Thank you AOC, for exposing the Trump administration!
Thank you AOC, for exposing the Trump administration!
"Illegal" is a nationality now?
I actually support locking up jewish and japanese kids today, simply because they're jewish and japanese
Yeah, I'd support that
If they aint scandinavians, lock em up or shoot em up.
When illegal is a nationality...
And this is a bad thing?
If you lock up criminals for doing crimes then you like hitler
Each of them are/were perceived to be a threat to the state. So yeah I'm okay with this.
>btw we're totes not dogwhistling about the holocaust
I swear this stupid fucking cunt comes up with some of the most asinine analogies
Illegal is not a race or nationality
No one can refute this point because it shows what gullible, hateful little sheep Trump supporters are.
They all would support Japanese interment and the Holocaust if they lived at the time, because they're the sort of people who have always swallowed up every bit of hateful rhetoric dropped into their trough.
They're not special.
You’ve come to the wrong place if you think those bottom images are going to be persuasive.
WTF, I`m democratic socialist now.
Must be difficult to survive on such meager scraps
>FDR was the greatest president of all time
>Trump’s the worst because his migrant facilities are as bad as the Japanese interment camps.
>>FDR was the greatest president of all time
Who are you quoting?
Looks tasty as long as that meat is medium-rare.
Joke is on AOC, I support the locking up of everyone not white.
Why has nobody asked her why she thinks thess so called concentration camps are only on the borfer and nowhere else in the country ?
These fucking mexicans are eating better than I am
WTF no mushroom sauce? Cruel and unusual punishment IMHO
>uses Obama pics of kids locked up
Nice b8, OP!
The people who model their platform off of FDR, you know the ones who are pushing the green new deal. Where do you think new deal comes from?
I support locking all three up. Invaders should not be taken lightly.
Why the fuck is she drudging up this old CNN lie crap?
I wonder if (((they))) find the comparison offensive
Japanese kids weren't illegal aliens tho
My brother is a public servant, patrol deputy, and he ate easy mac for lunch because he is broke. What a sham.
Yes to all.
>fancy brocollinis
its the fucking fancy stuff