How do you think Germany would have looked like if they had won the war?

How do you think Germany would have looked like if they had won the war?

Attached: DpU64glXgAIbpoW.jpg (849x1200, 167K)


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Clean, prosperous, optimistic, just with really really really ugly brutalist architecture everywhere.

A mono cultural shithole

The girl on the left is a fucking kike, dont you know that Shlomo ?

>posts 2 jewish chicks, a nigger, and a jewish production firm


>ugly brutalist architecture

I disagree.

Attached: München.jpg (479x666, 71K)

We did win the war user. America would never have fallen if we had not 88d chessed them. The Mexicans kept up their part of the bargain, stayed out of the war and kept on breeding.

Attached: Human population 1940 - 2010 -.jpg (4200x6184, 3.54M)

>Israeli flag
>hating Germany
>nigger interracial porn

This is why you get holocausts

It doesn't matter take away my points wh*Toid

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