Why do Christians want eternal life? I've only had my life for 35 years and I'm already tired of it

Why do Christians want eternal life? I've only had my life for 35 years and I'm already tired of it.

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kys boomer

Because the next life has no corruption or sin. You can even pet tigers and shit without getting attacked. It's gonna be sweet. Get right with Christ, bro.

I'm a millennial u jackass

Im sure petting tigers wont get boring after a single fucking day

>Why do Christians want eternal life? I've only had my life for 35 years and I'm already tired of it.
You'll be back again whether you like it or not then

And 40 virgin's

Probably true

Who wouldn't want a pet tiger ?

Heavenly life is not like earthly life.

its the carrot on a string that helps organized religion stay funded

Animals have no soul, they don't get into heaven you heathen.

>evil exists because otherwise there would be no free will
>if you couldn't chose good over evil there would be no free will duh

Also christcucks:
>of course there is no evil in heaven why do you ask?


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About sums it up. Now unto Jesus the King Immortal, the Only Wise God, be glory and power, forever.

>Christians want eternal life
...bcoz they are afraid of the dark, like children; they don't want to face the darkness of death.
Like children, they believe the foolish empty promise of eternal life, without question.
Their New_Testament provides support:
>Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me:
>for of such is the kingdom of heaven. — Matt 19:14

You won't have any desire to do evil in heaven

>I've only had my life for 35 years and I'm already tired of it.
Maybe Christianity has made them happy.

So there is no free will in heaven.

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Bible makes it pretty clear actually. Family pets will most likely be in heaven as with other main animals

You will have free will in the sense that you can choose what to do still it's just you won't have the desire to do evil. Free will can still exist

You're basically lobotomized in heaven. No memory of the bad things in this world or ability to feel negatives like boredom.

It's the only way it could truly be paradise.

That's not actually a logical conclusion. If the people in heaven chose to be good, it doesn't mean they never had the choice.

Heaven is the ultimate NEET fantasy.
Just a bunch of retards sitting around doing nothing, collecting their jesus-bux while never challenging themselves or improving in any way.

Most "Christians" these days don't understand what eternal life is. It's referring to the perpetuation of Man itself, of which your transient life is only a small fraction of the whole. Heaven and Hell are states of mind, what happens after you die is the same as what it was for you before you were born. In an eternal setting before and after are the same thing, and what you think of as you only makes sense in the frame of time that you are alive.

Duh, atheists, why do you need freewill in heaven? There's no choices to be made, just pleasures to be experienced. Choices are needed because we have dominion over earth.

then your a boring person. you need hobbies. after you get hobbies you get personally set goals. then you never have enough time. then you might be desperate enough to bow to jews and listen to their lies. you may even have a hard time sleeping at night supporting israel because god forbid you piss off space jew

im not saying there isnt a god im just saying space jew hasnt helped the jews one bit

I'm sure there is, but the consequence is that you then have to leave, which I can't imagine many people want. Hell it could be the case that when you do something bad in heaven, your punishment is reincarnation.

>Most "Christians" these days don't understand what eternal life is.
Why do you pretend your interpretation is somehow more correct than everyone else's? Especially when your explanation is an extremely modern one based heavily on the concept of evolution. Original Christians most certainly wouldn't have believed what you do, so why do you pretend otherwise?

>just pleasures to be experienced.
With a mindset like that, I'm pretty sure that heaven is the last place you'd end up according to Christianity, and so you would also be the last person to know what heaven is actually about.

I thought pleasure was degenerate. Do you mean i can finally do coke of ladyboy dicks without having to worry about some christcuck moralist tell me ill be made to suffer for eternity?

It cannot be eternal life if "you" didn't exist before you were born. Material truth has nothing to do with Christianity so I don't understand why you're blathering about evolution. There is no you outside of the timeframe you exist, what exists before and after you is the Divine Man of which each individual is a unique expression of.

The physical life is transient and focuses on novelty
Our eternal life will be so radically different in every manner that we cannot even comprehend it

you already have eternal life (not eternal memory obviously, since you forget everything after reincarnation)

If there is no evil there is no free will. This is the argument you yourself give for there being evil on earth.
>This is the argument you yourself give for there being evil on earth.
>This is the argument you yourself give for there being evil on earth.
>This is the argument you yourself give for there being evil on earth.

Yahweh tried giving out free will in heaven once, and what was the result?
Both Lucifer, first among the Angels and closest to God -
and the first Humans both gave Yahweh the finger and went their own way
According to your own jewish folk legend, once the circle is complete and you are all turned into nothing or pulled up to skydaddi in heaven - there won't be any evil and thus there won't be any free will.

Why don't you just hook yourself up to a virtual wank-off machine with tubes for shit and tubes for food? It's no different than heaven. Either there is evil in heaven or there is no free will in heaven. Can't have both, according to yourself and your top theorems for why an all-mighty god allows pedo priests to rape and other evil.

So you believe there will be evil in heaven, and you won't be able to pet sharks at will. Most christcucks would disagree.

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Could a christian here review Ezekiel 4:1-15 and break it down for me? What it means and such. Thanks

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That's islam

>Im sure petting tigers wont get boring after a single fucking day
well, you could then start fucking them if you are bored with petting? Or would that be considered sin in heaven?

You only want to do that because earthly sin and degeneracy has corrupted you. Do you think your 5 year old self would want to do that? No, because he hadn't been corrupted yet. When you die all of that interest in sinning and degeneracy you did or wanted to do on earth is just gone.

>it will be radically different
>yet your literal bodies of decaying flesh, piss and shit must be raised from the dead
The Christian idea of heaven is so fucking hilarious. It's like something a child would come up with.
>ehm it's gonna be like this but all your fwends and family will be there and everyone will be happy *tihi* and it will be forever and you will never be sad and stuff *tihi*

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5 year old me would want to run around naked and pull at girls pony tails.

>what exists before and after you is the Divine Man of which each individual is a unique expression of.
You're a Hindu and not a Christian at all, so why the fuck are you even making nonsense statements like
>Most "Christians" these days don't understand what eternal life is.
You're so obviously not a Christian? You know nothing about it. All you have is your sandman-nonsense and your high-horse-attitude.

You need to understand what is at the core of the average theist.

It's fear. They are shit.scared.of.death, so terrified that they have swallowed the most laughable tale of bullshit ever told. Subconsciously and logically they know it's bullshit, but their cowardice prevents them from facing the truth.

Atheists remind the frightened theists of what terrifies them most. That their god is fictitious and that their death will be the end of them forever. They resent the fact that they lack the courage and intellectual integrity of the reasonable secular man.

>If there is no evil there is no free will. This is the argument you yourself give for there being evil on earth.
It doesn't make any more sense no matter how many times you repeat it. A choice can split a group of people in two. Looking at only one of the groups, you'd think that there never was any choice, since everyone has made the same one. Well, that's just retardation on your part.

lel thanks for the read. Powerful stuff! DEUS VULT!

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You have near infinite knowledge on your hands when you're dead. Five year old doesn't have the knowledge to Know why you shouldn't do that. You will in heaven.

You've submitted to God's will on earth, why should heaven be a problem. Who are you to damn me? You lack the authority.

Cannot wait spending eternity in heaven with these mongs. Gonna be sweet to do abortions in front of them and fuck their qt daughters and cum on their boring Jesus houses.

I'm absolutely a Christian. How is it that many people are the body of Christ? Because he's the eternal expression of the Divinity of Man, which is an extension of God by virtue of the fundamental Truth that dictates consciousness. That's why he's the only way to God, because He embodies the perfection of Man.

>It's like something a child would come up with.
An innocent and pure child. That's infinitely more valuable and respectable in my opinion than the sheer degeneracy that modern nihilistic children espouse. Just look at this Danish kid: I prefer the childlike fantasy of angels and innocence over this filth of trannies, coke and sexual degeneracy.

>"Do I want chocolate pudding or strawberry?"
Nice try brainlet

based and christpilled
also pic related

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>Because he's the eternal expression of the Divinity of Man, which is an extension of God by virtue of the fundamental Truth that dictates consciousness. That's why he's the only way to God, because He embodies the perfection of Man.
That's not Christianity. That's literally Hinduism and Nirvana. Stop pretending otherwise.

Humans chose evil because of our corrupt nature. Once we don not have that nature in the new kingdom, then we would not be choosing evil.

No, it's Christianity. You just simply don't understand. Few do, which is why the churches have failed and He will return.

>go to heaven
>it's filled to the brim with pajeets

You are getting tired because you live in disharmony with natural law.

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Better version

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I hear this all the time from atheists. This assumption comes from a fundamental lack of understanding, and so they claim belief is just a cope. Problem is that you can apply this pseudo knowledge of yours to everything and claim everything is a cope and it's equally as valid. You drink? You're using drinking as a social cope. Enjoy candy? Using that as a cope to experience some sense of joy even though you know it's bad for you. Like being around people? That's you coping with your inability to remain content without others. Like being alone? That's a cope for your inability to properly socialize.

Are there SOME people who use religion as a cope to they can dismiss thinking that this is all there is? I'm sure. Just as I'm sure there are people who use All the above examples as a cope. But that's not why the majority of people believe.

lel alright. personally I wouldn't take my eschatology and metaphysics understanding from a child. I'm sure you will be able to ride ponies up there too, and go on petting zoos.

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>any of us

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>go to heaven
>>it's filled to the brim with pajeets
if you are unironical racist, you don't have to worry about that.

>Then why is corruption and evil in the nature yahweh created?
Then why is corruption and evil in the nature yahweh created?
>Then why is corruption and evil in the nature yahweh created?
Then why is corruption and evil in the nature yahweh created?

What was the reason for there being evil and corruption in Lucifer, Adam, Eve and the rest of humanity?
Why is there evil on Earth if yahweh had the power to create free will without including evil?

Think, christling, think.

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"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV

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>pet tigers

Can we do other things too? Be sweet if we can fuck giraffes.

Well, I'd prefer to listen to an actual child over most of you people. Your output is just so full of filth and vitriol. If I imagine a society, where people imagined the ultimate good as some fluffy heaven full of ponies and kind tigers, well, that would probably be a nice society to live in. Very naive and prone to predation, sure, but I'd pick it any day over the kind of society you and your Danish friend would bring about. You mock and ridicule innocent and good people, and you replace their pictures of angels and heaven with ones of trannies and degeneracy. That's just such fucking filth.
>I wouldn't take my eschatology and metaphysics understanding from a child.
Unfortunately that's precisely what you've done. The only difference is that your child is sick in the head, wheras the Christian child is only naive and inexperienced.

This! I know munchkin is waiting for me!

What do you consider evil to be, meme flag?

>a fundamental lack of understanding
It's actually the ability to stop suspending disbelief

> belief is just a cope
There are useful beliefs and harmful beliefs. The harmful ones involve toxic and arrogant imaginary relationships with supernatural beings.

>You're always coping or
>You're always coping
Your ability to reason has been severely compromised starting with this binary thinking.

>if you are unironical racist, you don't have to worry about that.
If you're not, you won't have to worry about it either. The road to hell is paved with precisely the kind of good intentions I think you have.

>Why do Christians want eternal life?
Because we want to "be right" (and by "right" I mean in the most expanded sense of the term; that is, aligned with, in concert with, in connection with) with the person(s) who created this universe. That's why. And you're selling short the term "Christian" and "eternal life" it seems to me. You're presupposing a limited vision of what these words mean; or I should say, are intended to mean/convey.

Do some reading first, then continue your quest to God:


Christianity is objectively correct so far as can be rationally known, and to the extent that other religions/philosophies contradict it, to that extent they are incorrect. To wit:

God's existence is a mathematical theorem within standard physics. Standard physics is the known laws of physics, viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics. This theorem has been given in the form of physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology. These aforestated known physical laws have been confirmed by every experiment conducted to date. Hence, the only way to avoid Tipler's Omega Point Theorem is to reject empirical science. As Prof. Stephen Hawking wrote, "one cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem." (From p. 67 of Stephen Hawking, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time [New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1996; 1st ed., 1988].)
Source: voat.co/v/QRV/3262780

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>The harmful ones involve toxic and arrogant imaginary relationships with supernatural beings.

>Fucking Ackmed can't do year/math.
Color me suprised

Because people kill to please the bloodthirsty gods evil men fabricated.

That's not relevant. What is relevant is what you consider it to be. And pic-related is obviously not something you consider evil, or else you would have razed the pedo dungeons hidden inside your churches a long time ago.

Is this why you await heaven? So you can finally do what the priests do to the children?

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>It's actually the ability to stop suspending disbelief

Do you genuinely believe that the vast vast majority of people make choices based on what Is rational and true rather than what their belief in the subject is, or even what they just "feel" like doing? If you live by an objectively truthful and rational way, you may as well save yourself the pain of existence and kill yourself

Evil only exists within man, it's inherent in the choices he makes and a result of his intelligence. Only man can choose to do what he knows is wrong, for his own benefit. That is the only evil.

OK, and people do many great deeds with the idea that they are pleasing their god. Christians for example adopt at 3x the rate of atheists. Christians are the primary defenders of being pro life, while atheists are the defenders of pro choice, which by the way, is responsible for the most human deaths in history.

Eternal Life isn't what most people think.

Well you're really just explaining the problem with you Christians. You rather believe in lies because it might be good. Whereas I'd rather believe in truth even if it causes problem.

>pet tigers nnn sheeit

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That's pretty retarded. People don't kill because of bloodthirsty gods. Societies survives because they are united under a god. If you ever bother looking at history, you might notice that pretty much only the religious societies survived. The end of a society is marked by atheism. It's not a question of what is good, what is bad, what ought to be or what ought to not to be. It's a question of what is. Your bloodthirsty god might justify you killing your neighbour, or it might not. Doesn't matter. What matters is that your god allows you to survive, whereas your godless neighbour dies. Perhaps you can imagine a godless society where everyone is happy and peaceful. Well, nature doesn't do that. You imagine that thing, and I see extinction.

you already have eternal life, its your choice if you want to spent it with satan or chirst.

this user gets it

Youre not really any different than the people who believe in equality even if it causes problems, or inclusivity even if it causes problems, or unrestricted individual rights, even if it causes problems.

Truth, in a human sense, is near non existant. It's mostly subjective. This it's actually best if people are split into multiple groups, each deciding what will cause the least amount of problems for that specific group.

I'm not a Christian. I'm explaining the problem with you euphoric atheists. I really detest you types. You offer nothing but vitriol towards the thing that built your society. You do nothing but tear down the beauty of the past, and you replace it with sheer filth. All because you think you are somehow superior to this one tiny group of believers, even though you represent the vast majority in your atheism. And you don't really even believe in truth. You believe in your euphoric atheism. In fact, you are so utterly blinded by that belief that you'd project me as a Christian simply because I oppose the nihilistic degeneracy that you represent.

And only an utter fool would espouse a truth that causes problems. The truth exists whether you believe in it or not. Truth doesn't give a fuck about your belief. What should matter to you is survival, not the unfeeling and unthinking truth. If a false god would ensure your survival, whereas truth would bring about extinction, any thinking man would pick the false god.

>I'd rather believe in truth even if it causes problem
Thus says the man who refuses to accept Christianity because the rest of his family would see him as insane.

He's a neopagan that believes in Hellenistic metaphysics, not an atheist. You're literally doing half his job with this answer.

Am I going to be with my kind guardian angel in heaven, far away from the bad people?

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It will be an eternal sunshine of spotless mind. The same solution which will be implemented once immortality is achieved. Doing everything there is to do, until you get bored and then erasing your memory. The same thing is implemented with the belief of reincarnation.
It's all selfish, wasteful hedonism, all the way down no matter what the truth of this universe is.

>Your output is just so full of filth and vitriol.
Like leaders of the Abrahamic faiths beheading the innocent in the Middle East? Raping children under the protection of the Vatican? Cinder-eye, my friend.

>You mock and ridicule innocent and good people
No, we mock these religions. The beliebers get their feefees hurt trying to defend the indefensible. Lies, deceptions and disinformation deserves no respect in the Marketplace of Ideas.

Oh yeah man, I totally can't wait to be nothing forever. Fuck off.

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Good the world is an evil place but you shouldn't give up by any means. Being eternally with The Lord will be a type of peace and happiness I don't think we truly will understand until we get there(through natural causes such as old age of course.)

Bruh 35 isn't even an Xer how on earth is he then a Boomer? Maybe a 30 year old boomer but you missed the meme or joke.

>God's existence is a mathematical theorem within standard physics
This is the most desperate rationalization I've seen in print today.

Give us the name of a mathematician who cannot solve his equation so he evokes a deity to make the numbers add up. You can't. Give us the name of a scientist who gathers data for years, analyzes it carefully and then publishes his findings crediting some supernatural being. You can't. Rationality is a one-way ratchet that needs nothing from believers.

On the other hand, you have a half dozen threads on Jow Forums every day rationalizing religions that can never be rational.

Isn’t Christianity inherently nihilistic?

>If you live by an objectively truthful and rational way, you may as well save yourself the pain of existence
A truthful and rational existence experiences a lot less pain because there's a lot less gullibility and credulity.

>pro choice, which by the way, is responsible for the most human deaths in history.
Fetal termination is not death because the fetus hasn't been born yet.

God made the earth in 6 days and a day off, try to imagine what he can do with 6000 years. it's hard to fathom

fetus have unique DNA from conception, DNA is the blueprint to all life, every living thing has it, you could fuck the same partner a bazillion times and not recreate the same unique strand of DNA you killed upon abortion. Life starts at Conception.

>If you ever bother looking at history, you might notice that pretty much only the religious societies survived.
They are obviously the bloodthirsty tribes that wiped out all the non-believers.

>Perhaps you can imagine a godless society where everyone is happy and peaceful
The Minoans of Ancient Crete

Why don't you try pondering what it would be like to never exist for eternity and then come back to us?