There should be a mass sterilisation program in India to stop the ugliness spreading.
99.9999% of Pajeets are ugly as shit and go to other countries to try to spread their disgusting genes, it needs to be stopped.
There should be a mass sterilisation program in India to stop the ugliness spreading.
99.9999% of Pajeets are ugly as shit and go to other countries to try to spread their disgusting genes, it needs to be stopped.
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better than nappy headed africans
at least they have straight hair
Why sterilize them when a nuke will ensure they die and anyone who lives near it will have to deal with rampant mutations
Abos have straight here, Poojeet.
Pajeets are a tier below Africans in terms of looks. Niggers can at least have athletic bodies
yeah so can indians
>T. Poojeet
You are tied at best with niggers. You'll always be a genetically garbage, bottom of the barrel subhuman. You'll always secretly wish you were White. How does it feel, poonigger?
I have not seen 1 Pajeet with even a remotely aesthetic body, most are skinny as twigs or fat as fuck. I'm sure there's the 0.00001% that do and they're the ones who shall be spared from sterilisation.
literally go to any gym
>H1B Pajeet
You shall not be spared
That would kill the very few pajeets that were good looking though
I am absolutely disgusted by the amount of racism on this board. Jow Forums its time you get cleaned up. We will replace all your nazi threads, just like we replace your cucked race. Hope you like your future whitebois.
The only thing you people are taking over are curry shops and slums. Fucking poo nigger
>There should be a mass sterilisation program in India to stop the ugliness spreading.
Coming from fucking UK...
I've been in london in 2011. Your women are the ugliest fat whores on the planet.
"Why are the British so ugly? most Googled questions about the UK"
"Why are Brits ugly with bad teeth?’ What different countries want to know most about the UK"
Lmao fuck off kike, why are all the hottest celebrities in Hollywood British then?
I'll agree with you when you show me ONE (1) Indian out of 2 billion (including their Paki and Bangladeshi neighbors) who even remotely looks like pic related. And don't post some albino freak you shitskin.
Until then you're a smelly kike and it's a FACT that European beauty is irreplaceable. You shitskins are ugly
Go ahead kike show me how beautiful your Pajeet pets are
You could always cherry pick. but you know i'm right. the average english women are ugly. btw i have no problem to admit that most jewish women in USA are ugly as fuck too. But Isreali women tend to be more beautiful.
The fact of the matter is even the ugliest British person is much better looking than the vast majority of shitskin Pajeets and Kikes. Keep dreaming faggot
You dumb ugly yellow teeth faggot. ask any tourist who visited isreal, ask him how the average isreali women look like.
While in your case the FIRST thing most countries they want to know about you, Is why are so FUCKING UGLY.
>are you* so FUCKING UGLY.
this. maybe a few upper caste bollywood actors can be spared. 99.9% of pajeet are just fuckign fuggo though. somehow they're even uglier than niggers. and they have these sunken eyes with dark rims that look like sickness, pajeets always repulse me on a fundamental level.
i don't even understand how an entire race can be so god damned fucking ugly. i don't even hate them personally, they're jsut fuggo and should stop breeding. can't we get crispr chinks to go and help these disgusting turd-people?
t. beaknose
but I agree that angl*ids are an abomination against god. Med master race.
Lmao maybe your women look better compared to your Pajeet and Sandnigger buddies but even that couldn't make up for the massive amounts of inbreeding in your shitty kike genes
> indians are shit tier!!!!
> slavs are top tier!!!
lol ok incels
she's not ugly though, she's just fat.
would be cute if she lost weight.
Translation? Source? Story? It might be just funny, but Indians do rape, and there were enough of them that if they wanted to you couldn't stop them.
(Why does Jow Forums disallow sound, anyway?)
The power of makeup and contacts
nothing is sterile in india
>white women pagpacking in India
What did they expect? Humans?
>somehow they're even uglier than niggers.
People say this about Somalis too, I don’t know though. I honestly think it’s a popular opinion because, while these are all odd, ugly groups, west African Bantus make up most of the black or dark-skinned diaspora in the world, have had a longer historical presence in our cultures, and are what we see in the media most often so we are basically used to the look. Objectively, I’d say they’re just as bad as Somalis and pajeets, whom are basically the same thing with straighter hair and caucasoid input, but don’t see in what way that’s worse other than the fact that we’re simply not accustomed to it.
Here comes the Paki from Britain who'll claim to be "British"
Sterilization requires force.
better to use incentivized sperm donation eugenics. pay indian women to use the sperm of the healthiest and smartest Indian scientists and engineers and athletes.
Mediterranean Jews are hotter than Eastern European/German Jews. Ashkenazim sacrifice beauty for brains.
Better yet, encourage them to use European sperm. You could make India truly white in like 3 generations.
Pakis deserve the same treatment, apart from the very few Caucasoid pakis
bruh, that's a Romanian
Lmao, Romanians are nowhere near that ugly
That's a shitskin. The photo is edited and there's 2 inches of makeup.