Time has come to take a stand, be on the right side of history Jow Forums and stop posting hatespeech and NAZI propaganda. We see your board full of it and you are supporting it. We need to unite against the biggest threat of our times. Together we defeated them before, and so we will do again. Raise awarness and start de-nazifying anyone you know to hold these terrible views.
More information on how to counter hatespeech online here;
>Time has come to take a stand, be on the right side of history >right side of history WTF is it 2010 again or are you fucking nigger faggots and your kike commanders to lazy to come up with a new phrase to blabber about online?
Hate speech does not exist under American law and never will due to the Freedom of Speech. There can be hateful speech, but all hateful speech is protected up to a point where it is considered libelous, slanderous, or a direct call to physical violence against another individual.
Go ahead and winge about nasty words but quit getting your panties in a twist over middle school bullying tactics, if you cannot out think a fucking schoolyard bully you are an incompetent adult.
Which issues? Care to elaborate? I'm really starting to think that you're just a LARPer wasting our time.
Xavier Jones
>We need to unite against the biggest threat of our times. Who? Kikes?
Julian Russell
What are you talking about? "Our"? You dont need to be here if you are not interested. :)
Camden Reed
>right side of history man, i wish i could read future history books telling how diversity and immigrants ruined the entire europe, and laugh and laugh, and laugh, and laugh
Connor Cook
This is an obvious LARPer. He doesn't even want to argue or have a discussion. Sage goes in all fields.
Jordan Barnes
>Canada? Im very dissapointed. Pro tip fudge packer, only in Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa will you see any 'tolerance'. The media lies. For example recent polls say 60% of Canadians want to shut down immigration from the 3rd world completely. It might be just my neck of the woods but I also find a lot of people are asking about the JQ as well.
>Documenting people in a list for posterior persecution because they have diferent opinions. Wow calm down nazi. Just wow, you are like Voldemort.
Jason Nelson
Silly leaf friend, 9 posts just to shut me down? I had no idea a Canadian could be so hateful.
Michael Rogers
not going to bother responding todont have any arguement about trying to change speech laws in america to authoritarian eu style rulings? just going to ignore that hate speech will never be prosecuted under such vague laws in america?
Dylan Scott
Im sorry, that part is for a personal research project im working on regarding hatespeech online. I didnt mean to offend anyone.
Grayson Baker
>just to shut me down? You have an opportunity to discuss the issues that you care about so much. I'm waiting to hear one single argument from you. Replying to your thread is not shutting you down.
Im sorry there has been quite a few responses. I mentioned nothing about changing laws, a sovereign nations laws should always be respected naturally. Im more about raising awarness and spreading the message.
Mason Gutierrez
>You have an opportunity to discuss the issues that you care about so much Oh I do now, thats an interesting way to put it. :) Why are you even here if you hate this topic so much? Let people say what they think.
See, i think the public display of hatesymbols is a much more pressing issue, and the raise of Nazi ideas. LGBT people didnt start world wars that led to millions of death and worldwide suffering!
Lucas Baker
Which political problems? The one where gays are more likely to be pedophiles? Or the one were they are more likely to be child abusers? Or the increased tolerance for pedophilic activities like making a kid in drag semi-strip for gays? You are the problem, we aren't.
Cameron Robinson
Go be a nigger somewhere else
Brayden Taylor
You are right, partially, it is somewhat of a problem and its something that our community definitely have to deal with. Im not going to deny it. Still, there is an excessive hatred against our community despite us being everything but violent. How can you garner such hatred against a peaceful community, but not against violent Nazis that have killed people throughout history? Explain that!
Grayson Nguyen
It's idiots like you and people in that pic that make people hate LGBT whatever-the-fuck people. Neither I nor anybody else wants to see nearly naked adults waving rainbow flags and chanting about equality while also being triggered by the slightest hint of someone not fully supporting it.
Mason Thomas
Its just a parade, its not like that is going on everyday. Ordinary people seem to quite enjoy it so what is your problem?
Hudson Diaz
What do you think is fueling the "rise of Nazi ideas"? Could it be that people are sick and tired of having to put up with your bullshit? It is illegal to say anything critical of the LGBT agenda. The government sees traditional marriages as not special at all, but as equal to same-sex "marriages." Every big company and government institution flies your ridiculous rainbow flag. In your annual pride parades you fill the streets with naked, indecent, perverted displays. The lack of shame on your part is infuriating.
William Lee
This is very obviously bait/LARP and anyone who responds to this unironicly with arguments is a genuine retard
Joseph Nguyen
Excessive hatred? Look buddy, everywhere you go in the civilized world the majority of people not only support you buy condemn anyone and everyone who don't support you. So unless you live in Africa or South-America where gays are still often murdered you can shut up. And when a large minority of all gays are child abusers you aren't "peaceful". It's called putting up a mask. I personally have no problems with gay people. I have friends who are gay, but they don't try to brainwash me into thinking that everything right of the center is being a nazi.
> Together we defeated them before, and so we will do again You CAUSED IT BEFORE. And you're causing it now. There were no fucking Nazis before your shit. Think about it.
>large minority of all gays I think you meant just a majority? That i dont believe is true however. Who is trying to brainwash you anyway? Its not like there are LBGT people coming knocking at your door on sundays to talk about buttsex :)))
Cooper Morgan
>Ordinary people seem to quite enjoy it. No.
Alexander Cooper
I didn't give a fuck till you guys started going after the children. (Although I guess from the stats you always have) Then like any commie you can't handle the criticism so instead of addressing the issues you come after those who criticize you, trying to silence them. Fuck. You.
This is exactly why my country can't be saved without a civil war. America is lost and we did it to ourselves because of you nigger, fag and kike lovers
See the thing with LGBTQ is that it is all just peoples sex fetishes. A man and a woman can walk through public holding hands and that's fine. But if a man and another man do it, they may as well be fucking eachother out in the street because THAT'S ALL IT IS. It is not society's falult you have made this obscure sex fetish the underpinnings of your very personality. Nobody gives a shit, it does not belong in the public space.
there's no gas in the closet.
Ryder Murphy
So much this. History (((they))) dare not teach you in school. Good job user!