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Have you ever committed a crime Jow Forums?
Nicholas Hill
Easton Reed
spooks are retarded animals
Robert Fisher
killed a guy driving
Hudson Hernandez
fuck off fbi
Carson Hughes
Posting here
Jeremiah Lewis
I stole a banana from Walmart
Charles Kelly
must be a helluva shot to hit a moving target
Luis Phillips
no I hit him with my car
Hudson Russell
speeding, drinking underage,smoking underage
William Wood
I kidnap women and conduct drastic genetic experiments on them in an effort to sate my overwhelming tall girl fetish.
Ethan Johnson
I parked next to a yellow curb without noticing.
Wyatt Wright
I called my father bald once
Charles Adams
Hope you guys can forgive me. Sometimes I drive 5 mph over the speed limit.
Ryan Collins
SWIM acquired a MAGA hat which violated a couple of FEC regulations
Luis Sullivan
>Have you ever committed a crime Jow Forums?
Do you enjoy working honey pot duty, officer?
Elijah Gomez
of course, anyone saying he hasn't doesn't know the law
Hunter Murphy
there is simply no way to live without breaking some law
Brody Long
dura lex, sed lex /s
Leo Baker
yes I let you post this thread and live glownigger
Bentley Collins
I'm not a nigger, believe it or not, if you are educated, you will know what laws are, you dumb flaggot.
Josiah Lee
Dear FBI please fuck off
Christian Evans
I had a dui in Phoenix and had to spend a week in Tent City Jail in July. It was a cool experience and a great story
Xavier Jones
of course not daddy cia
Asher Morales
laws now a date ?
I posted something, I'm like a war criminal
Liam Rivera
I once forgot to renew the tags on my vehicle.
Sebastian Roberts
As a kid I actually stole something from a shop
Juan Perez
Assault (ed niggers) 18 months.
Driving while intoxicated only because of prescription pain meds I was on at the time.
Lost my power steering in my car and hit a porche going 45 and got charged with a dui.
They sued. I am not responsible for shit because I have nothing ' on paper ' (:
Never went to court for it.
Fuck the Jews.
Carter Young
Was the date 9/9/1999?