Reparations edition

>African Heritage

>Nation of Islam


>This thread is for discussion relating to BLACK Nationalism and other BLACK topics.

>This is a political thread, not for trolls. We ask mods to keep trolls out. This thread complies with all Jow Forums rules and we ask mods to respect it as like other general.

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Other urls found in this thread:


When the TOP BLACK NATIONALIST masturbates to SLAVE BIG WHITE COCK PORN you know your movement is DEAD

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Could you explain to a non American what this is all about?
Seen bits on JewTube.

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>When the pride of your movement is a fictional character from a movie made by white people

Niggers want gibs cause muh slavery.

>that pic
Reminder: the wealthiest African in the world is a white man!

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Nigga nationazizzle general
Gibs me dat edition

>We wuz kangz

>We wuz mohammed

>Muh dick

>Dis tread be fo discussin NIGGA nationazizzle and other NIGGA shiet

>Dis be a political thread and not fo fake ass niggas. We ask da internet cops to keep fake ass niggas outta dis bitch. Dis tread be a good boi who dont break no Jow Forums laws n shiet. We be axin if dem internet cops be treatin us like da whyte man

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I thought you outlawed slavery a couple of hundred years ago?


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>engrish teacher
>fucks every QT nip girl
>likes bl*Cked

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If you're so wealthy and powerful, why do you want gibs from people who did nothing to you with the idiot's excuse about something that jews did almost 200 years ago?
Wealthy and powerful? Beggers and muggers and not even smart.

Post nude black qweenz pls

ayy u gota giv it up 4 dis

>Party rock is in the hou
>se tonight

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This is what any club looks like on Friday night lmao.

>can't form successful nation in Africa
>believes they can form a successful nation someplace else
Boy do I love Jow Forums humor threads

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>tfw you realised black panter was made just that niggers don't feel left out

take that flag away you republican subhuman filth

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That image is so retarded.

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the "no homo" news was fake tho.

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Take that VPN away nigger

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Welcome to Jow Forums humour folks, enjoy your stay and share funny political memes in le thread.

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Attached: 2019-06-20 21_00_29-_pol_ - _bng_ - BLACK NATIONALISM GENERAL - Politically Incorrect - 4chan - Oper (210x192, 87K)


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Don't you have to, I dunno, have a civilization first?

Mitch McConnell said there's no need for the bill because theres no slave owners or slaves that exist today.

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When Asian Women are making images like this, I know who you are lil HAPA fag.

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i got you senpaifam

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republican filth seething

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>Makes thread about black nationalism
>Has to use fiction from movies as thread image
Why are you even trying?

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If you guys agreed to it, who pays?

The successful black people, Asians, Native Indians, recent immigrants or do you trace down from the slave owners genetic line (which if my following of "Roots" - means nearly all the African Americans alive today will have some slave owner genes).
Plus many of the white people today may not have any genetic heritage to slave owners.

Sounds like a mess, to deal with.

Surely Obama should have put this "issue to bed" during his tenure!

What about ITV?

Fuckin love you bro. You’ve got the good shit stashed away

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looks like a malnourished baby gorilla

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>Nation of Islam
good to see that the blacks are getting themselves in order

>woman literally has no tits
>ugly, probably grandchild of mulatto
BM"W"F usually has the woman be very... masculine. Ain't got no titties on that piece.
also pic related

Attached: beat nigger.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

Reminder : the wealthiest human in History is Mansa Musa , a black man.
Still,the skin doesn't matter.

>he wealthiest human in History is Mansa Musa , a black man.
Nope, Gengis and Augustus were richer, also they did much more with their money than blowing it to show off and building a couple of mudpiles

They should be paying you Brits

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Wrong. Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar was the wealthiest man in history. He literally owned Egypt, the place blacks so desperately try to claim lmao

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You choose BOXING to show your racism? REALLY? Don't You think that gifs where the opposite happens are very easy to find + the greatest boxers of all time aren't as pale as you think?...

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The half one is MMA, the greatest MMA fighter was pretty pale, you can see him BTFOing a young and taller nig in that gif, despite him being far past his peak

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>Making fun of whites for getting BLACKED
You should worry about your own girls getting BLEACHED.

Ruiz made me laugh my ass off that day

>selling that hard
Wow this guy has a future in wwe

lmao i know that dude in the pic with the girl with the red phone. he is my dads friend's son

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Her lips are like 40% of her face.

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Black Panther is red pilled af
>closed off economy only helping your own nation
>let africa starve and fight eachother
>let colonialism happend

God I wish rhat were m e mimkers

Reminder that these threads aren't posted by niggers and no-one using the nigger memeflag is actually a nigger.

Except he doesn't exist. You and I both know that the black race has done absolutely nothing for society and the world throughout all of history besides hold us back.

Look at him hes trying so hard!

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That girl has a nice ass.

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Love black queens

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I am a racist but I love black women!

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black qweens are literally MADE for BWC

white male / black female is THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PAIRING

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God I need to make some black babies with a black queen

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Same. I just hope my mixed black children are based

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Black people are kind of like the neanderthal, just waiting for extinction.

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hows your dad?

It's the only way, my man.

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This. Black women are goddesses

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lol what if you have a girl and she turns gay?

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