I noticed that many US-States have mexican/spanish names like "New Mexico", Texas etc.
Did the Americans just steal it from the Mexicans? and instead of giving it back to the owner they want to build a wall??
I noticed that many US-States have mexican/spanish names like "New Mexico", Texas etc.
Did the Americans just steal it from the Mexicans? and instead of giving it back to the owner they want to build a wall??
It was bought from Santa Ana.
We won it all in a war. And yes, they want it back which is why they are invading us
Remember the Alamo.
so just give it back?
Mexican Northern territory was sold by a centrist government that thought some gold was more valuable then an indian infested territory.
P.s. don’t believe indios that spewthe aztlan bullshit, most of them are low iq abos
We didn't win all of it. Texas and California both seceded from Mexico and was later annexed.
>Did the Americans just steal it from the Mexicans?
Yes, like half of Mexico (and they tried to invade us at least 11 times since the 1800's). Now they are complaining about mexicans "invading" "their" land. They conveniently forget about their filibuster agents and infiltrating to our territory and settling in it illegally (like the american rapefuges in texas) and other kike shit (like pretending to be victims). You reap what you sow.
Freemason santa nigger never had the authority to sell it
You tricked us, kike. You history is repeating itself in our favor.
No one remembers that shit. We still have their flag lmao.
>filibustering to hell and bringing illegal rapefugees into our lands
Kikes gonna kike.
they were too weak to keep it, and we landed in a higher longitude so we expanded west, which also cut off their bison hunting because historicaly cowboys chased bison north and south
Oh you marvelous.
>tried to invade
Tell me which one failed? Protip: you can't
Based mexi
And he chucked out the mexican
Inb4 back to plebbit
North America is all Solutrean First Nation's lands.
Go home to fucking Asia and be real natives.
cringe, kill yourself already
I've noticed most german cities have names like "fart in my mouth"
Instead of asking stupid questions, why not look up the information form an answer?
Settler days, Cowboys, yes even the evil indians.
You'll find that white settlers had to pretty much be peace keepers among the tribes slaughtering one another.
Not to mention didn't look to see if someone mentioned this or not, but all of the ' First nation's people' Are pretty much asians that adapted to the US country.
Now the spanish invasion into Mexico, holy fuck. Go look up the exploits of Cortez. Not the congress-mess now at days. The spanish dude. Raped, stole, murdered and all for Spain.
Hence why there's no longer any 'real' ancestor from south America left.
So what are good old settler's promised land supposed to do?
> Fuck it, get out of our way.
Now at days if you look you can see that none of that matters because people think it's good to be 'culturally enriched'. Like how Cortez 'enriched' Mexico.
We never stole this land, we where the conquering heroes of it. Fought for every mile and now the leaderships is simply giving up and thinking it's a good thing not to have boarders.
> New mexico is still cleaner than old meh'he'co.
They just sent a great artist to the border and set off a culture bomb. They can't do it again for another 4 turns though
You know what I hate more than niggers?
Nothing. But mexicans are close.
have you noticed that many Polish cities have german names? I wonder why.
>Yes, like half of Mexico (and they tried to invade us at least 11 times since the 1800's). Now they are complaining about mexicans "invading" "their" land. They conveniently forget about their filibuster agents and infiltrating to our territory and settling in it illegally (like the american rapefuges in texas) and other kike shit (like pretending to be victims). You reap what you sow.
Only 8000 Mexicans in total were in that entire area when we took it.
Out of our benevolence, we are willing to keep only 8000 Mexicans in our country when we either kick the rest of you out or kill you for trying to stay.
You may choose which 8000 you want to stay in the US.
I noticed that many non-whites evolve in a world made by whites.
I prefer the option of genociding the entire mexican race and annexing even more land. increasingly popular idea.
If Mexico had kept it it would be a corrupt shithole just like Mexico. You have plenty of land and resources and yet you can't even stop gangs from hanging people from lampposts, adding NM, AZ and TX won't change that would probably make it worse. Fix your country.
hahaha because you stole it from germany
Bitch, we conquered their entire country in a war. And rather than annexing them like our generals wanted we let them have autonomy in exchange for some territory. We are the nice guys
Burgers stole all the land they inhabit
America has been a stolen land since the 16th century
It doesnt matter
>Permanent English Colonization of America in the 16th Century
I live in a state called Minne Sota. Half our towns and waters are named in Lakota Sioux or Ojibwa. Why the fuck am I responding to a Finnlander? You weird fucks have the inbred Sami market cornered
natives didn't "own" the land. They didn't even really have a concept of "ownership" in the first place
Is ignorant posting a new tactic?
So you just stole it
Mexican territory was conquered, not stolen. They ceded the territory as part of a peace treaty. The people living on that territory at the time were given the option to become US citizens with all full fledged civil rights that it entailed. The people who we are now trying to keep out of the country with a wall are NOT the descendants of those people (if they were, they'd be Americans now because of birthright citizenship), and therefore have no claim to the land in the first place.
The population of natives was very low. Only a few million for the whole USA. Even the original 13 colonies had 10 times the population of all the natives in North America (not counting latin america).
The metaphor some people use is: it's like claiming you own the ocean because you pissed in it. It's like claiming that a single guy living in Antarctica owns the entire continent because he built a house there.
>put a gun over a persons head and tell them your are buying their house for a penny
kek merimutts still want to this day baja too and possibly all of our land just look at
Have you ever noticed how Americans can't even pronounce their states?
Why do you call California "Califoneya", Idaho "Eyeduho"?
Galibornia :DD
How do you know so little about history? Where you educated in America?
We purchased it jackass
Fun fact: mexico owned the land that included Texas for all of just sixteen years, after they had stolen it from Spain, who took it from France. In 131 years Spain had it they never developed it, just some military and cathlicuck pedo settlements as claims holders, messiholians concerned someone were going to do what they just did and that indians were mercilessly raping them called for people to settle the place for their own place holder and buffer from indian raids. White settlers came in and took care of the indians that the mexicans never could. After Whitey took care of the problem and started making things worthwhile mexicants started trying to push them around to extract more gibs so Whitey pushed their shit in as well. fin.
Shouldn't you be cleaning a toilet or picking some produce right now?
The Finns have been living on Russian/Swedish land since 1809.
It’s called imperialism you faggot.
Literallu every single native english speaker:
Oh a word from my language I havent seen in a while... How do I even pronounce that :DDDD
You have the authority to call him an amerimutt only if you’re Guillermo del Toro white
The only sensible answer.
Have they ? I doubt that. More like helped along, lead at times and now finally trying to walk on their own but failing.
Like Mexico
One thing about history i know is that italy changed sides after they saw their allies losing
>stealing anything from other countries
They literally shared their land and then got raped
Va fan culo, polaco!
Based Civilization poster. If Mexico did that could it be considered a dirty bomb?
So did you. Might makes right.
conquered it after an unjust war
We should just invade and take all that is south of us up until pic related. The wall would be a lot less expensive the build there.