The newfag epidemic

It has come to my attention that this place has become newfag central with people who don’t know anything about the culture, memes, people famous years ago in communities and just push YouTube e celeb drama and lingo here.

These people have no substance and don’t fit in here. What can we do about them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill them in Minecraft

Eat this chick's butt in minecraft

The truth is they’re all glowniggers
Point them out

teach them how to triforce

Okay,.. okay. cool it with the antisemitism. Israel is our greatest friend, we got Donald Trump elected for that reason, and we couldn't be happier.
There WERE 6 million Jews that died in the Holocaust, and if you disagree well.. that's your freedom of speech but it's also important to note that you're giving this website Jow Forums pol a bad name! Don't ya know that there are News outlets lurking here? Like come the fuck on man, stop with this bullshit already. Antisemitism isn't cool okay.

Attached: stop crying Pol.png (1196x454, 311K)


>attention newfags
>trump is a pysop
>the future of the white race hinges on one man
>and his name

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How do you expect to spread your ideas if all you do is bitch about newfags? Sure, their eceleb threads are fucking trash, but they usually grow out of that in a day when they realize no one fucking cares. After that we can show them the truth.
Everyone was a newfag and did gay shit at some point, so let these faggots get it out of their system.

They get this. That's all the help we should give.

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It's called summer.

Nothing because this is the internet faggot. Don't like it? Make a new private site.

Git gud bitch

Yah they're called fbi.

Stop posting this ugly scank.

>The blue pill is the truth.

>posting 3D and not 2D
And you think you're an oldfag?

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She’s hot retard

We will assimilate the new immigrants like we always have
; > )

I know the whole “you’re here forever” thing, but really, the board is probably 25% newfags at all times, with a steady drip of oldfags who just made their last post, perpetually. Get over it retard.

>culture, people

The culture is shit and no people since most of this board is kike shills

Bump z

Summer, newfag. Do your duty and redpill them.

>omg people have discovered this site like I once did

>What can we do about them?

Stop replying to all their idiotic bait threads every fucking day? Literally ignore them? Stop posting shit from reddit and then complaining that people from reddit come here.

It's summer

all this angieposting lately, what gives?


who dat

Everything always happens!

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What are we to do??
Make like moot and leave

They'll greet us as liberators.

Pol became new fag city after Grenfell Burnt down.

How is the weather in Northern Virginia right now? It's finally raining here in Jersey.

They are pissing in an ocean of piss, but newfrens still should lurk more before posting

The absolute state of coping seethe hards seething cope from their absolute state of seethe. Unreal. Cope harder seething incel coper seethes. The seething cope is palpable in your copenseethe

Nothing, because they're joining faster than they can learn the culture and etiquette which leads to offtopic shitposting and general faggotry, because they don't understand what's being posted. This has been happening for well over 10 years, I don't know why you're just now noticing it.

I’ve been here since 2016, I used to shitpost exclusively on social media. The bannings have backed me into this containment board. I’ve been redpilled more in 3 years here than I have in all my previous years on social media. Drop redpills on newfags. They’ll come around.


>newfags joining is a bad thing

Yeah okay. I get your point about derailing . If faggots would stop replying to newfag threads this would not be such a problem. Those normies coming here will never leave and that is a good thing. More people to our cause

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