Bernie is so close to

Naming them

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Bernie is our only hope. He’s our new Ron Paul.

Pretty much

Bernie IS one of them, you moron.

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Post his last tweet about Drumph. Bernie is the first to get the rope

Go check out his tweet about Trump and then go kys

No he’s not retard

2nd both

And trump isn’t?

close? he names a jew right in his own account name

>zodiac killer

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Sounds like every president before election

Bernie is the kind of person to say this but vote for war and then run scurry away into a lift when asked about it.

What kind of person gets cheated out of a primary election and then defends the person who cheated him and attacks the person who defends him? Totally untrustworthy sports car driving hypocrite. Deserves the rope.

I've honestly been giving serious consideration to this war bullshit being a side show. Everyone in the 'know' knows there will be no war but they know the masses think its the worst thing that can happen. Which means its a distraction from the main show. The US was never going to go to war in the middle east, north korea, or with China. It's just a side show from the main action. If every week there was some threat of war, you forget about all of the other important shit aka the economy. It's cute though...

Who's a retard?

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Bernie doesn’t understand how the world works. He is a piece of shit, communist scumbag.

He's just COPEposting because his foreign policy is terrible. He really fucked up on Venezuela so he needs to make a big deal out of this Iran layup.

I know he’s jewish retard. He’s still against war and completely anti establishment

Bernie's pretty good on war and foreign policy.

Terrible on everything else, unfortunately. Same with Tulsi.

not all jews are bad, idiot

Bernie is jewish though

>anti establishment
Ask him how Hillary’s dick tastes

Be sure to point out how he dodged the questions about his recent millionaire status next time someone starts talking about him.

In capital free world it will only be the children of the working class who die in war, not the children of politicians. A politician, be they elected or party appointed, is not a member of the public anymore.

>Trump sells his soul, children and foreskin to israel
lol guys jews aren't all evil n shit
>Bernie, a jew, defies israel

hmmm looks like the trumpbots are nervous

>naming them
He may be a jew, but no Judas.

Came here to say this, the state of nu/pol/

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Until good jews fight bad jews there are no good jews. Even then I wouldn't trust them to be doing it honestly. Basically no jew is a good jew. Okay only a dead jew is a good jew.

Bernie isn’t pro establishment retard.

Why do you think media is so anti Bernie?

fuck off

Bernie is a Jew himself you fucking kykelover.

Dumbass hes not pro establishment like trump and crew

>media is so anti Bernie

They are. Have you read anything at all? Media always creates narratives against Bernie retard

What the fuck do you think (((them))) means? Naming what? Naming the establishment? What the fuck are you even talking about? GTFO of here and go back to wherever you came from or go back to shill school because you suck at this.

>this crisis with Iran
What crisis? Iran has done literally nothing to infringe upon the US or the international community. It is only Pompeo who is claiming there's a "crisis". I'm seriously tired of these Jews trying to sneak this false narratives into the public consciousness while pretending to be anti-war.

Wow a commie that doesn't want a war. What a faggot.

>naming himself
yeah right faggot

No they don't, they mostly just don't cover him at all, because he's too weak to do anything and as such poses zero threat to the establishment.

>He’s our new Ron Paul.
Thanks for the laugh

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Hes a progressive jewish socialist, the worst kind.

Google Bernie Sanders watch how many articles bash him you clueless monkey

Yes comrade can't wait for the bread lines

He isnt a full blown communist retard

>Thinking a kike will save you from kikes

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He's a fucking marxist kike. kys

>Jewish millionaire who spent his honeymoon singing Soviet propaganda at the USSR isny a communist
Is lead paint normal in bongistan?


No hes a progressive jewish socialist as I stated before, he doesnt believe in marxist theory in its entiretly. Marx definately wasnt a progressive or a pro-jew


>anti establishment
>is the ultimate picture child of everything the establishment and political corruption stands for
really makes u go mhhhhhhm

>this kike is going to name the kikes
These kinds of Jews are one in 6 million, newfriend.

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bernie doesn't give a shit about the working class.
he wants to tax the living hell out of the very people who make the working class possible - their bosses and business owners.

Was hyped for Trump in 2016.

Been very happy with immigration, Muslim ban and the wall talk

But I know we need single payer healthcare and raise taxes on people making above 10 million dollars.

I think Bernie is the only one on the left trying not to play identity politics and getting to the heart of it.

My fear is he don't keep to his word that mass immigration is a "right wing" idea and it hurts the economy.

My pros for Sanders: healthcare, raise tax on people making above 10 million

My cons: cutting funding from ice, cutting hack on undocumented camps where we hold illegals till we deport them back.
Letting prisoners like the Boston bomber who have no place in our society to vote
I'm worried he'll jump on illegal voting or making Puerto Rico a 51st state with voting rights.

If Trump's wins hopefully we get better Democrats next time.

But Bernie would be okay.

Im pro abortion and gay fights so I don't really care about that shit at all.
I don't care when it happens I just don't care if it don't bother me.

Anyone else know this feel?
I'll probably go with Trump again for the Wall and he I want the first president to legalize weed to be him.

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Imagine being such a retard that you have to censor the word "reddit" before sending it.

You mean he's gonna name himself?

Yes Bernie is a based Jew.

Bernie Sanders isn’t what establishment wants you retard. Millionaires would hate high taxes. They want Biden.

You've clearly never told anyone on Jow Forums to go back to r*ddit.

Regardless of sanders himself, this thread reeks of plebbit.

hes a jew himself?

>people unironically in support of an old commie jew

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>but it will not be the kids of billionaires who get killed in a war

Wrong. I'm done with this shit, the United States will be soaked in WASP blood if they push another globohomo war for kikes.


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I want to see Bolton go out there and fight

He's one of your tribesmen, kike

If Bernie can get through the DNC gauntlet then Trump is in fucking trouble. Bernie's no fan of infinite taco orcs btw.


>Why do you think media is so anti Bernie?
Imagine thinking this, typing it out, and then not even realizing how retarded it is.

This. Just like "good" muslims never fight the bad ones. Abrahamism is the greatest of all the mind viruses

You guys don't get it.
TRUMP was a fantastic idea because he owed nobody anything, Jews booed at him when he refused their money, he said he was using his own money. He wins saying whatever he wants, is not owned by anyone, total freedom. It was great with the people whispering in his ear like Steve Bannon and a few radio guys. But one way or another, a jew has been whispering in his ear, "AMERICANS LOVE ISRAEL, ESPECIALLY YOUR BASE! DO GOOD STUFF FOR THEM AND YOU'LL BE LOVED!"
>well I do have a lot of Christian voters.. and they sure fo love jews

Who is whispering in his ear now?

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This. Bernie IS them.

>vote for the literal jew socialist
Bernie is the most low effort bait the Jews could possibly come up with.

>the jew tweets before pulling off in his $170K sports car

>He’s our new Ron Paul.
Well you tried, but that was a low energy post. Sad.

I think its time we have a Jewish President
to break the goyim ceiling!
This would inspire little boy and girl Jews everywhere!

Based Brit bong

Google Bernie Sanders and show me the results. It’s all anti Bernie you dumbass. Media dosent like him

You won’t do it

>jew is going to name the jew

lol fucking shills

>(((bernard eli ben yehuda sanders)))

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The Democrats help with healthcare costs, taxing the millionares and infrastructure but their downside is the identity politics so they bring masses of refugees and illegals over here, feed them and house them and kills our economy, then Republicans come back and make the economy great, sales are great GDP and DOW all great, less SJW stuff but more Christian stuff so it almost Evans out

We need someone who does the best of both these parties

A nationalist Democrat.

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I get the impression both sides of this relationship are not being entirely honest about their motivations and intentions as they so publicly celebrate each other. I guess only time will tell.

>anti-establisment jew
Hey it worked when Marx did it, I don’t see how anything can go wrong!

Er, Bernie is them. Plus he showed his ass last time when he let two fat nigresses chase him off his own stage, and then betrayed his voters by kneeling to Clinton. He's done. The only reason he gets any attention at all is the rest of the field is so awful, with a pedophile and a buch of freaks and darkies.

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name the shoe

Bernie would gut the military budget and use the funds on gibs


>there arent any weatlhy people in the military xD

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Bernie is real, he’s just spineless and weak and happens to be a jew.

>Naming them
>naming himself

This is my primary issue with Bernie. On paper, what he says is correct most of the time, but he's a sniveling coward that is ultimately cut from the same cloth as the rest of the insulated political elite.

>I know he’s jewish retard. He’s still against war and completely anti establishment
I'll bet you had no idea he's been in Congress since 1991. He is the establishment. He's been in Congress for nearly 30 years and doesn't have a single accomplishment to speak of. Why does he need more time in government??

both politician and billionaire do the same shit