discord gg/4YedNpD
discord gg/4YedNpD
discord gg/4YedNpD
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing will happen
rolls eyes
here we go again maybe this time it will happen im staying positive for ww3
U talking to me?
Polling from last weekend has cancelled your party jew. Go back to fucking over your local goy.
Are you update-bro?
Can you post correct link faggot.
Just add a . near gg
I now. I just want you to do it for me.
Unban me
Fuck the discord leaf
Fuck off tranny!
Do not use discord, just like EA's Origin. Discord datamines your whole PC.
wizards of quality look down upon d*scord users
>discord gg/4YedNpD
Give me the discord link so I can get in.
Cucked server, feds boomers and not at all Jow Forums
Just add a dot infront of gg
Pretty sure Iran will kick US'ass.
>Russia takes Europe with help from the UK who betrays Europe, Chinese finance and the Turkish alliance
>Mexico launches an attack on the southern US backed by Russian missiles which are more advanced than the US defense systems
>US nukes itself to stop a Mexican/Russian beachhead from forming
>US multi headed war front collapses entirely and they are forced to completely retreat from Europe and abandon the southern state
>Europe resistance keeps up the fight
>Japan forms their empire again and weakens the Chinese finance power and Russian might in the area
>Europe take advantage and small areas are liberated from the Russian menace
>South Africa becomes a white refugee stronghold
>Middle East is in a war between turks and arabs
>Israel is destroyed, Damascus nuked and Persia occupied by turks
do i really want to be on a discord with you guys?
Our discord is the ww3 general. Just with moderation.
Brazil bro where are you?