America is the best country in the wor

>Depleted Military
Every recruiting station in my area of NJ has closed, entirely
>Capitalistic Education
We have a shortage of doctors (and thus import them) we have a shortage of Nurses, Engineers. So why do we make education only affordable for NON-whites? If we need doctors, why don't we make Medical School Affordable
>Fucking NO infrastructure
Simply put, you are made a slave to BigOil. Unless you live in or near the big city, your ass isn't going anywhere without a car. Better take out that LOAN, be sure to pay your yearly PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES, don't forget GAS, and BRAKES, and INSPECTIONS, and INSURANCE.
>We have 50+ year olds working 2 jobs to pay for medicines
Let's be real, Health Insurance companies aren't in the business of actually helping you, they're in the business of stealing your money, and finding reasons to deny your health coverage.
>Our prison system is a fucking joke
Rather than offering actual College education to prisoners, or at least teaching them a trade, we lock them up for years, let them out with no skills, then wonder why they end up back in prison

Seriously, the heatlh care, what the fuck. Can someone tell me how our GDP is like 17.5 Trillion per year, and

have Universal Healthcare but we don't?

And can someone also please explain why the only argument anyone who has the IQ of a fucking gnat can conjure up is
>well, erff yew doan lyke it boy, you can git out

Is that it?

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Russia = Free Child care

America = child care can be $500-$1,200 per month

>Be me
>Get injured in France
>Have zero travel insurance
>Get treated
>because I'm fucking a burger American ask how much my bill will be 1000 times
>Get told over and over sarcastically that THIS IS NOT AMERICA, WE TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE HER
>Return to America later on
>Shake my head at this shit country
>We have more mudslimes, nogs, and ghettos than France

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Argue with German, Russian and Switzerland anons earlier about how thier countries are 3rd world shit holes.

They bring up the GDP of the US, then post pictures of the homeless in skid row, New York, Florida, DC and other places. Then they bring up the fact that we have a privatized prison industry, no medical health care, then they Post pictures of literal shit, piss and needles on the streets on San Francisco . Then pictures of actual homeless in San Francisco taking shits on the side walks in front of people and kids, then proceed to post more pictures of entire fucking neighborhoods abandoned in Ana's Camden, Detroit, Chicago and so on.

Mfw I realize my country is the biggest shithole and a literal meme like India.

Have you ever had to play mental gymnastics with yourself, in an effort to ignore valid points that people brought up?

Have you ever run out of arguments, and so all you have left to resort to is saying
>well durka durr, eeeef yew done like eet we'll yew kan geeet out durr
Or something equally stupid like
>America is the most free country in the world

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>my country is the biggest shithole
yet people are flooding across the border in record numbers. how do you reconcile "biggest shithole" with "everyone wants to be an American" ?



Oh, yeah.... It was so horrible being treated better in fucking France than I get treated her in the US. The average Doctor here in America spends 5min or less with the patient. Remember, it's the US, so money money money, capitalism, gotta maximize revenue as much as possible right? Meanwhile in the rest of the actual developed world, doctors legit give a shit.

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Everyone wants free shit. The issue with your point, is that here in America, if you are a minority, or refugee, you get life handed to you on a silver platter, hence affirmative action med school admissions.

But if you are white, straight, and work, expect to be a slave.

>depleted military
It’s peace time nigger, the military always shrinks personnel roles

>shortage of engineers, doctors
Lol fuuuuuuck no. Just head over to /sci/ and look at all the engineers and med students bitching about the market being saturated.

>health insurance
Yeah I’ll give you that one, shits fucked

>prison system
Prison is a punishment, not a day camp to find yourself

Also, people are not coming here in record numbers. You make it sound like the world is flocking here, that's simply not true.

Mexicans and South Americans are. Also, many of the foreigners we have here like Doctors, Nurses, Engineers etc., WE IMPORT.

Well why do we do that? Because we have a shortage here, because education is fucking prohibitively expensive unless you're a nigger or woman

Get to work wh*tey