Why does it matter if the West becomes non-white? I’m genuinely curious as to why you people are so concerned about race.
Why does it matter if the West becomes non-white...
quality of life
I support a merit-based immigration policy for that reason, but why does it matter if the best people coming in have darker skin?
*Drills your brains out with an AK*
You saywhah kike?
Race isn't skin deep. Hope mods ban you for spamming this thread. see ya
Because where will the whites call home?
because look at the state of the countries these people are swarming in from.
That's the absolute best the best of their countries can do. Why would we want that?
We've seen it with the Turks in Germany. The third and fourth generation are less integrated than the first two generations. And they become more radicalized and patriotic to Erdogan and agitate against Germany from the inside. That's often a risk with allowing migrants to participate politically.
Similar to Sadiq Kahn who says that London will always be open for migration from Pakistan.
>why does it matter if the best people coming in have darker skin?
it actually doesn't but I'm also against luring people in from other countries because the payment is better because I think taht's an arrogant way of thinking. Third or Second World countries can't develop if you import the only doctor in a 100 kilometer radius from the African bush just to let him work as a nurse for geriatric people (or whatever since his medical degree isn't acceped in the West) because then the people in Africa don't have a doctor anymore. I'm against migration if migrants or their descendants make up more than 10% of a population.
>why you people are so concerned about race.
because we live in the age of identity politics and every other race understands the importance of standing your races ground. Only whites don't understand it but still get questioned the most
It comes from a sense of gratitude to your ancestors and you being able to enjoy what they built. Once the west becomes non-white it will collapse.
Because people with blue eyes, red hair, and white skin make up less than 2% of whites and its retarded to just throw that away for the sake of making a homogeneous shit-colored eyes, hair, and skin society that will most likely throw away white culture and ultimately destroy any trace of it like what happened in Africa