New Zealand - new land of the free

Man shared video on social media, got 2 years prison sentence. It was new zealand mosque shooter video.

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I showed a edited video of the mosque shooting to my friend's dad, who is a cop.
He fucking chuckled.
God, I love my country.

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Free speech is cool and all, but the public (of Christchurch) obviously don't want to see that shit, especially given the atmosphere. A 2 year prison sentence is a bit absurd but it'll make a good example of others who think editing in crosshairs and a killcount is 'le epic meme material xDD'

But this is what free spech is made for, antagonizing the enemies of the people

Here in France there are serious discussions on the removal of anonymity

Yes free speech is important because a drug dealers opinion is just as important as a doctors

If you let your freedom be taken away you spiritually dead, buddy.

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Under the universal suffrage yes, absolutely, even prisoners can vote

Lmao, here you can get fined for a huge amount of money for sharing racist images or something that is deemed "Volksverhetzung" which roughly translates to incitement of the people.