This thread is dedicated to talking about the newest FTN episode and how Trump betrayed the fuck out of us.
deutsche-user, bitte
This thread is dedicated to talking about the newest FTN episode and how Trump betrayed the fuck out of us.
deutsche-user, bitte
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I dislike trump for a lot of jewy things he has done, but their seems to be no alternative besides him and accelerationism
>off-topic jewish podcast spam
just report these threads
I don't give a fuck anymore, there's nothing to be done so I'm going to stop worrying about it. People need to start focusing on local and state level office instead. I'm not contributing to ZOGnald and playing red team v. blue team anymore.
Fuck off moarpenis
but to better discuss it, someone should probably post the show so others can listen and have a better understanding of the discussion.
Jazzhands is just some fat guy who thinks he's intelligent with stolen takes. He flip flops more than anyone and sucks off the fat jew Mike Enoch. He obviously has a drinking problem and you can tell on Jazz and Jessie (archives show this). He's a joke. Who listens to this bullshit?
the only alternative to accelerationism is losing slowly. Revolution or death
You'd be better off listening to a text to audio of Jow Forums threads because many of the takes fatty Jazzhands spits out are stolen
I don't give a fuck about Trump any more but the rhetoric lately on FTN kinda annoys the fuck out of me. It's almost like listening to a shitlib podcast with all the gay nicknames being used for Trump completely unironically.
Seems like Jazzhands is compensating hard for everyone giving him so much shit for being on the Trump train longer than most.
fuck off Jared Holtwitz
I like FTN, don't listen to it then.
Another fucking ethnarc episode. Between this and Alex and Sven on TDS this is the shittiest week ever.
muh critics. It's significantly better than anything else on the radio
You are a fool then. That's not my fault. Hi Jazzhands.
Am I the only guy that thinks Ethnarch is the best guy on the entire TRS spectrum?
bye (((instigator)))
Nice try. Sorry you cannot accept legitimate criticism of a show that has a host who steals from Jow Forums, but asked to ban threads sharing his show. Give that fatty your sheckles for takes you can read here.
>Hi Jazzhands
If I was one of the trs guys I wouldn't be here waiting for a catbox, "fool".
I like him but acknowledge the accusations of spergery and church ladyness
Someone recording audio of them pissing would be more insightful and original than fatty Jazzhands "takes".
>steals from Jow Forums
are you fucking retarded? Anyone who shits on the propagation of our memes/ideas is a fucking kike. The only negative aspects to it in the past was when people directed retards here, which they don't do.
I first came across him on Myth of the 20c and FTN deep dives. I like the historical and in depth content, I don't care for other shit to tell the truth.
When someone goes on a podcast and verbalizes a comment and passes it off as their own thought is a fraud. Stop white knighting a guy trying to make money doing a shit show. You newfags are a joke.
>a host who steals from Jow Forums,
?! as an frequent poster on pol I'm flattered that our ideas are being adopted by others. I don't care if they make money off of it.
sure thing election transplant
A few years back, if someone consistently did that verbatim... they'd be paying for it.
>he waits for these threads every week
By other other shit you mean what i highlighted, his regular ftn contributions or other stuff on trs?
please you dumb faggot.
>who would ever listen to these guys
>i listen 2 these guys let me tell u how bad they r
you're transparent, kike
He's not wrong.
you obviously have a purpose for what you're doing. You're not *just passing through the catalog and chatting. You're a subversive shit talker.
He's smart as fuck and normie friendly. Definitely an asset. But this is going on two weeks and he's just soooo dry.
You're a fucking Cuck if you still want the orange clown.
Big Joe all but proved he's /ourguy/.
Plus he'll be able to do some decent things for poor white folks without everyone Reeeeeing. He has a D next to his name.
The best thing any nationalist can do is vote for Joe.
The TRS promoters are in full force. Sad!
I meant I don't care to get how I already feel fed back to me for essentially entertainment. When Ethnarch is on I usually feel like I'm learning something instead of watching my own version of niggerball.
I enjoy Love Street and even Ridgeway went on YouTube one night and called out TRS and Enoch for being a jew. They suddenly gave him a spot on FTN and he stopped.
you're boring
Fair enough but i guess they have to cater to those that want those things.
You guys must be fucking retarded.
I checked out the last two episodes of the Europa Report and loved it. I've heard good things but I never got around to it for some reason. It's a good medium between entertainment and politics.
Stop avoiding facts. You are a TRS shill trying to drum up sheckles for Enoch. It's not gonna work here, boy.
kvetch more
That's fair. I'd have ethnarc for half the episode to talk policy and then Halberstram second half to rip on beaners and Dems.
>off-topic jewish shillpost
just report these posts
spotted the shill
I can't listen to anymore of this crying vagina Trump is the center of my universe but I hate him podcast. Especially when that creepy boomer faggot is cohosting.
It's pretty sad that such good podcast has devolved into this. Oh well.
Trump is a fag but so are these do nothing know nothing's that obsess over him.
Jazzhands also reads MPC posts verbatim and misattributes them to Jow Forums. TRS was built on monetizing Jow Forums memes. Their downfall (apart from associating with Spencer and Heimbach) is pandering to paypig spergs. Their analysis doesn't extend beyond "Jews did everything" and "all problems in society are caused by diversity." Orthodox WN spergs chimp out at nuance.
Same and i didnt feel like time dragged listening to it, the hosts presentation means it goes at a good pace
what would you be bitching about if they never put up the paywall?
>i didnt feel like time dragged listening to it,
Yeah, it's the opposite of TDS now, lmao
At least someone gets it.
Time is short and theres only so many two hour plus podcasts one can listen to so when you do ideally it should be ones that hold your attention
TRS and FTN has done more for us than anyone here criticizing them will ever do.
I made the first pepe the frog edit
Sometimes I’m convinced pol is just filled with 90% bad actors.
Alright, please list me their accomplishments then, if they have done so much then that shouldn't be very hard.
Trust the plan guys, he’s gonna deport EVERYONE. The deporting will become so powerful it’ll take on a mind of its own and even Taco Bells will be shuttered. He just waited until now because it’s tactical.
Well, we do have direct confirmation that feds post cripple-Chan so they are bound to be on here as well.
they might very well be in this thread
MIke beat a law professor in court pro se.
She's a fucking kike law professor on her way to being another liberal judge of the kritarchy.
He'll forever be an embarrassment that harms this yenta cunt's reputation.
Yeah I like Mike's takes but lately it seems like all he does it attribute shit to jews.
Yeah jews are bad but cmon there is more issues than just kikes.
That and making excuses for niggers
FTN has been hard to listen to since it's been nothing but blackpills. Not enough focus on the the clownshow that is the Democrat party, honestly.
the jewish role in everything bad that happens can't be understated
there are no whitepills
>there are no whitepills
No shit, but overdosing on blackpills isn't the answer. Or do you guys want to become doomers?
its reality
they're just reporting reality
If the depth of your discourse is "its the jews" you won't get very far.
There is a lot more to engage with than shitty kikes on twitter
Doomer it is then.
so you deny the absolute power of international Jewry?
If you can't talk about your own failings or what you are doing right because 100% of your time is spent preaching to the converted then you are just wasting everyone's time
both TRS and FTN are being objective
if you don't want to face the truth because it upsets or scares you then i don't know what to tell you
I dunno how many times I can say I agree with them about jews before you get it.
There is more to talk about than jews.
Do you understand?
Yes jew bad
More to talk about
Every problem the white man faces can be traced back to the Jews. If you talk about liberals or blacks or Muslims instead you are a fucking traitor.
Please post the episode paylords
Nigger what about the other issues you are tracing through to get to the jews.
If your world view is actually "its da jews" you have become a caricature
There are plenty of issues with whites that need addressing also.
If you think everything is perfect except for those meddling kikes I don't even know what to say to you.
>If you think everything is perfect except for those meddling kikes I don't even know what to say to you.
Nobody here thinks that you retard.
I would hope so
These two apparently don't agree
Post it paycucksp
Yeah there's definitely more to the problem than just you know who but you got to realize that it might be someone else's first time listening to the show. Also repetition is key, how many times has a person who has been indoctrinated heard that _____ is a social construct, or whatever anti reality slogan for that matter, that gets parroted by teachers, msm, corporations, etc? Thosands if not hundreds of thousands of times. Have to chip away at the false narrative, bit by bit.
They've been talking about Biden and the democrats its just all of that is black pilling.
Its fucking reality anyone who sticks there head in the ground about this stuff is no better then the cuckservatives who ignore what trump has done..
I find it hilarious that after trump announced his illegals crack down not even the next fucking day hes going to a rally. All of this shit is fucking obvious.
>Dude you need to be exposed to blackpills until you want to die, you can't do anything about any of it but you NEED to be blackpilled to death
Yeah that's how I want to live
Thats how it is m8 thats how BAD it really is. If you want to die because of it I cant really blame you.
Post if you fags
I don't really see how politicians being useless can be black pilling.
They have been working against us for decades now.
It's like calling 13/50 a black pill.
I do wish more constructive stuff was put out there but I guess they don't want to lay all their cards on the table. At least FTN is good for telling people to ring their local politicians
They are worse then they have ever been now. Its like a snowball effect currently we all know what they have done since before ww2 but it just keeps getting worse worse and they are not held accountable where in the past they were at least much more then it has.
>I do wish more constructive stuff
such as? There is nothing constructive to do.
>Theres nothing to do
That is blackpill shit
You can influence your local political body.
If it does reach the point where even that is impossible you can still form local communities or just straight up build them.
Even if the west doesn't recover we will still exist
gibsmedat paypiggies
>u can influence your local political body.
Have you not be following along with any of this shit? Go look what they did to James Allsup.
here ya go white brothers.
Wow kicked out of the republican party
Just don't be an e-celeb.
FFS McNab got smeared throughout his community about as badly as is possible without ending up in the national news and is still on several committees
Himmler was a sperg
McNabb is an unemployed NEET now and his wife has to work to support him
> without ending up in the national news
he did make it on national news just not for long.
>is still on several committees
name them.
>Just don't be an e-celeb.
there have been many cases where pro-white non-e-celebs have been kicked out. They fucking know about us and anyone who says any pro-white shit gets the boot. You dont seem to get it. Life isn't about white pills. Take them when they come but to deny the reality is fucking moronic boomer tier bullshit.
He's still on those committees despite that
He was just talking about it in his crazy boomer lady story. I can't remember the specifics