Mark Zuckerberg confirmed to be the anti-christ?

He's launching a "global currency" controlle by him and soon you won't be able to buy or sell around the world without it.

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>He still believe the mark of the beast is a currency/chip and not political correctness

it's e-money, not a chip

Nothing is more synonym of trust and empathy than Facebook and Zuckerberg. A globalist wet dream and you pay 1mil to sit at the table of Calibra, it's like subsidizing a new global reserve with big jews behind it. FIAT 2.0 with a flavor of bitcoin.
We all must be very dumb for these people

This user gets it.
(Still, the Mark is also a literal thing, they will put on their good goys)

how do you put PC on someon's hand?

Mark's name is mark and his pet dog's name is beast

Holy shit

They almost already redirected all political power to the state of Israel. Soon the judgement (noahide laws) will also move there. At least that's how it's planned.

They, or their representives will then give you the choice to follow their rule, their laws and be their servant. If you refuse, they kill you. If you accept, they'll mark you.

Political correctness is and was from those children of Satan. Like a blue checkmark on twitter, those pc-fools will recieve it willingly just like that.

You See, wisdom comes from god. Those who reject god obviously lack in the good things from him.

I got 6gorillion myspace shekels already!!! Whats the transfer rate?

It gets worse Goldman Sachs Jew and governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney approves. Fuck these evil cunts.

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fucking disgusting

I guarantee that this ain’t what you want

this is designed to threaten the dollar. we have tools to deal with threats to the dollar believe me


>buy around the world without it

He's transforming actual money into crypto, the way Amazon did with coins. Charge a fee per transaction and watch the money flood in. I'm surprised he didn't do this a decade ago when Facebook became popular. He needs a new revenue stream now that his IPO tanked and advertisers are leaving en masse.

Why does Zucc get to create his own currency and no one bothers him, but my boy here tried and got Liberated™ by the United States?

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It wont be worth shit

>my boy here tried and got Liberated™

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Kike privilege

>> advertisers are leaving en masse

Im surprised it took them this long... Facebook ads do not convert to sales

>Soon the judgement (noahide laws) will also move there. At least that's how it's planned.

Going to be a big change for the PC crowd.

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Everyone thats ever launched a crypto has sold it as a revolutionary digital global currency. Its all billshit.
Nobody wants your faceshekels

Day of the anti-trust can't come soon enough

They can't shut down or control crypto, so they will try to build their own version that (((they))) can control.

In the white paper, they say they want it to be permission based (i.e. they will ultimately get to decide what transactions are valid or not) with a view to making it permissionless later.

The only problem with that is facebook has an obligation to shareholders to make money. There's no way if it gets successful that they will just give up that kind of control.

Plus, even if they wanted to, would governments actually let them? (like the Assange PayPal thing).

Buy/mine bicoin and monero. Ignore what the (((news))) says about crypto and ditch the crooked, shit kike system we have today.

If you like my post I'll give you one ZuckCoin.

I think they are beginning to understand. The more currencies there are the harder it will be to hedge them. Good future is uncertain future.

Macine Waters shut it down

Trying to end private own central banks monopoly on printing money has worked great in the past.

Think that the Rothschilds wont take out a autistic jew just because he is a member of the tribe?

We will see Anti trust breaking big IT up under order of the fed reserve and then assassinations and fake child porn bust on facebook, mastercard and visa excecutives.
Alot of malfunctioning aircraft and self driving vehicles.

I saw the announcement on facebook and checked out the responses. 99% of them are retarded pajeets fawning over Zuckerberg and thanking him like he's handing out bags of rice to their 4 pound toddlers.

Being ruled over by iron fisted colonialists is the best thing for these people.

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what is neural-link for 500

But it's (((them))) defining and judging what homosex is! You See, those talmund satanist actually go by "if it's a boy, not yet in puberty then he's not a man and thus it's not homosex".
You should know by now that the truth is not in them.

Shitskins love being controlled.

Zuckerberg isn't a fan of anonymity. Facebook will control all directions of the "bitcoin" transactions. It certainly will run the clearing houses for blockchain validation of transactions. Since you have to have Facebook cookies and apps in your phone and PC to do these transactions, what you buy is basically known to Facebook.

Will Facebook money transactions thus put Paypal out of business? Paypal hasn't made good inroads into swishing your phone and you autopay for vending machine product or tickets, but facebook is widely present on phones, so it can succeed at this.

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It’s like the virtual reality thing. Lots of talk no action.

that shit is going to flop so hard.

facebook are only doing this to serve themselves, so good for them if they can pull it off
they're up against the old guard of global brick & mortar jewery, and the 'globe' is still mostly shitskin coloured people shitting in the streets
but Facebook are already giving shitskins "free internet" (a web where facebook is the only website you can access)
facebook must have some really big noses behind the curtains, so who knows, perhaps they'll figure it out
but I doubt it can last when it'll be a currency based on whether or not you have the internet and a facebook account

the Antichrist will be loved, not "liked"

America will probably destroy it, since the DOLLAR is the ANTI-CHRIST.

It's got, what, 50 million in SV investments now?

They won't do shit to him because Zucc coin is controlled opposition.

There are many reasons why normal people have started to become interested in crypto (that don't include buying drugs or wild speculation). If you build a competitor that at least addresses someone of those reasons (like borderless, low fee, electronic alternative to cash) then you will sway them in your direction.

Of course, it will mean that normies won't have privacy and will have to put up with censorship but they do this already.

>could improve financial inclusion

>by excluding a shit load of people

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The globohomo created facebook to get ahead of the internet. All tech monopolies are built for this honeypot censorship purpose.

It's trying to use its monopoly to get ahead of crypto before crypto becomes Normie user friendly, because once a simple medium of exchange takes root everything would cost 10 to 20 x cheaper.
The Rothschild banking system is in place to keep the population down and select who breeds. Industrialists families installed the Federal Reserve over 100 years ago for this purpose.

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>changes like-button into love-button
>game over
(Actually Zuckerberg is a kike, and by definition an anti-christ because he denied the son. They are many anti-christs)

It's something new every 10 years with you retards

>“This was going to be a very involved endeavor that will not only require breaking new ground, but also coming up with a new decentralized form of government,” Facebook’s blockchain chief David Marcus, a veteran of PayPal who ran Facebook Messenger for years, tells The Verge.

being filthy rich is never enough. gaining ultimate power without the consent of people is the only real hobby worth having.