What is wrong about absolute monarchy? tell me bros

What is wrong about absolute monarchy? tell me bros

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Nothing if it is a Catalan dynasty

you mean andalousian

Mmm no, no need for another Al-Andalus


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What are you trying to achieve with this map? As far as I am concerned the most closer thing to a dynasty Andalusians achieved were when they were called Abdula Habul, and let me tell you, that the greatness achieved by Jaume I is by far greater than any accomplishment any of your people have done upon millenia, in fact you would still be called Hamud if it weren't by him. Btw I said Catalan not mutt dynasty.

They weren't andalusians, at least their liders where from the omeya dynasty, what actually makes them persians

That's why I said closer, not that they have had any.

If we tried to establish a catalonian dynasty the result would be like a second Al-Andalus

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Absolutely nothing.
It was the force that kept liberalism locked away. As soon as absolutism went out of the window the ugly head of liberalism reared its head and put us on the tracks towards complete degeneration.

You're wrong, I said Catalan dynasty not a race traitor one, that's why we need monarchy, we don't need these people that say whatever we want to say and proceed to fuck us in the next 4 years after an election, I'd be ok with an Andalusian one btw, as long as they rule over Andalusians, every people deserve to be ruled by their own, unless they want to get exploited

based. and the world war I finished what the french revolutionares couldn't in 1789


ok but then are you asking for a self governed Catalonia? why not returning to the austria's model where there was multiple kingdoms ruled by the hispanic monarchy?

Because you fucked it up beyond solution in 1714 when you retards allied with the french to take over the whole peninsula, we are not going to forget how you killed your own allies to please some Frenchs morons who were about to be guillotined for incompetents

No sé de que pollas hablais ni me importa. Pero como catalán debo reconocer que somos los que mas subnormales por metro cuadrado tenemos del pais. Asi que ya va siendo hora de callarse la puta boca y dejar aparcado todo lo que tenga tufillo catalanete una temporada.

Yes. The result of WW1 led to the takeover of most of Europe by this disgusting ideology.
Before there still was a lot of the monachic spirit alive in Central European governments.

its still going on the usa, nothings changed

nigga what, i assume you mean a figurative thingy

Tan Català no seràs que fins i tot jo sent fill de xarnegos refuso a parlar aquesta llengua tant berruera, mirat el discurs de la candidata de Front Nacional de Catalunya al ajuntament de Ripoll, i diguem com a "Català" que ets com pots sostenir aquests arguments de deixalla genètica.


I support monarchism, but not absolute. It's not suitable for Englishmen. Maybe for other races who lack self-mastery it's fine, but it goes against our nature. The king should be the first among equals, no more.

pues la verdad es que un poco sí
>you fucked it up beyond solution in 1714 when you retards allied with the french

wow and you allied with the fucking englishmen and what? they both were valid candidates. And the fueros weren't lost, YOUR self-government laws were lost because your absolute incompetence managing your alliances.

And where were the catalonians durning the carlists wars? there were a few near the Pirineos but the rest of catalonia was in mute

M'importa una puta merda. La llengua es una tecnologia, tu quedat amb la teva tecnologia regional que et permet comunicarte amb cuatre gats (i cada dia menys, perque la moronegrada no te'l apentrà). Jo em quedo amb la tecnologia imperial, segona llengua materna del món.
Apa, a cagar a la puta via.

What do you think of North Korea?

>Maybe for other races who lack self-mastery

enjoy your reptilian cucked-monarchism then, you absolute faggot. Decreasing the strenght of your government what you achieves is that money / kikes take the control instead. Now pretending to be the "superior race" you are unironically under the control of inferior races.

No sé tú, però per conveniència el Anglès es mil vegades millor que el Castellà i al menys cada cop que el parles els teus avantpassats no han de remoures a la tumba per haver contribuït a la desgràcia de traïdor que han acabat portant en aquest mon, si vols parlar amb els creadors del reggaeton, o amb els que van decidir que la teva línia genètica havia de ser erradicada per no voler convertirse en una colonia de Castella allà tú, està clar que el teu cervellet de deixeble plebeu no te caire per gaire més, només sàpigues que ets part del problema i que no tens ningún dret de queixar-te de la situació actual a la nostre terra ja que tú mateix ets la encarnació de tot el que està malament. Amb gent com tú normal que ens prenguin el pèl els polítics, només serveixes perquè se't pixin al damunt, vergonya t'hauria de fer respirar en aquesta terra, escòria!

i do not support communism but i have more than respect towards regimes that go against the american imperialism

Vaya tocho nen. Luego si me entran ganas de leer tonterias me lo leo.

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My biggest problem is the succession and inheriting the position. There should be some mechanism of removing an absolute unfit ruler.

It's not retarded per se
Take your own queen, the retarded ungrateful bitch,
she goes through with her alzheimers fantasy of invading america to reaquire the colonies
How well would you support having no say in that, nigger?

it can be fixed with a demanding education. What i dislike the most is the degeneration of genetics because of the aristocratical endogamy

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How is demanding education a mechanism of removing a ruler? (assuming you mean educating the monarch)


Nothing. Monarchy is what made Europe great in the first place

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do you need another re-conquista?
Hundreds of hours on CK2 trained me for this.


Monarchy is the best form of government. It's sad to see how it was eradicated by the Jews after WW1

>joke: Catalan
>broke: Andalusian
>woke: Andorran

no man, with education you assure not having a total incompetent so you don't need to remove him from post

But you might still end up with an incompetent ruler? Then you're stuck with him for decades..

Absolutism has no place in English hearts. We don't need it and don't want it. It was imported and forced upon us by the French and we rid ourselves of it as soon as we could.

>decreasing the strength of your government leads to kikes and money take control.
Exact opposite is true.
>pretending to be the superior race
Didn't say that. Different strokes for different folks is what I'm saying. Asians and Africans are predisposed to liking supreme leaders and powerful god-kings, Nordics are the polar opposite, and Southrons are somewhere in the middle.

You're proposing a system that has failed your country in a cataclysmal way. I'm standing by the one that led to my people conquering a 1/4 of the Earth.
>Not believing in the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights and thousands of years of tradition, blood, and history in favour of foreign, Semitic-inspired tyranny.

>The king should be the first among equals, no more.
You're in the wrong thread, you fucking degenerate.

nowadays I believe democracy sucks, it is literally the rule of the stupid mob


Because monarchs can be dumb and unfit to rule.
Then you have all kinds of troubles.
Remember the Rome. It was totally hit and miss, one time you have absolute godlike figure as your emperor, and the next emperor will fuck everything up and be a degenerate nigger.

Bureaucrats and the centralized state have too much power, nobility and the Church lose their former roles in the society and they also stop being checks and balances to the power of the king. While they still retain their privileges, they slip further and further into decedance and become detached from the commoners. The end result is pretty much what happened in France, where the only regions which stayed loyal to the king were those where the nobility still lived alongside the peasantry instead of moving to the cities as it happened in the rest of the country.


>monarchs can be dumb and unfit to rule.
So are your ministers

First among the nobility, otherwise we get "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? " levels of decadence and corruption seen in Versailles and Saint-Petersburg.

You want a king that will send you to die in Flanders so he can fuck your wife like Louis XIV, or do you want good men like Alfred the Great, Henry V, Edward I who fight like genuine Chads alongside their people?

The average person is way more incompetent than a shitty monarch, democracy is far worse. A monarchy with private gun ownership and free speech for whites would be pretty deece tbqfamily

>It was imported and forced upon us by the French and we rid ourselves of it as soon as we could.

kek. feudalim now is a french invention.

>Semitic-inspired tyranny.

pic related was the founder and king of rome.

>You're proposing a system that has failed your country in a cataclysmal way

we don't have absolute monarchy since 1830 more or less.
> I'm standing by the one that led to my people conquering a 1/4 of the Earth.

and now is letting into the UK that 1/4 of the Earth, pleb. That doesn't count to you or what?

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>A monarchy with private gun ownership and free speech for whites would be pretty deece tbqfamily
Then it wouldn’t be an absolute monarchy.

The early "dark ages" before "absolute monarchy" was based. There were lords and kings of course, but they had no "divine right" by and large. There were trade guilds that had their own arbitrators and courts for sorting out problems. Feudalism and mercantilism during these times was largely available to anyone who wanted to participate. I believe some kind of "neo feudalism" is the direction we'll move in after the socialist collapse takes place.

those, my good man, are rookie numbers. we gotta bump them figures up.

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Miss me yet

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yeah, and Rome lasted 300 years until its fall. That's more than every democracy in Europe is going to endure.

It would if those two rights were brought about by emperors fiat and they just thought they were good rights so they didn’t renege

Is there even a single country with a true monarchy anymore? One that doesn't have to consult a parliament?

How could a godless country claim the divine right of kings?

Feudalism is not absolute monarchy. If anything a strong nobility could hinder a wannabe absolute ruler quite hard, like it happened to Joseph II when he tried to be an enlightened despot in the Habsburg Empire. His rational idea to make German a state language pretty much kickstared Hungarian nationalism, when the majority of our nobles hadn’t even spoke Hungarian by that time.

Well as far as i know when the ancient regime gun ownership wasn't regulated

Only if the King is non hereditary and cloned by the state and trained as a golden übermench.

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put very simply,
if your king, or anyone in his lineage, happens to be a dick, you're fucked

Best Korea?

Absolute monarchy was pretty much non-existent until the 17th century user.

I don't think so.

i know but i'm talking about absolute monarchy in opposition to monarchial parlamentarism. You surely mean absolutism in the XVI century sense

XVII sorry

>First among the nobility, otherwise we get "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? " levels of decadence and corruption seen in Versailles and Saint-Petersburg.
That's a problem in their people. German kings were never cucks. They had honor and pride.

>You want a king that will send you to die in Flanders so he can fuck your wife like Louis XIV
If the best your people can muster are adulterers then no governmental system in the world will save you.

Freedom of speech/religion was. Though ironically it was pretty mild compared to the insanity of the French revolution.

Yep, 17-18th century is the age of absolute monarchies. Before that it was more or less feudal monarchies. Use the correct terminology if you don’t want to confuse people.

>be proud and honorable German ruler
>become a heretic so you can steal church lands

You mean have one man have absolute power over you. Its the definition of being cucked.

In theory it's a good idea but in practice you can get autists like Willy who fuck everything up

At least kings didn’t usually open the gates for barbarians to be more progressive on social media

The definition of being cucked is when there is no absolute power so you can't control the kikes and eventualy the kikes cuck you

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why are americans so obsessed with cuckoldry?

You can't get rid of the kikery and freemasons now equally.

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Hapsburg Jaw

If a Jew comes to my house with bad intentions I can legally kill him. If it's an absolute monarch of my country I am fucked. It's a no brainier unless your a meme obsessed cuck.

Gee I don't know........... What could possibly go wrong.........

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Absolutely nothing.

They’ve given lands to foreigners and granted them privileges in exchange of military services or in order to boost the economy. Sure, usually it was other Europeans, but one Hungarian king in the 13rd century tried to settle down the Cumans (Central-Asian Turkic people who were running away from the Mongols), which backfired spectacularly as the Christian, agrarian locals didn’t really appreciate when Pagan nomads drove their cattle to their lands or abducted their women. They ended up assassinating their leaders and drove them out for the country, which ended up devastating huge swathes of land. Then the Mongols arrived, nobody knew their tactics so they defeated the Hungarian army, raided the country for a year, then left. The king managed to avoid capture, returned to the country, rebuilt it and invited the Cumans back who managed to settle down more peacefully this time and assimilated over centuries. The Mongols tried for a 2nd time a good 30 years later but got absolutely BTFO.


>Heir is the first male to pop out of a queen's vagina
Gee what could go wrong

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Sure, especially if he comes with this who is his puppet.

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it puts too much emphasis on the competence of too few people
but at least this way when things go bad there are only so many people to depose

i said ABSOLUTE MONARCHY you stupid luso

because they're the best of the people, la crème de la crème

They still would have to jump through legal hoops. An absolute king does not. It's a not really a hard concept to understand.

Why are Europeans so accepting of it.

but at times a little flawed

that said at least there is less pretence
democratic politicians are all scum hiding beneath a thin veneer of bullshit

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yeah and you really think that these people care about legality? They can literally poison you with uranium in your wooden cage and nobody would ever know it. And at the following day the Washintong Post would write "this threat to our democracy was found yesterday dead after a heart attack" or whatever

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uhhh its not the 1040's anymore, sweety

yeah they're a bit fucked up because of the endogamy, i pointed it out before in

that is not an argument sweety

So what anybody can poison anybody. Only an absolute monarch can do it legally.

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