When will infantile circumcision become illegal...

When will infantile circumcision become illegal? How can Republicans be pro life and claim the fetus has human rights but then violate them moments after the baby is born? How can democrats claim that consent is needed for everything sexual but then circumcise without his consent? How are hospitals getting away with preforming unnecessary cosmetic surgeries on minors and allowing parents to push their sexual preference (cut or uncut) on their baby boys? When will it finally stop?

How can people not immediately recall Chinese foot binding when asked about circumcision? Aren't they virtually the same? You have parents and their culture fucking up the feet of young Chinese women because it "looks good." Why do we condemn one but praise the other?

When will the AAP be held accountable for spreading misinformation?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), an uncircumcised boy has about a 1 in 100 chance of developing a UTI in his first year of life. The risk for a circumcised baby is one in 1,000.

0.01% chance of getting a UTI if you leave him intact, but a 0.001% if you circumcise him. Reminder, we are circumcising 50% of all males because of UTI's that only occur around 1% of the time? UTI's are not an issue. If it were an issue, there would be a pandemic in places like Finland and Sweden where the rate is close to 0%. By saying things like "Uncircumcised males have a 10x greater chance of gaining a UTI" is manipulative and dishonest.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>it's just extra skin
The foreskin is not just extra skin, but it actually contains 20k specialized nerve endings. For comparison, the clitoris only has 8k. Not to mention it actually has functions like gliding motion, and maintains moisture to the glands. To remove it is to literally mutilate.

>It's easier to perform it on an infant
a lot of things are easier to perform on an infant, but that alone is not justification to do so.

>"it looks better/nicer"
Completely subjective. I think flat women look better, but does that mean I can remove the breast buds from my daughter? No! Having a preference for cut penises is 100% cultural. At the end of the day, you are pushing your sexual preferences on your son. That is disgusting

Does anybody have any statistics for the percent of baby boys circumcised as an infant? I'm working on a presentation and will be talking about circumcision as a human right violation in front of 30 people tomorrow. My final is a persuasive speech, and I will hopefully convince a few young women to leave their baby's genitals alone.

Also, does anybody have any counter arguments for birth defects like cleft palate? For instance, if a baby is born with a cleft palate, would it be a human right violation to undo it? What about for vaccines? Some people in my class might say that we force vaccinations on our children, but that's okay. Why is circumcision any different? I really need to prepare for these arguments. I don't know how to respond.

Don't forget the best argument ever.

>lol you where a baby you don't renember it

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Yeah haha. It is so nonsensical. In their minds it must be okay to throw a baby against a wall because he won't remember it. It's such a ludicrous idea

>How can Republicans be pro life and claim the fetus has human rights but then violate them moments after the baby is born? How can democrats claim that consent is needed for everything sexual but then circumcise without his consent?

My fuckin dude.

If they ever come at you with that bullshit argument just say this.

If a woman is raped after she is unconscious from getting drugged does it still count as rape?

>Looks like an anteater
>Repulse woman

All dicks are smelly if you don't wash them. Vaginas smell worse. but you don't stitch them up, do you?
Even circumcised penises produce smegma, it just rubs all over your underwear instead of keeping your glands moist
>Looks like an anteater
All mammals, yes even blue whales and bats, have foreskin. Every single one of them. So what if it looks like an ant eater? That's how it's supposed to look.
>Repulse woman
Honestly, women would be repulsed by circumcised penises if they weren't used to it. They would ask who splayed it and left it looking like old leather under the sun. They would be horrified by a dried, rough, penis that can't feel much. It's 100% cultural. Almost exactly like how Chinese men used to prefer women with binded feet.

try to piss in a fucking blizzard without a foreskin
the wind is so strong it hurts you like crazy
#and the anteater thing is retarded. uncut dicks have the foreskin retracted when erect, and you can do it when not erect, too. best of both worlds.

Stupid arguments. It's like saying people should cut their noses or ears so shit doesn't build up. Clean it.

>Looks like an anteater
Subjective, but acceptable opinion. Cut your foreskin when you are an adult, if you want, don't force it on babies.

>Repulse woman
>Cutting his own body to please women

btw cut guys have smegma too

Circumcision is healthy and natural. It protects from many things. Just because the Jews were smart enough to figure it out first makes you mad!

>People still use these as arguments
First off, if your dick smells you should probably take a shower more often. It takes a very long time for smegma to develop, and it doesn't appear as fast as people like to think.
>But muh anteater dick
Shut the fuck up, you're a faggot. Finally, the United States is the only western country where male genital mutilation is normal and accepted. Nobody in Europe does that shit unless they absolutely have to. Also, the foreskin folds back when you're erect, so it's barely noticeable unless you have phimosis or shit like that.

t. Coping with his botched circumcision

Attached: kike bait.png (360x361, 70K)

Nice counter argument

Iceland is the closest.


These threads are not generic cut vs uncut threads.
They aim to highlight the highly questionable practice of cutting helpless newborns, which is a blatant human rights violation.
Don't mindlessly accept this practice just because you were cut as a baby and now feel like you have to defend yourself.
This has nothing to do with you as a person.

Your post was so mindnumbingly stupid that a generic bait picture response without any words is already too much.

never, jews have death grip on the world medical institutions and will not rest until all their nigger cattle are circumcised.

>They don't remember it
I hate hearing this shit, especially as someone mutilated. Infant ritual circumcision causes brain damage and is correlated with autism. Giving birth in hospitals at this point with all of the shit they fuck up your children with is basically poor parenting at this point.

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>comparing foot binding to circumcision

>Stupid pussywhipped amerifats caring about what they think women think they want to the point where they chop literal pieces off their body to please them. United Simps of America.

>kike shill behind a VPN


There are statistics out there for the prevalence of the procedure. It's something like 50% on baby boys today.

It is essentially the same thing. A body modification on someone defenseless, who has no choice in the whole matter.
If you don't see the problem with circumcising a child, you have a glaring cultural blind spot.

Have you ever seen these african tribes with plates in their lips? Looks weird, doesn't it?
That is how most of the civilized world sees the practice of infant circumcision.

Yeah, I totally forget everytime I see it, or feel it, or think about it.

Could you please tell me why you think they can't be compared? They are both culturally seen as aesthetic, they are both preformed on minors, and they both disregard bodily autonomy. Please tell me why you think they can't be compared, I am sincerely wondering.

This looks good but the reason it's going down is because of all the brown people moving in.
Mehicans don't do it.

Every month, at least, you post this same fucking thread.
Answer:2030 probably, at the latest

Cleft palates are a birth defect.
On the flipside, there are very rare cases of boys being born without foreskins, which is also a birth defect.
What is not a birth defect is being born with a foreskin.

Vaccines are a necessity to immunize. Many illnesses we can prevent are already slowly making a comeback thanks to people taking a anti-vax stance.
A child does not lose anything by being vaccinated, and the risks are extremely minimal.

On the flipside, a child loses 20000 nerve endings during a circumcision. That is a lot of sensitivity. A missing foreskin also means that the mechanics of sex are being altered, since you can't change form without changing function.
There is a reason that the lubrication market in the US is so big, and that reason is the circumcision of boys at a very young age.

The risks for circumcision are also not that small. Every year, more than 100 boys die as a direct result of being circumcised.
One might argue that the percentage is very low, but put it into perspective: When a big mass shooting happens, you hear about it in the news for months. Nobody tells you the number of boys who perish due to this unnecessary custom, and as a result nobody talks about it.

The boys who don't die often have one or several complications: Painfully tight erections, penoscrotal webbing on the shaft, skin bridges, bent erections, uneven scarring, loss of sensitivity as the years go by, pain during intercourse (for the woman as well), and a few more.
The sad thing about it is that they think this is what it's like to have a normal penis, because they grow up with a penis that's missing an important part from infancy on.
They think everyone has these problems and it doesn't even cross their mind that this is related to circumcision.

They absolutely can be compared.
Watch the following video, the guy explains it very well.

If you want more links and research I have access to tons of stuff. Ask away.

You're right about cleft palates being a birth defect, but a possible argument that I might face is why do we allow parents to take over their children't bodily autonomy in this event? If I'm trying to say that the parent shouldn't be allowed to make this decision, then wouldn't it be contradictory to allow parents to fix their children's faces in the event of a cleft palate? Why should we ban circumcision and not ban the fixture of cleft palates since they are both preformed on minors and because they impede bodily autonomy?

>Circumcision is not mandatory
>Circumcision is not even the default
>Circumcision is performed on a small, and shrinking, percentage of white gentiles
>Circumcised Jews and Muslims are fucking like rabbits

What, exactly, is this fucking Great Circumcision Panic all about?

If you don't like it....don't do it to your son.

That's it. Move along.

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user has no good reason. He's impotent and believes his circumcision caused it.

Circumcision debates are hilarious because you inevitably end up with a bunch of grown white dudes arguing about who's the MOST impotent.

>"I haven't had a boner since I was 16!"
>"Yeah, well I haven't had a boner since I hit puberty!"
>"Screw you. My circumcised cock has NEVER gotten hard!"

>>all together: "FUCK YOU, DAD!!!!!!"

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A cleft palate that goes unfixed can cause a multitude of follow-up problems, including a social problem of bullying.
It is in the childs best interest to fix it.
I had a hernie as a baby. They fixed it.
Fixing a birth defect does not violate bodily autonomy, as this moves the body towards its default.

If the foreskin is not a birth defect, then removing it without a medical need moves the body away from the natural default.
This is a violation of bodily autonomy.
The person with the anatomy being altered has to be the one to decide this.
Having a foreskin is not a pathology that must be taken care of asap. The >70% of all men worldwide who are intact without problems and don't plan to ever get cut are the best proof of this.

im natural and clean as whistle, this is just cutlet cope

sorry u let jews steal ur only erogenous zone u fucking faggot

lol based

Most white Americans aren't circumcised, Eurofag.

Stop obsessing about America's circumcised dicks and go worry about the circumcised Muslim ploughing your wife into multiple Os.

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About 55% of all boys being born in the US are cut.
That is hardly a small minority.

Routine infant circumcision is an evil that has to be ended. Not just for you, but for everyone.
3000 male babies are circumcised each day, having their most sensitive body art amputated without ever having a say in it.

Opposing this is simply common sense.
Accepting it is taking the blue pill.

Most white American guys are cut

>Morris and his colleagues found the circumcision rate in newborns has declined from 83 percent in the 1960s to 77 percent in 2010. (The overall rate among U.S. males age 14 to 59 is 81 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

spoken like a true amerimutt

So? An uncircumcized penis can lead to phimosis later in life, as well as vastly increased risk of viral infection with an intact foreskin. That isn't in the child's best interest to fix? If we're going to end circumcision then we should end all procedures that aren't life-threatening.

Why not leave it up to the kid later?

There is roughly 1 in 2000 chance of developing phimosis.

Are you really going to recommend cutting the foreskin off 1999 baby boys just to save one from needing it later in life? If that's the case, then why not just leave them intact and let the one who suffers from it receive it later on?

Also, circumcision is NOT the only cure for phimosis. You can buy plastic rings that will stretch it out for you...

im natural, phimosis is easily preventable, stop shilling you fucking kike rat

Only one out of every 16700 men will ever need a circumcision done during their lifetime if the penis is properly taken care of.
Cutting it off "just in case" is extremely stupid.
Would you permanently remove an infants toe and finger nails? You could prevent injuries and nailbed infections.
That is how stupid this argument is. Instead of removing it permanently, you take good care of it, and you will never have any problems.
If phimosis should ever occur, there are other, less extreme measure which can be taken first.
You don't amputate your arm at the elbow either if you break your wrist.

Also, vastly increased risk of viral infection? Are we talking STDs here?
That argument has long been debunked.
Watch this at 1:04:34, this claim gets debunked scientifically there.

The video is worth a watch in full. Very educative.

Here is the actual link

Honestly, I've seen Mr. Clopper's video so many times I've memorized its URL haha. His video was what really turned me against the practice.

Thanks, just realized the link I posted was missing the c at the end.


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Circumcision is heavily pushed, and most women don't think about it until they're meeting their son for the first time. That's when the doctor spams "health benefits" at them just so their insurance companies will pay for the operation.

Why is it a big deal? Because it highlights something seriously wrong with how we make laws and who is protected. We ban female circumcision but not male, why? Because of our culture. Because we have normalized the violation of human rights but only for baby boys. It's the same reason why people care so much about abortion. We believe that harm to an innocent child is evil, the debate is when that child starts. With circumcision, there is no debate. The baby is ALWAYS a human. It is always given human rights, but for some reason we allow them to be negated by parent's sexual preference.

Actually, it's not just parents. The physicians preference can also impact the outcome.
Physicians who were circumcised were more likely to recommend the procedure, and physicians who were not circumcised were more likely not to recommend it. What we have here is a cycle of abuse.

Group of infants are circumcised
infants grow up and think their 25% of pleasure is 100%
adults think circumcision is a non issue because they think they didn't suffer any ill effects
another group of infants are circumcised

It is absolutely barbaric...


Always bump with info. Have you had a child? Have you tried stretching? Are you intact and you've never heard of any kind of a problem with it?

>Yes, actively restoring since almost 2.5 years now
>circumcised for phimosis, and I did not know that there are other measures that can be taken to take care of it. Doctor did not mention anything either.

How far have you gotten in 2.5yrs? When some fag (literally) finally convinced me to give it a second go, he made it out like he got most of the way in a year, but I never made a burner email for pics.

He also wouldn't explain why exactly he decided to get it cut off as an adult, which was really confusing to me because he obviously had a crazy IQ and a great wealth of biblical study.

Started at CI3, am now at CI4. Getting over the glans edge takes a huge amount of time.
I guess I reached CI4 around one year ago.

>According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), an uncircumcised boy has about a 1 in 100 chance of developing a UTI in his first year of life. The risk for a circumcised baby is one in 1,000.

Even those figures are based on flawed data that didn't control for variables like forced retraction

What method did you use? I tried every kind of tugger when I first found out about what happened and what I could do about it, but it just never stayed on.

The first 1.5 years I used the direct air method and manual method 3 for 2 minutes every hour, then I switched to the DTR device.
The DTR stays on much better if you out on a condom catheter the guy also sells on his website, it gets described in the direct air section.

>the direct air method and manual method 3 for 2 minutes every hour
What in the fuck is that? How did they cut you? When I hear people say that, I think it probably doesn't apply to felony child sex crime victims.

Oh, I thought you asked the for the restoration method, not the method they circumcised me with.
I have no idea what method they used. Didn't know back then that there even were different methods.

>When will infantile circumcision become illegal?
it should be a capital punishment, along with any non-life saving form of modification to babies of any gender including circumcision, genetic engineering, etc.

I'm kind of an engineer, so I'm interested both in what you were left with and how you managed to get it back if a few minutes per hour worked over the course of 2 or 3 years.

Once I found out what happened to me, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't nearly as lucky as the guys who had inner foreskin halfway down or who came out loose, but at least I have kind of like just enough down left that there's a tiny part of what would have been my frenulum that feels amazing.

I was cut low and loose, about 1 cm of inner skin was left when I started.
The tugging method every hour is known as "Andres method", go to r/foreskin_restoration, it is very popular there.
I am nowhere near done though.

1cm of inner skin doesn't mean much if we don't know how much you started with, but that sounds pretty savage. At almost 7" I still have about 1" left, so maybe 1/7, and still a tiny bit of a functional part of it that I can feel.

What is your advice to other people in you situation with phimosis who might have a say about what happens next?

People who make that "argument" are arguing in bad faith.

My advice would be to try every other option first.
If everything else fails and surgery is necessary, INSIST on a dorsal slit or partial circumcision first.
Be very vocal and clear about it if you want to keep your foreskin, and be sure that the surgeon is 100% on your side.
If he seems to push you into circumcision or does not see dorsal slits or partial circumcisions as viable, leave and see a different surgeon.

>When will infantile circumcision become illegal?
When we win the coming civil war.

How did you know you had a problem and did you think of trying anything first?

Sometimes I think what it would be like if my parents let me have the choice to have a foreskin
But you cant regrow a lost piece of your body so the only thing I can do is make sure other men don't lose an important piece of their body forever

I did not always have phimosis, to simplify things let's say I injured myself and developed it.
Because of that I knew that this was not normal and had to be taken care of.
I always thought that circumcision was the only way of fixing it, and went to the doctor with that thought in mind, which he ended up confirming.

meant to reply to

>I didn't even have phimosis in the first place
Well that should kick the phimosis kikes right out of the park.

Do you want to tell us what happened? It's too late for me, so I want to try to popularize practical information and practical solutions. The medical system fails on both respects. I don't know what it's like to be in your position.

When neuro-tech makes us all smart enough to recognize religions as the most dangerous fraud.

Antivaxers are looking into the wrong thing
The increase in autism is more likely correlated with the increase in circumcision

There's no such thing as looking in to the wrong thing, especially when there's no science behind it and the government is subsidizing it.

How did you wind up at the doctor? What were you told? I have been a young male before, so I know how frightening it is if you think you have a problem with your cock. One of the few times I used health care was because I was worried if there was something wrong with it.

Walk us through the process and share what it's like for other young males who don't know what to think or what to expect.

Dude I don't have it (I'm a bong, we only mutilate kikes and slimes here but they deserve it) as I don't need it but there's an infographic posted a lot in these threads which shows prevalence of circumcision by state, some are as high as 90% and some are now as low as 40%.
Maybe some user will post it, or you can image search it.

People should be allowed to do as they like. But you'll see, slowly people will stop circumcision as they become more aware of the negatives of it

I'm not sure how they could account for that. Most American mothers don't know a thing about the foreskin, and neither do their fathers. And even if they could account for that, it would be more rational to not account for it because then it would be a better representation for UTIs in infants.

Not as long as they pay for medical insurance.

I disagree. People should be able to do what they like but only on themselves. It is illegal to tattoo your child, it is illegal to circumcise your dog for cosmetic reasons, but for some reason it isn't illegal to do it to your son. If you believe in bodily autonomy, then it only makes sense to be against circumcision on all genders.

It's because doctors don't follow the Nuremburg codes. They're just brainwashed in to the Rockefeller (Rothschild) perversion system. Anybody who trusts a medical doctor is by defauld a gollem.

>Honestly, women would be repulsed by circumcised penises if they weren't used to it.
I met my GF late (not a roastie but obviously not a virgin at 29, I've had way more sexual partners than her and anyway I'm not hung up on that shit - she's never been blacked and that's all I care about).
Anyway explanation for the rabid incel retards out there over, she was with one guy that was cut as a kid for phimosis and she fucking hated it, it's actually what split them up. She slept with him just twice before fucking him off, she hated the way it felt so she made him wear a rubber the second time and said there was no way it was ever going near her mouth.
So yeah, girls from intact countries don't like cut guys, some will put up with it if they like you enough but they far prefer intact.

Because jews

Why would anybody take a considered look at kikes and be like
>we need more of that

if you really are working on a presentation, OP, I suggest you look into the Hippocratic Oath / Medical Ethics then into Child Human Rights if you haven't already (ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/un_convention_on_the_rights_of_the_child_1.pdf)
that by itself damns "medical professionals" from even recommending this on perfectly healthy newborns

Actually the quoted figure said 2x, not 10x for UTI's
And the study was only for

>Hippocratic Oath
That's correct. Some of the lawyers out there might know that breaking your oath is pretty bad stuff.

And come back when you're ready to talk about it. I couldn't talk about it for years and it cost me my job when I turned in to an alcoholic.

It's the same thing with targeted individuals.

Krautbro you have been the fucking star in this thread so far.
>3000 male babies are circumcised each day, having their most sensitive body art amputated without ever having a say in it.
Do the maths man, the reasoning is clear, from the mutilation and then sale of the foreskin I believe the combined income is around $3500, I know the foreskins sell for around $500 a piece and guess that's what they charge for sexually torturing and mutilating a newborn infant which is where I arrive at my guesstimate of $2.5k profit per mutilation.
3500x(your figure of) 3000 per day = $10,500,000 - DAILY!
I think the reasoning is obvious, sure isn't health or happiness.

$3.5k per mutilation

>Why does the intact foreskin lead to an increased rate of UTI during infancy? It is known that there is bacterial colonization of the foreskin during the first 6 months of life that may be an important risk factor for the development of UTIs. Colonization decreases after the first 6 months of life, probably because the foreskin often becomes retractable around that age. It is known that uropathogens adhere to and readily colonize the mucosal surface of the foreskin but not the keratinized shaft skin. Bacteremia associated with UTI occurs during the first 6 months of life and is inversely related to age. Although the incidence of bacteremia associated with UTI is 2% to 10% during the first 6 months, it is significantly increased (21%) during the first month of life. Of interest is that the majority with UTIs are found to have normal radiographic evaluations. It is estimated that 10 of 1000 (1%) uncircumcised male infants will develop a UTI during the first year of life compared with 1 of 1000 (0.1%) circumcised male infants.

Where are you getting the 2x from? It would be great if you could provide the study that says so, even if it was flawed
I'm not sure if I should mention that especially since I will only have about 2 minutes to talk about it from an ethical point of view. The entire presentation is going to be around 7 minutes. I'm just going to say that the practice is not medically ethical and use the same points Dr. Guest uses at 1:10:28

>it's only a 15 minute procedure
That's a pretty big cost/benefit ratio. Remind the Jewish communists of that when they ask why they don't have universal health care yet.

>Circumcision is natural.

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Male circumcision wont become illegal anytime soon, it's being held in place by a strange alliance of kikes, kike worshiping neocons, sand people, dumb cutfags who don't want to admit to themselves that they were mutilated, and feminists who don't want the fact that 60% of infant boys in this country have their genitals mutilated mutilated at birth in this country going around making their own horseshit sound trivial by comparison (which it is)

Mate I was fucking disgusted when I worked it out (badly initially with the error, but I am a bit drunk) that is some serious profit for torturing baby boys.
I visited the US for a month when I was a kid and always wished I'd been born there, this whole subject changed my mind, glad I was born here now.
I know these threads get a lot of shit but I'll never give it out, I read them mainly because I agree with them but also the gallows humour some of your cutfags have is hilarious. Guess the best way to deal is through humour.

Even if it's a good medical procedure or anything else, you'd want to take before and after pictures. The medical industry thrives on being not held to any scientific evidence.

your mom is supposed to clean your foreskin