87yo woman tasered by Georgia police, excessive force lawsuit pending (VIDEO). Body camera footage of scene after police officer shocked 87-year-old woman with stun gun. youtube.com/watch?time_continue=65&v=SB6fK0BLDKE
The body camera footage of the August 2018 arrest on a Boys and Girls Club property has been released by Martha Al-Bishara’s lawyer, Jeff Dean. The woman’s guttural screams and gasps can be heard as she is tasered by Chatsworth police officer Steven Marshall. “Why did you not stop?” an officer asks Al-Bishara as she is placed in handcuffs, while she is still audibly gasping for air and in clear discomfort.
A club employee spotted Al-Bishara and called the police to report a woman trespassing and cutting flowers with a small knife, but reportedly told the dispatcher that the woman was more of a trespasser than a threat. Crucially, the employee also informed the dispatcher that Al-Bishara does not speak English. The grandmother was arrested and charged with obstruction of an officer and criminal trespassing. She was released from jail two hours after being booked. Prosecutors have not pursued the charges but have not dismissed them.
“The language barrier was obviously a problem in this case but the fact was that there was no need to tase her. There was no danger,” her attorney said. Dean has confirmed that an excessive force lawsuit is in the works and he expects to file within the next two months. The attorney claims Al-Bishara bears no ill will towards the officers but has not been the same since the incident and is reluctant to go outside in the community where she has lived for the past 20 years.
FUCK THOSE PIGS. I hope that she will get few million dollars in compensation paid by American tax payers and that those two pigs will lose their jobs.
>Al-Bishara does not speak English. tax dollars at work, based police
Leo Carter
Fuck that old sand nigger
Carson Davis
Cops are literally the worst. This country is better off without them. Every time a cop gets shot and I see it in the news, I consider it good news. They are simply vile.
Evan King
Based. Boomers BTFO
Wyatt Clark
>Live in America for 20 years >Still can't speak English.
Leo Collins
Cool. Anyone in this country that can't speak english should be Pence'd.
>The language barrier was obviously a problem in this case Bitch should've learned English then, but even beyond that if I was approached by cops in a country whose language I do not speak, I would at least try to comply in the best way I could. This was fully her fault.
Daniel Davis
Fucking Americans are such pussies that they're scared of a dying woman.
Gavin Collins
Zappin' gyps who flower snip
Grayson Cooper
Muslim bitch with a knife. They should have shot her.
Benjamin Bell
Nolan Adams
I'm sure that those two American pigs will be squealing very soon losing their jobs and their Police Department paying couple of millions of dollars in compensation to that 87 years old woman... LMAO
American the free!!! enjoy living in a police state?
Jonathan Jenkins
More like our cops are so based that they want to fuck up these dirty sand niggers that can't even be bothered to learn our language after 20 years. She probably wasn't even here legally if she didn't know the language.
Lucas Flores
Freedoms only apply to free white people of good character, not dirty browns from around the world.
Jason White
nah! she'll get $20 to $30 thousand and the lawyer will pocket 4 to five MILLION BUCK$
Been here 20 years and doesn’t speak English. Fuck her.
Leo Rogers
>Hahaha I look cool using anime pics hehe I am a 30 year old man that faps to animation
Die already
Jack Peterson
Yeah, I don't like defending the police at all but it isn't their fault if someone is ignorant of the law as well as the language.
Personally, I would've at least attempted to get a translator before engaging her but I cannot believe anyone would suggest the police do nothing when they get a call regarding an armed trespasser at a youth club. She's honestly lucky she didn't fucking get lit up.
Moreover, the complaint presumes that all the information the caller gave was relayed to police. If there is any guilty party here it's whoever allowed that ancient gypsy to wander around a kid's BMX track with a knife. Does she not have a single family member who speaks the language and has a shred of common sense?
English is one of the easiest languages to learn. Literally no excuse.
Austin Brooks
Pretty much that is what cops do. They deserve the most painful afterlife.
Cameron King
>al-bishara she has to go back do not pass go do not collect 200$
Parker Cox
She's a dirty Muslim that can't even show us the respect of learning our language. I don't give a fuck of she's 80 or 8, the police late term aborting her would've been a reasonable amount of force, you don't fucking faggot
Joshua Cox
>A club employee spotted Al-Bishara and called the police to report a woman trespassing and cutting flowers with a small knife, FUCK POLICE PIGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jace James
8f your going to bite someone your gonna get tazed
Samuel Morgan
> could have should have
there, i fixed it for you
Henry Green
yeah sorry no sympathy. you want to come live in the U.S. where the predominant language is English then you should learn some. Or be smart enough to deduce that if cops show up drop anything that could be perceived as a weapon and lie on the ground if you don't understand what they are saying
Wyatt Russell
>al bashara Should have shot her desu
Dominic Anderson
any fucking pig who would do this to an elderly person must be fired.. we cannot tolerate violent , deranged thugs as police who are hired to protect and serve... Who the hell are they protecting from an 87 year old woman?
He's right though. Think about it. The only thing protecting leftists right now are the police.
Jackson Ross
Came here to say this.
Bentley Jones
I do not care. My state putting in good work.
Elijah Gomez
Only if you aren't white. I guess if other races don't like our police, they shouldn't come to our country.
Josiah Myers
>87-year-olds don't have to follow laws or police officer orders because they are old.
That's not how it works, leftist scum. She was disobeying a direct order, she had a weapon in her hand, and would not drop it when ordered. Too fucking bad, they did the right thing.
Benjamin Hill
Christian Watson
>flag >retardation It's going to be a long summer
Caleb Price
I mean within the context of the situation. Had it been a 25-year-old man he should've been shot instantly.
Joseph White
lived there for 20 years. does not speaks english. who is pig now?
Jordan James
>Cutting flowers that werent hers >Cant speak english
Shouldve given the dog 5 minutes with her
Gavin Howard
nobody cares about your opinion or schadenfreude, niggerbrain
Chase Brown
>Who the hell are they protecting from an 87 year old woman? Our demographics.
Grayson Smith
Joseph Foster
>BUT TRUMP KISSES DIRTHY NIGGERS >implying I support that Israeli puppet Trump was good for changing the rhetoric and showing that we could get a supposed nationalist in office, nothing else. Trump and his all family should be charge with treason. Miller 2020
Noah Anderson
your gold digger Melania (from Slovenia) doesn't speak English also...but she spreads her legs very wide
Nathan Richardson
If you don't speak our language, you can enjoy our tasers of peace. Now fuck off.
Blake Johnson
But I am white, and I hate the subhuman cops. They don’t really deserve to live, blacks are better than them by far. Cops make Mexicans look like goddamn saintly gentlemen.
Nicholas Lee
Every person I ever see shitting on police always is also coincidentally a criminal degenerate of some caliber, which is a shame because there's tons of legitimate problems with policing and the criminal justice system which lose attention due to these faggot libertarians who whine and bitch for every DUI they rightfully get.
In an ideal society you'd get pulled out of the car and shot in the head immediately on your first DUI.
Lucas Parker
>But I am white, Lmao, sure you are. You oughta be thankful those "pigs" are around to protect you, or you would be swinging from a rope.
bullshit. theyre the only reason blacks are still allowed to chimp out and corrupt politicians are allowed to run their games in our government.
Blake Thomas
How many times have you interacted with the police in your life?
Chase Hughes
Like I said.
Joshua Taylor
>does not speak English >Had a knife >trespassing >did not respond to the officers
Why is this an error of the police again? She should be lucky she didnt got shot by a real gun.
Grayson Ortiz
a number of times. Traffic stops, Had then harrass for shooting in my own property in the country, Ive been present at arrests and other shit too. Ive also got kin in the force, so im not just blowing shit out my ass.
They arent protecting us from shit, theyre protecting the bureaucrats and shitskins from us while collecting revenue for the state.
Anthony Robinson
them harass me*
Bentley Reyes
She is an 87 yr old probably half senile woman who was prob scared