What if we never destoryed Iraq?

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Instead of having 23 tril in debt we'd have 19 tril in debt. That's all.

What if we destroy the rest of the world?

the world is irrelevant.

Iraq had higher literacy and even a working railroad.

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Their electricity still has never been the same.

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Israel would be in a position where they would have to not Jew as Jewish as they currently Kike; the only true reason we staged it all. That and MiC cryptokike money.

The national debt would be less and maybe we could afford basic social programs so zoomers would stop being piss babies and not become communists.

when I was a kid my dad regularly traveled there for work in the oil industry as a geologist. It was safe, and modern. Now... well lets just say we didnt leave it better than the way we found it.

Honestly I’d be behind taxing billionaires if it weren’t just going to worthless niggers and spics.

Totally aesthetic army.

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Saddam had built a highway system that was better than most in California.

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Iraq was legit our homie in the 80's so they wouldve continued to be the counterweight to Iran. Too bad Saddam and his sons started acting a fool thinking the Bushes wouldnt get them.

Pan Arabism wouldve been a thing and the Wahabbis/Extremist Shias wouldve been eliminated in no time. Islamic terrorism wouldve also been non-existant.


>those feels

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less dead americans

Less pollution
Less depleted uranium
Less Gulf War Syndrome

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I remember at one point in the 90's we wouldn't even allow them to install fiber optic lines. The argument was made that it was for military command and control so construction was regularly bombed.

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sounds good to me

If that was real gold wouldnt that be crushing him. gold is heavy as fuck.

gold Density @ 293 K: 19.32 g/cm3
lead Density @ 293 K: 11.34 g/cm3

Heavier than lead. I'd imagine a lead pig like that would weigh about 80lbs.

I wonder if we still fly pallets of cash to Iraq to prop up their government?

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Unpopular opinion: The Iraq War has largely been successful

>The Iraq War has largely been successful
What was the mission again?

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>The Iraq War has largely been successful
in letting your kike overlords release trained ISIS leaders to take over these lands and slaughter civilians and distrupt and ruin other countries in the region.

Unironically hang yourself you dumb fuck.

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You mean Libya? There would be a gold backed currency being used in the muslim world to trade gold. And the USA's fiat would become massively crippled as the Arabian peninsula switches to Ghadaffi's real money for their wares.

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>Honestly I’d be behind taxing billionaires if it weren’t just going to worthless niggers and spics
Real talk, this right here is why you deserve to die in a ditch of starvation. "Waah waah we shouldn't have single payer, decent wages, non-militarized police or 21st century infrastructure cuz people who don't look like me might benefit!!" FUCK. YOU. Racists are the cancer killing America, and quite frankly shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Your're forgetting the chaos caused by our destabilizing the country. With a strongman like Saddam in power, ISIS would never have gained a foothold in western Iraq to launch attacks on Syria. So the civil war there, would either not happen or be squashed quickly. This means no migrant crisis into Europe. The political ramifications of that would be huge in Europe.