Attached: 1559855261284.webm (320x240, 2.88M)
Luis Hernandez
Christopher Harris
>nigger hate thread
>brazil flag
James Lee
I don't feel bad for hating them because I am not capable of hating them as much as they clearly hate one another.
Samuel Bailey
how can people be this evil and not human?
John Reed
Pick one
Landon Baker
What pisses me off is the lefty narrative that humans descended from niggers.
Today's garden variety nigger is what anthropologists refer to as a "Bantu".
Those are a quite recent development, originating about 4000 years ago around what is today's Ivory Coast.
From there they literally looted and mudered their way all over Africa.
The last common ancestor modern humans shared with niggers are the bushmen.
Like the oldest surving branch of human subspecies; the San people, who once were to be found all over subsahara Africa - you know them for their clicking language.
Tyler Russell
Joshua Lee
what were they attempting there?
Sebastian Davis
If I remember correctly from watching it on live leak when it was posted, they were trying to teach her a lesson for snitching using her phone or something
Noah Edwards
Gavin Jackson
probably he is a rapist or a pedophile
it's fun how Jow Forums say this is inhuman while you guys will do the same
Easton Thomas
Jungle lobotomy. Make her too dumb to run away again but still able to be used as a sex slave.
Robert Ramirez
Check out my ID.
Mason Stewart
Cooper Brooks
I remember being this naive.
Dominic Collins
>Jim Crowe
Shit sir
Julian Wright
Oliver Stewart
We now know that narrative is a lie.
Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find
Thomas Taylor
Michael Lewis
>without a gun
I bet they were all leftist cucks
Ryan Bell
Parker Reed
>kill a criminal
>reeeee niggers
Caleb Campbell
Even niggers hate niggers
Isaiah Hughes
We wuz snipers
Bentley Butler
...and yet my government thinks its a good idea for these animals to live next door to me. Do I really want to leave the fighting for my children?
Do I really want to die comfortably and let them fight the war?
Andrew Hill
good thing niggers kill their own
Levi Parker
Ethan Young
people doing this are just as sick as the rapists/pedo's, just a quick bullet and resume your day... god will punish him enough
Joseph Thompson
what crosses the threshold for a tireable offence in wakanda, and what is the appeals process?
Jayden Phillips
The local police refused to inform the public that there was a serial killer on the loose even though six middle aged white men were murdered in the same area within a few months.
Adrian Wright
my 3 weak old daughter is laying on my chest while I watched that.
that got kinda hard to watch. To hurt a being that's completely defenseless, that's low even for nigger
Landon Baker
Alexander Garcia
Voodoo extraction I think
Zachary Kelly
regular nigger inventions. in this case this is how a nigger time machine works. they send her into the future to find out the game scores so they can become nigger rich by betting 1 dollar. but they send her too far into the future in the year 5023 and when the bitch saw all that technology in the future.. well.. you saw what happened to her face.. she was literally woooooow
Grayson Phillips
Lincoln Myers
its a nigger, who cares. I dont see those animals as humans regardless of age.
Elijah Wood
damn dat accuracy
Jack Rodriguez
bump fuck niggers, and indians too
Brayden Hill
Wh*Toid subhuman
Liam Powell
I didnt puke or cringe much but I did kinda go "ah jeez guys just end him already"
Imagine just setting a person on fire infront of 100s of people and feeling good about it?
And my shrink thinks im anti-social kek
Jaxon Price
They use mineral oil for cooking?
Even if they would, why take it from transfromers and not any other mechanical device?
Besides that making plant oil is incredibly easy.
You only need some seeds, a piece of cloth and a stone.
Does it get them high or something?
Caleb Edwards
lol this movie was on the other day
Camden Ramirez
Say what you will but that was a great throw
Colton Robinson
Ayden Reed
it's unnervingly common. they need to be removed from society.
Xavier Brown
Sad world.
Joshua Powell
Ethan Miller
Almost all niggers are abused or molested as children. It's a large part of the reason they turn out so shitty when they grow up. The other part is that they're niggers.
Adam Perry
Landon Rodriguez
Pointless masturbatory thread, often used to distract sub room temperature IQ anons from threads where important topics are actually being discussed. Hard pass.
Noah Cruz
Just the fact that you saved this shows you’re a guaranteed loser in life.
Jace Flores
That's honestly the best you can come up with? Why even bother? It doesn't even begin to compare with what's in this thread. Idiot. Stop being fucking lazy and find something equivalent, you dumb shit. Or do those clips not exist..? XD
Cameron Garcia
That's pretty fucked up. But nigs are like that far more than whites are. Thus your point is moot.
Grayson Nguyen
Sure. Keep telling yourself that
Oliver Ortiz
And that baby nigger will just continue the cycle
Benjamin Myers
But here you are...
Thomas Collins
Why has no one ever suggested that not everything alive today evolved in a "positive" direction? If a tribe of down syndrome people somehow managed to survive long enough to get their population numbers up how would that look on your typical evolutionary timeline? Would that be a net win for people with extra chromosomes?
I just feel as though the data considering "evolution" has been presented in a way that doesn't represent reality. The models always move in a linear/one-way direction instead of being 3-dimensional.
Colton Ross
The nigger version of this is where they make the baby smoke crack.
Luis Ortiz
I knew niggers were stupid but I didn't think they were that retarded
holy fuck
Mason Sanders
Wyatt Williams
Dog Fighting Ring Busted by the Feds
Xavier Ramirez
Jason Morgan
Take away the paved road
Take away the running water
Take away the buildings
Take away the EBT
And nothing changes.
Still just murder.
What a shit race, not even human.
Jackson Taylor
Nigger guard doesnt shoot his grandson
Oliver Lee
>has a gun
>struggles to restrain a person half their weight
>doesnt chase after
>"why u no help me mang"
What a fat slob.
Angel Rivera
not a single THEM hate thread but this is always up, i wonder who is behind that and blaming Russsia, NK, or Iran for everything?
Jayden Fisher
Charles Johnson
Sure you can say all that, but you can never prove that they aren’t human.
John Diaz
Shut up negroid
Jeremiah Fisher
Jews are more intricate, they don’t have nearly as much material compared to nigs
Jack Carter
Let The Bodies Hit The Floor
Caution you will laugh and make a gif
Jonathan Brown
Tyler James
Jeremiah Turner
Daniel Baker
Carson Smith
They were Indian. Still funny, though.
Jeremiah Gray
Adam Martin
Chase Gray
You're thinking like a white person.
A nigger can't think more than 5 minutes into the future.
Why spend a bunch of time growing plants when there's a big shiny box with oil in it right there n'sheeit.
Henry Gomez
Luke Ramirez
Thanks! i really need this kind of vids.
Bentley Howard
Jim McRough
Tyler Nguyen
Oh man this is totally worse than beating your newborn baby, getting them to smoke blunts, getting them to smoke crack, getting them to hump you, choking them out, etc. I love black people now!
Wyatt Stewart
atleast the baby made it, you nigger subhuman.