Transphobia is a real problem in America. How do we solve it? First...

Transphobia is a real problem in America. How do we solve it? First, even most conservatives agree that a person should be able to use the bathroom of whichever gender they identify with. Why? Because gender is a social construct. That's a scientific fact, and facts don't care about your feelings. How do we make transphobes more inclusive and tolerant?

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No, it isnt fear; its 110% disgust


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Change the rate from 40% to 100%. Problem solved.

Open wounds are not vaginas.

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Traps are gay

Trans rights are human rights

It's fear of your sexual attraction to them. That attraction challenges your own identity and sexuality. So you respond with hatred. Sad.

I was pretty virulently transphobic until about last year. I wanted to see how disgusting they were up close for myself, so I booked picrelated on an escort site. When I got there, I was bowled over by her feminine appearance and for an hour I sucked her meaty dick and balls and tongued her asshole. I had to wear a condom but she allowed me to unload cum onto her asshole and it was some of the best sex I ever had. I'm not so obsessed with labels now, I still see myself as 100% straight. I have no desire to suck a man's cock, it's hard to explain, but when a beautiful trans woman is in front of you, you absolutely see her as a lady, just one with a huge package and an even tighter arse. Her arse was much tighter than my wife's I'm not sure why, my wife must take bigger shits constantly than the trans woman.

Simple user, kill all the trans mental patients and then no one will be mean to them.

>Because gender is a social construct. That's a scientific fact, and facts don't care about your feelings.
That idea depends on an arbitrarily chosen definition of gender that explicty excludes the biological aspects of gender, like the differences between XX and XY chromosome pairs

I hope you’re trolling. If not you need to kill yourself. You are straight up a faggot.

>kill all the trans mental patients
Or just wait for them to do it themselves. That way we wont be culpable.

>How do we solve it?
By killing trannys

This guy gets it.

I just want you weirdos to get professional help and stop blaming your mental illness on your genitalia and society..

Nice one schlomo

>I sucked her meaty dick
>her meaty dick

>This level of mental gymnastics

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It's a beautiful woman

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Stop heterophobia first.

> First, even most conservatives agree that a person should be able to use the bathroom of whichever gender they identify with.
Prove it. Statistics with large sample size.
>gender is a social construct. That's a scientific fact
Two things:
1. there are no scientific facts. only theories that have not been disproven
2. gender being a social construct is not even a theory, as it is not falsifiable. Define "social construct" and "gender" properly and we'll see about it.

I'd rather fuck a shitskin than a tranny

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But my identity is a social construct and 100% my decision. Anything that challenges that is violence. We should jail the trannys. Assault and rape charges would be fair.

>Transphobia is a real problem

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>Redefine words
>'Why can't you refute my logic?'
I agree with you. Absolutely hate that shit.

I don't care about transsexuals as long as they mind their own business and I don't have to pay for their surgeries/treatments. I think the vast majority of westerners feel the same way. People don't fear transexuals, they just get pissed off when

aside from this overall shit bait.

daily reminder: you can already go into whichever bathroom you want. there's no laws against it

Cutting your penis off, pumping yourself full of cross-sex hormones, and wearing a dress doesn’t make you a woman. It makes you a man with a mutilated body who’s dressed as a poor caricature of a woman.

Post-op trannies know this, and that’s why they have a coin-flip suicide rate.

Transwomen play a very important role in modern society
Their obsession with passing and feminity makes them extremely passionate about becoming as feminine as possible
Meanwhile biocunts still think they can just shave their heads and freebleed and shit, cuz im still woman you stupid tranny!!
What they need to understand is that when trannies care and they don't, people will naturally flock to trannies because they bother, they care, they can love and be passionate about more things than political lesbianism
If that doesn't inspire non-terf women to be more feminine then I don't know what else could do so

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Was, würklich?

I don't give a shit about them...

all i give a shit about is how they try to rub their genetals in our faces all the fucking time... just stay to your own subculture. You don't see goths trying to rub their shit onto other people...

why do homosexuals and genital mutilators want to rub their shit on us?

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+A poland.

As always, Poland sets the trend for the rest of the world. Have you sent your kids to be raped by shit skins in a "tolerance camp" yet?

imagine thinking having a phobia towards that is irrational. fucking brainwashed people easily swayed by conditioning