Clownworld #368

Clownworld #368

Finnish actor Krista Kosonen asked help from the government's equality-councellor because her 3 year old daughter had entered a princess phase.

According to Krista, her daughter had been dressing in pink dresses in kindergarten and calling herself a beautiful princess. As she reminded her daughter that she is beautiful no matter what she dresses in, the daughter had yelled: NO!

The ministry had told her that it is fine not to force the child to dress in a specific way. In conclusion, Krista chose to accept her three year old daughter's conservativism (lol), in other words, her willingness to find out whether she was a boy or a girl.

"Her reality is divided in two categories, and that is fine for now", commented Krista, "the child's thinking can be expanded later".

Kosonen also explains that she thinks Finland is not a very child-friendly country.

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that bitch has the crazy eyes

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Yep. She has that look, unhinged and narcissistic

Who are you to assume this person's gender? Fuck off with your offensive language.

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>Krista Kosonen
poor sod who fathered that child.. also poor child..

>also i'm deranged so my child must be gay

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Kike faced holijew: Hur dur those crazy Christians brainwash their children, unlike us free thinking progressives.

Don’t fins get lots of maternity leave and free shit from the govt when they’re pregnant?

Stupid cunt

I can't take it anymore

Yes, she was mostly complaining about how she feels that it's too difficult to take the child with her to places like work or restaurants.

Those eyes speak crazy feminist desu

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We have reached peak feminidiocy

Imagine the teenage rebellion of kids of these parents though.

Shame. I really liked Kätilö.

I still want to take myself behind the sauna for watching Ainoat oikeat. God, that has to be the worst movie ever made.

Another funny piece from today's news. Grim reaper in Finnish is "viikatemies", which literally means 'scytheman'. Apparently in today's climate it's appropriate to change this to "viikatehenkilö", which means 'scytheperson'. What a time to be alive.

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You should just watch THAT CERTAIN SCENE from Levottomat....(I'm talking about the JB-orgy the guys have while on a drunken binge)

it's a self-solving issue.
The parents who force this horseshit unto their young will soon find out what murder suicide feels like.

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I dont think I even understand what is going on with this.
>My daughter is being a normal little girl, help me!

I have levottomat on DVD, actually. Such a shame Turku doesn't look like that anymore.

Ugly redneck looking woman with libshit morality

The absolute state of Finnish "women"

i don't get it.. is she hoping for a tranny?

Well she self as a princess, so Sweden should treat her as one. They have them, so it only makes sense to give the little girl an unlimited bank account and a province to rule. They aren't bigots are they?

I think she just believes so zealously in social constructs and everybody being tabula rasa that she can't understand why her daughter behaves like any other girl despite her best efforts to avoid it.
Her religion of social justice does not allow her to believe in natural gender differences.

She wants to engage in societal Munchhausen Syndrome but her daughter is being too girly.