the only thing holding us back from reaching space is belief in this idiot
think about that for a minute
the only thing holding us back from reaching space is belief in this idiot
think about that for a minute
Go to bed Avi.
keep seething faggot
God doesn't answer prayers because there is no god in the first place.
Did you know Newton was a fanatic Christian mystic? And no-one has yet to come near to his contributions.
Turn from your wicked American ways, bend your knee and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The kingdom of heaven is near.
christian trolls like to cling on to Newton for being christian. Yet his accomplishments have nothing to do with god.
There might be on or two other things
The meek shall inhieret the earth. The rest of us can leave.
Jesus was really just a jealous poorfag trying to redistribute wealth commie style. His crusification was justified by according to the NAP.