How the fuck did we let this happen? I mean...

How the fuck did we let this happen? I mean, we went from a Harvard-educated constitutional lawyer who was a Rhodes Scholar, to this bag of dicks who can’t hold a normal conversation longer than 2 minutes. Shit is embarrassing. I miss Barack Obama.

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Get found

Wah wah wah you're bitching like a little girl ,its pathetic

Trump is Ivy League educated too, retard. Imagine thinking Obama was a good president lul

What were his major accomplishments?

Keep your retarded plebbit e-celeb garbage off this board

Trump talks in a way that just gets to the point.
Obama was an actor. He played a role designed for him.
Trump is blazing his own path. He also went to wharton, a better school.


If I didn't have a communist pay for my college and housing I wouldn't be able to talk properly, not that any of the incoherent word salad that comes out of my mouth has any meaning anyway.

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I love this guy. I'm voting for Trump and Boris 2020.

Hey faggot, Obama was a warmonger who tripled the amount of troops in Afghanistan and also pulled out of Iraq in an election year prematurely which allowed ISIS to be created.

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i understood exactly what he meant

zioshill niggers keep flooding the board lmao

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>what does this even mean
It means that Trump is NOT going to Iran to start a war. Trump is going to Iran to capture/kill CIA/Deep State assets operating at black sites in Iran.

You kikes are embarrassing yourselves. You simply refuse to stop Jewing. You'll be Jewing all the way to the gallows.

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>why isnt he telling everyone what he will do so iran can know ahead of time and move all its assests away before anything of value is damaged reeeeeeeeeee
its all fucking over

this is what senile dementia sounds like

>1 post by this id

lose weight

Theyve lost it

Why does he repeat everything he says 3 times?

Basically this.

>not that any of the incoherent word salad that comes out of my mouth has any meaning anyway.

imagine having zero self-awareness. Trump is literally a retarded nigger who you faggots selected to spearhead your revolution, and it's exposed all of you as hypocritical, anti-intellectual frauds.

You have worse things to worry about, prepare to go to war with Iran.

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>How the fuck did we let this happen?
>We went from a Judeo-Globalist puppet to another Judeo-Globalist puppet whose only competition was a thrid Judeo-Globalist puppet
We weren't trying to change "the system", since this was impossible with what we had to work with. We were trying to change the bounds of acceptable discussion, and we succeeded. You wouldn't even care about another war in Iran if he hadn't won, just like nobody cared about Hillary and Libya. If Trump had lost, and media had not gone balls out on their bullshit, nothing would be any different, except the liars in charge would be more competant liars, and people would be ignoring all of it while "debating" pointless shit like whether having women's faces on money is necessary to fix sexism.

he is building up hype

For everyone familiar with the English language, it's fairly obvious that a period belongs between "that" and "when". If this was spoken it would be even more obvious, and the person who made this graphic is a retard. If it was a text, then it's obviously a typo (perhaps his phone didn't register the second pushing of the spacebar).

Keep practicing your English, Paco. Some day the kids in your neighborhood will stop referring to you as "that guy from Guatemala".

>Trump talks in a way that just gets to the point
Wtf was his point in the op quote

Excuse me, period between "that" and "when".

Here, Jose.. see if this helps:
>Don't worry about a thing. Everything's under control. Don't worry about a thing... Iran is a much different country. I will tell you much different today than when I took over. When I took over, it looked like there was no stopping them.
Since you're too retarded to add a period where it belongs, I've done so for you. Does this make it easier for your internal translation to spanish?

Trump is 10x more articulate than Obama.

Trump speaks like a real person. You know exactly what he means what he says it.

Obama spoke in riddles and song, like a sidewalk trick monkey banging two symbols together.

I loved it when everyone got an Obama phone and then they gave him a peace prize. Proves he be smart.

Shut up bitch


>WTF guys, why isn't Trump announce all of military strategies on the national news for the whole world to see? Is he stupid or something??? WHY WON'T HE TELL US WHAT HIS RESPONSE WILL BE??????

This is you, OP. Obama was a retarded nigger that created the ISIS caliphate by announcing everything he was going to do, giving our enemies the ability to plan around him; he gave away all the intel they needed publicly.

Do you think it's a coincidence that, under the leadership of the President that hasn't announced all of his military plans on public television, that ISIS has lost 100% of it's controlled territory? Are you really that fucking stupid?

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CIA winning in Iran? If so, big news, big win, big kudos.

You're mouth is full of jewcum

lool. Hes the first potato of the united states.


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>Harvard-educated constitutional lawyer who was a Rhodes Scholar,
You know there's no proof of this, don't you?

People don’t listen so you have to repeat stuff

This is a classic technique to get retards to remember what you say. 1st tell them what you are going to tell them. 2nd tell them. 3rd tell them what you told them

Heh, heh! ....bag of dicks!

I need to go find a jug of fart to be our next president ...because douchebag Harvard educated constitutional lawyers simply cannot comprehend that people need jobs.

Let me translate:
Mossad fucked up, no one believed them, war canceled for now.

only thing i can gather from that is iran is stoppable now which means that more white gentiles will get to die for israel

send help

>Don’t worry, the situation is under control
>Iran is in a worse position than when Obama became president because Trump doesn’t give them billions of dollars on pallets
Seems easy to understand

His brain is mush. I give him three months before they move him out.

The difference is we like him and we don't like people like you.

Because he's dotarded


It means Trump is a babbling idiot who gets all his policy ideas from Sean Hannity and Kushner.

>Inb4 magapedes try to translate his garbled jibberish to mean something not retarded

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>It means Trump is a babbling idiot who gets all his policy ideas from Sean Hannity
what's bad about this? Should he listen to CNN? If I was POTUS, I'd just watch Tucker Carlson and lurk on Jow Forums, before making any big decision...

My public approval would skyrocket, just like Tuckers ratings.

Drumf is a total retard. He serves Israel and he is retarded

Tucker Carlson is alright, but Trump watches 7 hours of Fox a day.

Sean Hannity is a retarded neocon.
Everything on there is brainwashing garbage, they'll probably can Tucker soon for being too anti war.

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Uh uh uh uh uh uh

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I agree.
When's she getting locked up for her crimes?

You're being beaten by a babbling idiot. What does that say about you?

8 years and all Obama passed was some half assed health care bill that has already been gutted to death. He was an absolute war monger as well, slaughtering brown people for breakfast in the middle east. A total fucking disaster.


Son, I am proud

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The Kenyan homo couldn't speak a coherent sentence, unless he was speaking from a teleprompter.