There is no free will

The future is connected to the past. Everything has been done before. We are all just NPCs in someone else’s MMORPG.

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Let Jesus into your heart Shlomo.

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Will Triumphs

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>Queen dies in October
The ravens will starve.

>There is no free will
>I may choose to belive in this or not
>Choosing is part of free will
Oy vey, its a paradox

>Your freedoms has nothing to do with determinism, its all decided
Kys and prove youre not a slave to liebnitz

>he doesn't know about actual random quantum events
Free will actually exists

>choosing is free will


Every choice you make is predicated on preceding events. Your choices are an inescapable reaction to everything that has happened before. The choices you make are always the only choicea you could have ever made. They are predetermined. There is no free will. It is an illusion.

Trump curse, it was her spies that started the muhRussia BS.

>Everything has been done before.
This reminds me of the exact M.O. pattern the Shills have been doing on these boards for endless months:
>Tag-team a thread within minutes of each other
>Reaffirm scripted rhetoric of (Pic)
>Switch proxies &/or have colleague step in when challenged too hard
>collectively NEVER meet user's challenge----but flip to script of calling user a "Kike"-----and failing that.....change the topic
>rinse & repeat
Now every new fag and seasoned lurker KNOWS the Shills I am talking about

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