Is anyone else from a meme background?
>NEET hapa
>white roastie mom
>chinese dad 29 years older than her
add to the blog.
Is anyone else from a meme background?
>NEET hapa
>white roastie mom
>chinese dad 29 years older than her
add to the blog.
Other urls found in this thread:
>70% med 10% anglo 15% native 5% BLACK
Im white trash
my god alert r/hapas immediately they need hope
take your meds
>half black
>don't know real dad
>black step-dad
>he was a crack head the majority of my life
>own a pitbull
>NEET hapa
>white nationalist manlet with yellow fever father
>Japanese tiger mom
>feel closer to my family in Japan.
It could be worse. People find me to be smart and attractive.
Turkish doesnt count as med you literal nigger roach
do you relate to r/hapas?
i have royal med (french and portuguese) surnames. But we are NOT white.
not really. I'm really comfortable in social situations though I'd prefer to be by myself. People tend to think of me as really having my shit together but it's all an act. I know I'm capable in ways many people aren't so I don't really put blame on external factors though I think my dad's a cunt and is the one responsible for impeding me.
>100% Mexicano
White boys and noggers cannot compete
Only 3% Black and 5% gook. Suck on my mostly white cock you mutts
>great uncle fights for Germans
>grand parents just come to the US after country is turned to rubble
Does this count as meme
I imagine things must be more difficult for you than me since the age between your parents is so great. My parents are the same age and I think that made a difference for me though they've little in common beyond that.
12% injun. (And not the pajeet kind.)
what's there to doubt?
We have an assload of Hapas as well in my moms homecountry Brazil and even here in Germany in certain cities. Usually they arent attractive. Same as the nigger infected in Brazil
you wish
I'm not going to be a cunt and complain about it but it's not really easy. People staring at you is a really uncomfortable feeling. Several past girlfriends started a fight by saying they were more attractive than me, as if it was something they worried about. I've had people tell me I'm the most attractive person they've ever seen. How are you supposed to respond to something like that? I constantly make self deprecating comments about myself to put people at ease around me. It's pretty fucked really. I honestly prefer just to stay inside and not have to think about it.
>most attractive person in the world
Something doesn't add up here
Now, let m ask you this: what kind of woman would a hapa White Nationalist marry?
lol. I know, though I am about 6 inches taller than the old man.
my dad is the one that is white nationalist. I identify as a Trotskyite. I'll probably never marry though I've been with a white girl, east indian, Cambodian, black, and Greek girl.
If he married an Asian, he wasn't a WN.
it's a bigger tent that the way you'd have it defined. he's basically the guy in that meme that's crying about interracial relationships and then goes home to his trad family with the gook wife and hapa kids.
Still not a WN. If swear to you that I'm a Trotskyite, but then as soon as the day of the international socialist revolution comes I kill you with an ice pick, I'm not a Trotskyite, am I? I'm a liar.
I don't really understand what you meant by your post.
Your father was a white nationalist in the same sense that an an-com who hunts down and kills antifa is an an-com.
That is basically every nigger female or male with money in existence. Unironically.
This. Despite not using the term my famlies both are WN. No Asians or Niggers in the senpai despite being 1/2 from Brazil.
it's all just labels larpers ascribe to themselves online. In an "idealized" world where these movements might actually come to pass, I know which camp my father would end up in.
A white nationalist is just someone who advocates for a white ethnostate. Anyone can be one, regardless of race.
Wie are just ahead of the curve. Having seen Balkanization to an extent Americans only dream about its safe to say that at least in Europe its the future.
I still dont understand the value proposition behind the Asian waifu trope
Asian waifus are cute and it’s a good life?
every nation that's ever existed or will exist in the future will become balkanized. Borders are illusory and always shifting. Even Japan is not a homogenous country and will county to be less so by the year.
*continue to be less so
My whole country is a meme
That's true. However, you are not a white nationalist if you are actively fighting AGAINST white nationalism through your actions.
They look unattractive to me. Short legs, flat faces, they arr actually fairly brownish in reality too. Also when being 1.90m tall it looks funky to be with small people. But its difficult for me to find somebody attractive anyway, being extremely k-selected. In the last half year I only saw one attractive woman and she is an internet meme.
>White mom
>Dad's in prison
At least he's white too
>100% white
I know, I know. Pretty rare around these parts.
My Dad is a convicted murderer.
Not sure if it counts as a meme, but he was all into weird prison gang racism and I got brought up around it lol.
>In an "idealized" world where these movements might actually come to pass, I know which camp my father would end up in.
Yes, in a hypothetical racial conflict, he would end up on the side of this non-white family. He is not a white nationalist.
What does 100% Mexican even mean?
100% mixed race
Mestizo. Just like other ethnicities they are forming somewhat of an own race.
what for?
My point exactly lmao
I am mixed my damn self. Used to hate it, now I just put up with it
I had a white roastie mother who herself was of polish diaspora stock, absent british father with apparent criminal tendencies, raised by a literal english cuck stepfather
>goyim russian mom
>kike russian dad
What are you?
The mutt reveals his final form
Mexican, Filipino, Black...Grandfather is based black Vietnam Vet, not your typical dindu
Congrats, that even beats most of Brazil. My god.
Maybe if you marry a Khoisan-Pygmy-Abo-Melaneasian mix your kids can win a prize for being most mixed race.
Kalergi award
My wife is 100% Asian
It seems oddly fitting for some reason.
Checked. Always did like me some Asian yang yang
Niggah u whiter than 99 percent of pol
Southeast Asian
Quarter jew octaroon scottish. Fully pajeet JUST
So considering your background, what's your take on the ethnostate?
The Blacks already have their ethnostate. Its called prison
kahan rehta hai?
I get the idea. I am not opposed to it...If white people want to live & work among themselves I say let them. Though, I personally value someone's character/ideology before anything
I grew up around white people, nearly all my friends are white btw
This message has been brought to you by Satan.
Unironically based halfkike
>Dad is also brother
How meme is that?
Brazilian, most people think I'm either white or Arab when it's summer.
Mom brought me to US when I was 7 and I haven't done shit with my life.
>>chinese dad 29 years older than her
he must be rich
what the problem?
look at the fucking digits, yo
White here. My mom was a single mother. Muh based white father is a complete meme.
>check these trips of truth or you're going to hell
My German dad is actually very nice of a person. Sad part he is politically an utter brainlet. His incredible genetics are a waste in him
Not only is it 666, but it's got another repeating pattern with 6's, smdh.
Your mom ever say why she was single
Teбя caми жиды cчитaют жидoм, или ты для них гoй?
Do kikes consider u a kike, or you are a goy for'em?
What the fuck is your eyebrow also your hairstyle?
Where to begin.
>Hardcore Violent Polish communist dad.
>American Feminist Hippie Mom
>Dad flees Poland right before the fall of communism due to fear of reprisals.
>Also wants to make more money (like any good commie)
>Meets my mom in West Germany
>Go to US, have me
>Violent, authoritarian (read bootlicker), sexist (even by Jow Forums standards), immigrant dad
>Respect all women liberal roastie mom
>Say fuck this shit and after university move to Poland to really start my life
Turned out better than expected.
Im 600% slavic.
>Great grandma Ukraine
>Grandma Slovakia
>Mom Czech (Morava)
>Dad Slovak
Same except that it's only my grandfather from my father's side that is considered jew everyone else are russians
cause she's an overbearing bitch but my dad is still a weak deadbeat scumbag who wanted me aborted
so you're the exact opposite of what is supposed to be considered a Jew
If you have Ukranian and Slovak background, isn't your Ukranian great-grandmom actually Rusyn(not Russian, but Rusyn, they are a seperate East Slav group)? If so, then you can brag about belonging to a very rare ethnicity.
isn't like half of israel russian converts
Strive to be better than him...idk that blows but at least you didn't get aborted r-right
My boss is a slav you people are great
Same my dad is also very nice in person and intelligent and economical red pilled, like oh they do that only to put more taxes on us or with Nato and russia, but not cultural there he is just a cuck. Like Germans are as criminal as Refugees - Yes dad but they are only like 1% of the population and 50% of the suspects
Or last time when I ask him: and what is going to happen when the turk outbreed us, we are the minority and sharia is law?
- Oh well son thats just how it going to be. ( No fuck fighting will those boomers )
me too it’s not that bad
I hope you kept your blue eyes, alex.
Shoo, kike. Shoo
Sharia is based and redpilled, now go back to eating shit Hans.