What are they like irl? How many kids do they have per family? Are they based or cringe? Tell me Jow Forums?
Red pill me on the Amish
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Joos haven't got em
>leave unarmed until the day your a minority in the US and niggers kill you for your land
They sure have the drop on thew jews!
read Hostetler's Amish Society
Jow Forums doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about but want you to think they do
it's not worth your time if you genuinely want any insight into the Amish
they seem pretty cringy to me.
I work in a hospital and there are always amish camping out in the NICU due to one of their inbred children being born with some kind of deformity.
Amish are the only people who will wave as you drive by
Amish here. Ask me anything.
>LARP by not having electricity, go to local gas station and buy ice and Hunt Brothers pizzas
>Infest roadways and shoulders with horse shit regularly
>Don't pay taxes for their carriages but still use roads
>Constantly slow down fucking traffic doing previous
>Imagine the smell
Literally mountain jews desu
Are they usually as friendly as they seem, to outsiders, as long as they behave friendly as well?
PA fag here, ive seen a few amish in stores, went to some amish shores, also I have a family member that used to buy furniture from them and take it into the city to resell.
They are trad hard workers, but if you are not amish try not to make friends with them, they will literally non-stop jew you for things like car rides. My grandma had a few amish friends she accidentally made
>have soccer mom van
>amish guy asks if you can drive them to a store
>okay, its just a 20 min trip for one friend
>literally says "go down this road" 20 times
>you end up going to 12 different stores
>end up with 8 amish people in your van
>you cant even talk to them because they are all chatting
>with eachother in pennsylvania dutch
how is that gas-internet working for you?
They are similar to jews in that they love outsider money. They also don't pay taxes.
Absolutely, although my interactions are somewhat limited. I interact much more with mennonites, my mechanic and his employees were Mennonite. I kid you not, there was a black Mennonite that worked with them, full on Dutch accent and all.
Sometimes you have the lone schizo Amish dude that goes off the reservation and kills people (NW PA here) but I’m sure it’s super rare. Every once in a while you’ll watch the news and hear about someone slamming into a buggy with their car.
How many "D" cells does it take to run your computer?
Based as fuck! youtube.com
>Mountain jews
Except they aren't in the mountains you fucking mongoloid
You know nothing of the Amish, kill yourself faggot
You sound like a city fag, go get your nails done
I'm at the library, I don't own a computer.
That reminds me of this one time, my buddy was a musician and played at a county fair. There were several Amish ladies dancing in the front row, I’m assuming it was that time of year they venture into the secular world for a bit of fun. The Amish guys showed him their pimped out buggy after the set, full on purple velvet interior and bose sound system, etc. Loud as fuck. They hid it in the woods from their parents.
>What is Tennessee
Fuck off Mennonite scum. We know you are all cyrptokikes
Amish breed like muslims, Amish and Baptists are the only hope for the white race.
It's a paradise user
Some are okay, but they will Jew you each chance they get. I live near an Amish community, And i drove one out to Ohio last year for an auction .... He was an alcoholic degenerate who constantly cheated on his wife. They had problems with theft at the auction constantly. I worked for him on a job and he screwed over the homeowner, not to mention he was always trying to stiff me on pay. They're just like any one else.
I live in western NY. How far from Bradford are you?
They're pretty nice, I like them. A bunch of them have an ice hockey league that they run on a pond across the road from me during the winter. I envy them because they're probably the only sect of Christianity that no one in general fucks with.
Gonna be hard to make em a minority if they keep breeding like rabbits.
How did you get access to a computer
Amish are basically like Christian Hasidic Jews, along with the Mennonites, who seem to be more like non-Hasidic Haredim (Misnagdim), in my analogy.
Hired an Amish electrician once. Did great work. Would recommend to a friend
Redpilled. Out of the system as much as legally possible
>Amish electrician
seems like a contradiction.
I think so too
Can tell you one thing, they need to get the FUCK OUT OF THE ROAD
>What are they like irl?
Ugly and smelly
>How many kids do they have per family?
6+. If I remember correctly 20% of Amish leave the community when they reach adulthood.
>Are they based or cringe?
They help refugees and are inbred.
How to pick up Amish girls?
I like this.
Amish electrician in North Macedonia. Wtf.
80.7 miles
Lift with your legs?
Join them, is the most legitimate way, unless you could find one willing to leave that lifestyle behind. Their parents would not be pleased, though, and it would be dishonorable.
This. I will be honest, there’s this gorgeous white woman close by I want to meet. Hopefully we can both convert into the community and then have massive amounts of chadren. Seems the most appropriate way to preserve my genes.
Once you're in the community, there will be a lot of societal pressure imposed upon your descendants against ever leaving it. Legally, they can leave if they wish to, but they most likely would not. Most young Amish that go off on their Rumspringa come back, but I hope they don't do anything too nasty while away from home on their test. Ultimately, you have to decide if you want your descendants as part of that community, in addition to yourself. If you decide to get in, your life will not become "normal," whatever that means nowadays in the majority of America and the Western Hemisphere, again. Instead, you will be living an agricultural, rural, and family-based life centered around the Christian faith, local traditions, and gatherings of family members.
I met one last weekend. Very humble. 10 sons and 4 daughters. All White.
I'm not sure they would even intermarry with a non-White convert.
You must be near Erie then. Used to merch warren out to edinboro.
Unironically living the most based lives
Yes, very close near the boro.
Good food, good work ethic, generally nice keep-to-themselves people. Fuck being stuck behind a buggy on the roads though.
So I visited Florida recently and had a convo re: sheetz vs. Wawa... this meme is spot on.