Africanized bees that replaced our European honey bees are less resistant to cold winters. Why is nobody talking about this?
Un Bee lievable
>nobody grows flowers for bees to eat
>dude why the fuck are there no bees???
Don't worry I'm sure the European bees will give them mo honey for dem programs.
You missed the bullshit of the Brazilian killer bees that supposedly did this back in the 60s. There is even an easter egg about this in the movie "the nice guys" with Russell Crowe.
What you missed with that little bullshit and the current bullshit. They made the claim because they knew that the chemicals the EPA had just approved would cause colony collapse syndrome.
you got hood winked
It's sad... I'm sad. We need to promote honey more. beekeepers are their only hope. Also: multiple story buildings with greenhouses bruh... do that shit.
So it was worse 13 years ago and better for the last 13 years.
ah yeah africanized bees are not regular honey bees. regardless everyone with a fucking brain knows that it's because pesticides. although the hype of we're all doomed when the bee's die shit is retarded because if necessary we could build fleets of mini drones that were used to pollinate
Do your part fags, grow flowers and get a hive or two. Honey is expensive. Once you have one up or two your set for a year of honey. Dont support the sugar jew. Great for a garden.
Really? Are there no flowers out there in the wild?
I had a theory that it that these bee's were the result of overbreeding and are now subjected to diseases.