Please explain this to me
Why are so many people in the west russophiles ?
Over the years I've heard both people on the far right and far left talk as if they would gladly become collaborators if russia ever wanted to invade their countries, but their reasoning makes little to no sense. Far leftists believe russia is still the soviet union, a communist haven that counters the capitalistic USA, but this makes no sense because for the last 27 years russia has been a full blown raw capitalistic society which is also extremely corrupt.
Far right wingers, for some nonsensical reason believe russia is a purely white, christian fundementalist society that harbors no immigrants, especially not muslims (unlike all the cuck countries in the west). However, according to english-language russian sources:
"Islam in Russia is the nation's second most widely professed religion. According to a nationwide survey conducted in 2012, muslims in Russia numbered 9,400,000 or 6.5% of the total population."
"Recognized under the law and by Russian political leaders as one of Russia's traditional religions, Islam is a part of Russian historical heritage, and is subsidized by the Russian government."
"Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Islam regained a prestigious, legally recognized space in Russian politics. More recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin consolidated this trend, subsidizing the creation of mosques and Islamic education, which he called an "integral part of Russia's cultural code"
Not only is todays russia not a leftist society, it's basically one of the most multicultural/multiethnic/multireligious societies in the world.
I'm half russian myself, my dad is from Krasnodar and my mom lived several years in STP, but i'm not going to be a shill and cuck for a faggot retard president who's country objectively sucks ass in so many ways compared to western countries, yet you worship him? Tell me why, faggots.