Is the only difference between a liberation and an anarchist just how free they think you should be
Liberation or anarchist
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Thats the funniest thing about modern society.
nazis are leftists and are masqurading as right wing nationalists, while anarchists(antifaggots) are masqurading as the good guys.
its opposite world.
I think libertarian is the word you're looking for. delete and make new thread.
is republican real freedom? or the false sense of individual freedom while big brother is in control telling you that you are free?
Libertarians actually care about your rights.
Shit I didn't even notice that
>this chart
u can tell some tighty-righty did this pic because they paired radical nationalism with communism, as if they're the same thing.
Facism only works when everyone on Earth is the same race.
libations are tasty, don’t forget to balance the citrus and sugar.
>libertarianism is synonymous with American patriotism
>just how free they think you should be
That can definitely be part of it. Often the difference comes down to whether someone believes the act of law enforcement is necessary or not. A libertarian would say there will always be people who will harm others and violate their rights if given the opportunity, therefore we should have a government capable of stopping these people and hopefully preventing some from even trying it in the first place. Often they'd say the government should do little more than that however.
Meanwhile an anarchist often labors under the notion that the fundamental issue of violence and crime in society is solvable if only the oppressive factors of society can be remedied. They believe it's possible to remove the need for law enforcement. I've yet to meet an anarchist who actually thought it was morally acceptable to murder people just because you feel like it, so it seems both sides believe there is a limit to how far your freedom should go, the anarchist is much more trusting of you and your self-restraint.
Fascist. Also that chart is retarded.
What are you attempting to communicate leaf?
learn it from here
Libertarians aren't so stupid. They realize that without a state there can be no property rights, and that a limited state is absolutely necessary to maintain the monopoly on violence so that literal Communists don't try and take everything over.
Most of them are retards however, and advocate the elimination of Welfare, but don't realize that Welfare is a Capitalist creation to prevent the bottom feeders of society from hitting rock bottom and supporting revolutionary ideologies like Marxism.
Anarchists are teenagers who don't understand the nature of power, and will destroy a moderately bad State entity over issues of abstract "morality", without realizing that the status quo, while bad, is far less bad than a totalitarian Marxist state (which is one of the legitimate possible options to emerge from an Anarchic power vacuum).
Anarchy is a transitional period, and within human Civilization, cannot be sustained.
Libertarians care about their own rights. They care about you caring about your rights, but only when your rights are also their rights. This does not mean they care about my rights.
Also these charts are for retards. The world doesn't exist in a one dimensional tunnel of relative authority and liberty.
They're pretty much equally amount authoritarian, nothing else matters in it
I mean, there needs to be some government, just the smaller the better.
>capitalism (No force)
Remove "communist" and place it with the socialist one mate.