>there’s an ongoing conversation happening around Japanese games, with some fearing that titles are getting “censored” in America, especially after a report claimed that Sony was tightening up its rules about sexual content in the West. >the translation floating around right now mentions that an ethics department determined that “restricting” Tifa’s chest was done to make sure that she didn’t look “unnatural” during fight sequences.
Oh yeah, what a win for us. Societal collapse because we're so apathetic we just let everyone else do whatever they want while we sulk in the internet ghettos.
Jordan Martinez
Japan is cucking?
Henry Ward
lmao gaming is so cucked now that even jap devs are bowing down to women and licking their soles.
Xavier Davis
Small perky tits are my thing. Still a bit too big desu
Colton Garcia
Not like OP isn't
Juan Lopez
Screencap this. When you're about to invade Don Corneos mansion there is going to be trans propaganda.
>Tifa and Aeris dressing an apprehensive Cloud >Tifa: "You know, Cloud, in some parts of the world this kind of thing is actually kind of normal!" >Aeris: "Yeah! After all - it's perfectly natural to want to become who you truly feel on the inside, isn't it?" >Cloud: "..." *walks into dressing room with his wig and dress*
Wyatt Edwards
Motherfucker archive that shit.
Jace Allen
yeah he is too but OP is a faggot, you don't seem like one stop phonefagging mate, you're not a glownigger
>ethics department worried about how she'll look unnatural in combat not even a good excuse
John Ward
this. I wanted to see some big titties physics
Jace Hill
Wear a bra,fatty
Luis Gutierrez
ethics department? sounds like its full of SJWs.
Ian Fisher
>tits look unnatural >giant meteors shooting out of a twink's 150 lb sword is natural nigga what
Logan Peterson
Someone should start a petition claiming reducing her chest is victimizing women who may associate with her original character, that women come in all different shapes and sizes but to make her boobs smaller because they're unnatural will marginalize women who consider themselves athletic despite having large beasts. It's basically saying women with big boobs can't be athletic.
Chase Morris
>mosquito bite tifa hawt
James Sanchez
>big tits aren't natural, reduce >hulkish BBC on all the steroids with a gun for an arm, perfection
Jaxon Moore
so they admit it, outstanding. Now I don't feel like I'm overreacting when I don't spend 300$ for ps4 and another 300$ for collector's edition. I'll just wait for it to come to pc and then wait for a half off sale.
Levi Allen
>while we sulk in the internet ghettos
fuck off, this isn't plebbit or kikebook.
Christian Perry
it's fucking ridiculous considering how degenerate the west is, thots on Instagram 95% naked, thots on tinder taking anal for pizza, thots on Snapchat selling nudes, pornstars celebrated as powerful and virtuous, HBO steaming dicks and titties to millions of livingrooms, pop stars twerking their asses off, but a video game character with large breasts? that's too much
Caleb Morris
Also as an addition to my original comment, I hope everybody here appreciates the irony in selling a 300$ collectors edition but cutting out "Adult themes" such as large natural breasts to keep it T for Teen when the original game not only had them but the remake is clearly targeting nostalgia.
Luis Gray
narcissists jealous of video game characters. It's like a cat looking in a mirror and thinking it's another cat.
yeah, that Teen rating is worthless since the people who are going to be interested are around 30 years old. if anything they should have gone Mature and improved on adult themes since it is meant to be more realistic and immersive, teens play Mature games regardless and I'd wager most of them would prefer an M rating over a neutering
Bentley Carter
All these angry comments from all these seething dykes who don't even play games.
Jack Miller
WHT does she need large tits? To distract from how bad the Japanese are at making games? With only an exception of a few like dark souls
Oliver Smith
The loudest voice gets heard, meanwhile straight white males aren't allowed to share their opinions.
Brody Martin
yeah it's not like deadpool killed at the box office or anything, the market is there.
Jayden Brown
she doesn't need them, she has them. Saying "She doesn't need large breasts" is like if you forced breast reductions on women irl.
Daniel Rodriguez
Women have no control over their busy size. Shrinking Tifa's breasts is no different belittling her for the right to have an abortion.
Julian Evans
Tifa reveal made my dick hard, especially with her outfit. They did good.
Charles Evans
The surgical Jew would consider your opinion problematic.
It's done for perverse reasons, idiot. The Japanese can't write for shit so they use sex appeal.
Tyler Lee
So they confirmed Sony SF made them censor her tits so the blue-haired dykes wouldn't feel threatened. Great.
Ian Rivera
Have sex, loser.
Justin Thompson
Sounds like those blue-haired dykes are the ones who need to get laid. Imagine feeling threatened sexually by some pixels.
Liam Perez
People just don't want to feed into your perverse attitude. You're what's wrong with society by being a sexually starved loser. Get laid and stop promoting degeneracy
Lincoln Myers
>women who have big breasts are whores where have I heard this one before?
John Young
It's located in San Francisco. Your capital.
Leo Clark
They just want to make sure all of the characters look natty.
Imagine tell a girl with big tits shes not allowed to have big tits. Tifa's were never absurd.
Ryder Sanders
the irony in his comment is the implication that once you have sex you'll stop loving big breasts.
Gavin Long
>Sony was tightening up its rules about sexual content in the West. Im unironically ok with this. There's enough degeneracy as it is these days. I just think they are doing it for the wrong reasons tho...
Blake Ward
big tits = demeaning/sexist small tits = YOU are a child molester
Eli White
They aren't doing it for Jow Forums reasons idiot. It's literally in SF and they want more homo shit and less "CIS" shit. That is what they meant be tightening up on content.
Adam Roberts
Japanese women aren't prone to have large breasts. So they're either fetishizing western women (perversion) or using large breasts to sell their game. (perversion)
Isaac Walker
>when you're misrable and want to make everyone else as miserable as you no wonder tranny suicide rates are high.
Hunter Barnes
Now you're just a racist and an incorrect one at that.
John Harris
Or it's just japanese high culture (based and redpilled)
Brandon Gutierrez
You have to go back
Oliver Martin
>I'm an authority on japanese women
Lincoln Myers
>Large breasts are degenerate Yeah, women should all look like twinks, totally less degenerate
Dominic Bailey
Degenerate and pervert pilled
Aaron Martinez
No, you do. Japan has around the same average breast size as America now since they have had a heavier diary diet over the years.
Adam Ross
It's basic biology and differences in races. Simple shit.
Dylan James
They don't have blonde hair or nogs, either.
Jaxon Hill
No tits no buy
Robert Kelly
Keep talking out of your ass and staring at pictures on the internet. Youre just a desperate pervert. You've lost. Stay down dog. The breasts got reduced. You might as well kill yourself because a pervert won't keep you alive
Jordan Rodriguez
>They aren't doing it for Jow Forums reasons idiot I did acknowledge they were doing it for the wrong reasons dipshit. Learn to read retard.
Cooper Long
> no more boobs > no more panty shots fuck this life
Why would you play the remake when you know they cut out GET THEM SOME GODDAMN TEA? Fuck that shit, play the OG on your PS2 via component on a nice warm trinitron.
Go back to reddiit please. You're a faggot and most likely not even white. You don't belong here.
Mason Smith
>Yeah, women should all look like twinks Thats a strawman. I'm saying we don't need over sexualisation in our media and entertainment.
Carter Morales
>talking out of your ass No, that would be you. Why don't you take your flag off?
Jonathan Flores
Thank you for proving my point. Keep it coming
Matthew Wilson
And than what? What are you gonna do faggot?
Ryder Howard
>make sure that she didn’t look “unnatural” during fight sequences
Why the fuck do they think I play video games?
Easton Adams
wow normally one is enough but you went through the trouble of cooking up three excuses on why you don't have to provide facts to back up your claims. well riddle me this, how can the white race be the master race if you're so dumb?
Leo Ramirez
Large breasts under a shirt isn't over sexualization, believe it or not if you interact with real women you'll notice that they have varying bust sizes. Some in fact, are large.
John Ramirez
Look if you refuse to accept facts that's not my fault. Stop beaing a weeb for a day and you'll soon realize japs are nothing like your gay anime
Henry James
>Be stronk womyn >Bitch about oversexualization in vidya >Bitch, bitch, bitch >Finally get the results I want >The finished vidya game comes out >Buy myself makeup instead
Why do they do this?
Oliver Hall
Gabriel Wright
>The Japanese can't write for shit so they use sex appeal. they finally drop 3rd nuke how my country survive can now
Yea women love showing off their breasts too. They hang them out and accentuate them as much as possible just so men will look at them. Tifa's redeeming qualities are her boobies. It's like cloud having chocobo hair. Or Barret being a nigger. Or Yuffie being a kike. It just fits. Why change it.
Henry Morris
>the facts According to a Japanese lingerie study the most common cup size is C. The second most common is D. With A being the lowest even under F cups. Those are the facts.
Grayson Lewis
Or Aerith being dead.
Levi Adams
>video game has evil demon houses that fire rockets >but god forbid we have unnatural tiddies
William Thomas
>It's basic biology and differences in races. this is not a fact it is an assertion
in real women sure, it means less likely to have you investing resources raising someone else's child and less likely to contract STD's, and less likely to divorce you and take half your shit.
But this is fantasy, not reality. So we want some big fuggin anime tiddies.