New commandments

I have come to the conclusion that the best course of action is to reform christianity. I have been a atheist and a pagan larper and I tell you that both of these paths go nowhere.
Our only hope is the reformation of christianity with ancient and modern philosophy. I had an epiphany today and came up with 8 commandments:

1.Be loyal to the family first, then to your kin and then to the race.
2.Be honest to those close to you.
3.Live your life being grateful to the Creator, and keep in mind that He is always by your side.
4.Respect the law of nature that underlies creation: "Everything that goes against the purpose of something for which it exists is unnatural."
5.Respect life. Do not kill outside the need to survive.
6.Respect the differences of creation.
7.Do not fear suffering for it is the foundation of evolution.
8.Always aspire to knowledge, perfection and eternity.

Well, it sounded more badass in romanian but please tell your opinion and if you would make any additions.

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>5.Respect life. Do not kill outside the need to survive.

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It can be interpreted in many ways. If for example one particular race was hostile or another was breeding like rats and a blight upon the earth well... I reiterate to the glowniggers that this is a board of peace.

>It can be interpreted in many ways
Any organization not specifically and openly Fascist will turn Globalist / Multicultural / Feminist and fully subverted over time.

Look at the US government how they ignore their own constitution. If you allow those parasites to infiltrate they will corrupt anything no matter how explicit its written. This commandment was written to prevent free abuse of animals and governments killing their own people.

Given how people that behave like demons preach so much goody goody goy religions and intend on them being led by the god of the bible, gnosticism must be the only answer.

I bet something huge that good deeds make you bleed from ur anus spiritually.

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Okay sounds good, but that's what the Black Sun is. Get behind our movement because the Black Sun is unstoppable.

>>Be black sun, primordial essence of everything
>>The entire universe is a constant metaphysical battle between the light of the eternal sun and the darkness of the forces of Moloch and Satan which are eternally removed from gods grace
>>Be black sun, father of all elder gods which are a manifestation of your eternal spirit otherwise known as Archons from the old Testament.
>>Be Black Sun, all prophets are merely mortals who have a physical connection to your primordial essence.

>>Be Black Sun, the divine creator and destroyer, who goes by many names, god, Vishnu, The dao, Allah. Not a little bitch cuckboy god who can't fight back that the Christians conceived.

>>Be Black Sun that manifests itself in revelations to the Nazis during their final hours

>>Be Black Sun which manifests itself to us every single fucking day for the past 4 years warning us, pushing us forward, inspiring us to self improve, inspiring us to be the best that we can possibly be
>>Be Black Sun, manifest Kek the lord of Chaos who caused so much meme magic that only the blind would say that the 2016 meme war wasn't glorious.

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The only solution is to return to the sacred Tradition that is 100% preserved.

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You're just taking your own inner cynicism and the fact that you're kind of a shitty person and know this and projecting it onto people who have a genuine spiritual and loving nature. You should literally kill yourself you faggot because there is no place for Doom posting and acting like an edgy 16 year old girl in our movement

I'm, actually, a very nice guy, everytime I've done something good, progressively more horrendous things have happened to me, when I've been a cunt, I've been rewarded.

I'm not blind, and the fact that you do opposite as you preach is evidence enough for me anyway.

Now go preach peace while you set niggers on fire, you homosexual cumgargler.

We know thy cup of iniquity is full and overflowing. You must change quickly for the time is nearly at hand.

>foundation of evolution.
Evolution is a fake jew creation and real christians dont believe in it.

>Evolution is a fake jew creation
I thought it was SJWs who ignored science and fact

Very good for the start! Take some info from Buddhism like jesus did and will remember you

Heresies all.

1. God comes first. Family and kin are down the list.
2. A fucking qualifier? Seriously. Be honest or don't.
3. No. You worship God regardless. Even when it seem like he's being a total dickhead to you.
4. Blah, blah, blah. God himself made the laws of nature and can rewrite this instantly.
5. Nope. Life that insists upon doing evil must be hanged.
6. WTF does that even mean? Respect that a rock is not a plant? Ok, I guess. But do we respect viruses as creation as well?
7.Sucking Darwin's cock? Are you serious? It was a fucking propaganda campaign.
8. You have God for those.

These are all more less summarized in the ten commandments or the beatitudes, and we don't need you coming up with "new commandments."

Okay caveman, go back to hibernation.

I think you think that you are smarter then you really are. Reformation is the future!

You literally believe something because they separated you from your parents under threat.

You did not choose. You were groomed.

I think you live in a godless shithole where children are trained to con

Sorry bro you're still an atheist

100% preserved indeed.

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Sounds like the same bullshit that atheism and paganism has given you.
Go watch PragerU's videos on the ten commandments and how following them will lead to a civil society. If you think the rules established by god are lacking, it is because you don't understand what has been given and you need to read the bible more. If your beliefs contradict something in the bible, you should look into the reasons for your own beliefs and uncover the assumptions that lie within.
Finally, remember there is a spirit of evil in the world and it seeks to corrupt any truth. See the Pharisees/Orthodox Judaism, the Catholic church, most every protestant denominations. Whenever someone tries to establish something closer to the true faith, inevitably someone starts adding man-made rules and systems that corrupt. Always be cutting away this fat and seek the faith once delivered to the saints.

You black sun larpers are so insanely retarded it blows me away every time. The black sun is a hypnosis idle. You are being hypnotized when you stare at that pattern retard

We already have a perfectly good sun that isnt black you retarded niggerfaggot, maybe you should go outside and get some

Black sun = saturn = icon of sin = black cube = sata
You are literally worshipping yourself and sin retard

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Did God turn me into a werewolf? Does God like me?

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>Go watch PragerU videos.
Anyone who says that unironic is unworthy of life.
And the bible has so many things lacking, for example racial and family loyalty, that its retarded to not try to improve it. Many teachings in it have been stolen from ancient philosophy, for example the notion of soul so why not use philosophy and improve it further while cutting those cucked jewish fairy tales?

>I have been a atheist
It's this fag story again, over and over. Oh, I was an atheist ( staunch atheist , die-hard atheist, edgy atheist ) sitting here doing my physics homework when suddenly I needed to abandon the mathematical laws of physics confirmed by scientific experiment in favor of a Biblical magic Jew god, Jew god magic, and ( fictitious ) rabbi Jesus. I clutched the Bible weeping and then Jesus spoke to me.
Jew-worshipping Christfags have so embarrassed the Aryans that their claim of being white can no longer be acknowledged. When stupidity reaches this severity that a danger is posed to the congenital health of the race, that infection religion and the mongrels who endorse it, must be addressed.

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you literally just described traditional, true Christianity

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