Actually that's an oligarchy, could be considered socialism. Free market isn't free when not only monopolies exist, but get funded by the government.
It's hilarious how moronic is.
False. That is called corruption fag
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Ample percent of people with wherewithal don’t care about fucking sappy randian type anarcho-morals. They want money, they don’t give a damned about muh free system, they rape your ass. Period btfo stuf. The anarcho stuff is eyeroll worthy faggotry. It doesn’t work. Throw it in the trash, so you like freedom fuck off.
pol/ cant understand the concept of the bourgeoisie, they cant understand that capital owns the state, commands it, they think the "government" is in charge.
By that logic mercantilism all throughout the middle ages and early modern period is free market capitalism which isn't surprising because the average 'woke af' twatter poster doesn't even know what mercantilism is.
>NAP violations are the free market
No, we believe the people should be in charge.
How do you expect to get anywhere when you refuse to understand the enemy?
how's a businessman making a voluntary transaction with a congressman is a violation of the the NAP? you want to regulate the free market?
The congressman's very existence is a NAP violation.
Regulating monopolies and trust busting makes the markets freer for everyone.
Again, you don't understand your enemy and it shows.
a congress man is a person who offers services in exchange for money. this is what people do under capitalism. a capitalism offers to give money to a congressman running against other congressman. the congressman passes laws that promote the intrests of said capitalist. that free-market, saying this is wrong and should be outlawed is regulating the free market, its hatred of capitalism - using state violence to prohibit two consenting adults from making a mutually voluntary transaction
yeah but we're free to use the roads and you don't have to build it
Regulating monopolies?
a monopoly is simply a company that out-competes all its competitors. it offers the best products and services to the point that other companies literally cant compete. whats wrong with that? who are you to say which company is "too big"? big means SUCCESSFUL..
Good thing most of us here aren’t capies.
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OP is a faggot
I don’t like reality either.
That's the way you look at it because you're a natural boot licker. Most monopolies are funded by the government because they have a lot to offer them, a good example being Google.
There is gov in free market? I don't think so.
>buy government advantages
>somehow free market
If we killed the government the market wouldnt have this government created problem user.
Can someone link/give me a pic about false rape report statistics and so on?
Thanks in ahead
It isn't free trade in anyway specifically because of government handouts and bailouts for these major companies. Yet the little man gets nothing to help them.
A congressman only has power to sell because he belongs to a entity that organizes the forceful and violent coercion of millions of other people and their natural human rights (ie. taxation) to fund themselves (the State). The very nature of the State is inherently a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle and against the notion of private property rights and therefore Capitalism.
> that free-market, saying this is wrong and should be outlawed
The free market is not a individual entity, but the resulting sum of all human transactions. It does not "wish" for something to be outlawed. People do.
>using state violence to prohibit two consenting adults from making a mutually voluntary transaction
The very transaction is State coercion to begin with. This is curricular logic.
I think where you are getting hung up on this concept is that somehow self interest and rent seeking is a uniquely "capitalist" behavior when it occurs in every human society. All humans, even the most ardent communists, seek added value; weather this be food, money, social status, spiritual fulfillment, etc.
Crony capitalism =/= capitalism
Crony capitalism =/= capitalism. It’s closer to socialism
>i-it's not real capitalism!!!!
Hardest pill to swallow is that the lower 80% of all humans deserve the slavery, exploitation, and force done against them by the superior members of their respective societies. These people are willing and able to coopt, coerce, and persuade dumb peons into acting a certain way, and the fools unwilling or unable to act against them are consenting to their enslavement, through and through. Market or no market, property or no property, the needs of the few better people outweigh the needs of the dumb, weak, many.
Jow Forums hasn't taken the Ayn Rand pill? Pathetic
right but it was at many different points in our history and it was fucking BASED
also you seem like the kind of guy who would rightly claim America as a quasi-socialist country but then say shit like that. That's what I like to call "cognitive dissonance"