectively good and Islamic is objectively evil.
Christianity is totally fucking evil as it creates Satanists and Jews and (((gnostic NWO globohomos))) and supports Zionism, not to mention the fucking pedo Vatican. But yes, Islam is evil.
>Yeshua wasn't about peace if he said he was coming back to kill everyone and take over the world.
JC didn't write ANY books.
If, and it's a big IF, any of his words, or stories are true, the first of which was wrote 30 years AFTER his death. You cannot say he wasn't for peace
>The idea that Paul's Christianity is fundamentally distinct from Jesus's is a historical speculation that you don't have any evidence for,
It's clear from Yeshua's words and Sauls' words. It's a different religion. In Corintheans Paul/Saul is writing in NeoPlatonic terms to Gnostics pedo sex addicts and telling them to chill out.
It's a fucking scam, and Paul also said don't listen to anyone but him because he was talking to Yeshua after death
A Vandal magister with known Arian tendencies was holding a symposium in honour of Demophilus, a known schismatic.
"Before the toasts begin, you must get on your knees and worship God and accept that he was the most divine entity the ecumene has ever known, even greater than Christus whom he created!"
At this moment, a venerable Praepositus Limitis who had served on the frontiers for decades and understood the necessity of taming the Barbaricum and fully supported the creed promulgated by the great Constantinus rose from his couch and held up a crucifix.
"Who does this represent?"
The Rhenian cur smirked quite devilishly and smugly replied, "the created child of an indivisible God"
"You miss the point. Jesus Christ our Dominus is of the same substance as God and thus equal to Him."
The heretic was visibly shaken, and dropped his wine krater and copy of Eusebius' Onomastikon. He stormed out of the banquet hall crying those laetus crocodile tears. The same tears Donatists and Priscillians cry for the "poor" (who today are so holy that saints vie to kiss their feet) as they flee Roman territory to the outrage-committing Bacaudae in Armorica. There is no doubt that at this point the "learned" Vandal wished he had studied the work of the Holy Apostles and become more than a ludicrous teacher of rhetoric. He wished so much that he had a spatha to disembowel himself with due to the shame but he had sold all the city's arms for Gaiseric's ransom pay!
The partygoers politely clapped and all ceased their apostasy that day and accepted Jesus as the true Son of God. A divine light suddenly shone into the room and blazed upon the bust of Augustine and the statue wept miraculously. The Nicene Creed was recited, and Jesus Monogenes himself descended and banished the barbarians to the hellish wastes beyond the limes.
The magister lost his tongue and was castrated the following day. He was exiled to Troesmis, far from from God's Light.
>yeshua came for the joos
Rise Peter kill and eat
>never Christ, but messiah
Holy shit you can't be this retarded
2 Peter 3:15:
>And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him,
Peter, the leader of the apostles. Kys shill
>It's clear from Yeshua's words and Sauls' words. It's a different religion
110% agree.
>JC didn't write ANY books.
His sayings are found in Aramaic before the Gospels. Look it up. It was just a bunch of meme speak but it's what the gospels became.
>accepted Jesus as the true Son of God
Yeshua as the true son of Yehway
Praise Jesus Consubstantialis.
> the joos
I stopped reading right there. I don't speak to kikes on here.
i wonder why the muslims dislike a less jewish influence.
There's a full little sect of Christians that believe this stuff, they call themselves Covenant. They can be found on . I kinda got wrapped up in this when I was new to christianity but quickly started finding too many problems to stay with them.
>In Corintheans Paul/Saul is writing in NeoPlatonic terms to Gnostics pedo sex addicts and telling them to chill out.
yeah, I thought about the letters alot.
I suppose under Jesus, his followers, were literally following him around and I suppose they established a share-and-care-all-alike, whether they decided to camp.
Paul suddenly had to deal with 'followers' who were stationary and far away from him, but wanted to follow the jesus mythology; in order to maintain his power from a distance, over these new followers, rules had to be put in place.
>Was Paul a false apostle?
Read his epistles and judge for yourself. Do pray to God before hand for Him to open your heart and your mind, but you should do this before reading any scripture.
>That pic
Must blacks don't understand Christianity, this is why black churches exist because they would be cast out of real ones.
Right, you have a historical speculation based off of your novel interpretation of the gospels and the epistles.
>retard can't keep lying anymore because he's objectively wrong, and has been exposed as thus, so he nitpicks a word
Wow literally kys shill