Fox News Defends CRISPR Babies

As I've posted earlier,

Fox News has asked "why not" CRISPR babies this week.

CRISPR slowly going mainstream.

It's a cripto calling for making white babies through DNA editing.


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Other urls found in this thread:

whatever. who's the bitch?

They'll test it on goyim first.

Can't you read the pic's title? Sophie Turner

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Your mom

Maybe it's just me but she doesn't look feminine enough

Absolutely disgusting. Neck yourself immediately if you think otherwise.

We know what you like.

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how long until it will be mainstream? Is there even a point in having children now because you would doom them to be the new underclass if 5 years later the majority has an IQ of 200+ and immune against tons of diseases?

Nanomachine-infused superhumans when?

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Wouldn't that mean that you're kinda stopping your kid from evolving "naturally"?

but they argue that science is better than nature.
I'm curious if this is true.

>brown knees
not white

I evolved naturally and it fucking sucks

>They'll be able to hack something as complex and incompletely understood as the human genome without any unintended fucked-up side effects.
[X] Serious doubt

>making white baby
as we all know white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair doesnt make someone white. so if you want to have a white baby as a non-white person it means you have to change their genes so much that they wouldnt be your baby anymore so you should just adopt a european baby. the white race is going extinct thankfully, no more evil in this world

Anything is better than the modern world

>as we all know white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair doesnt make someone white

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>the white race is going extinct thankfully, no more evil in this world
This is an evil idea.

that doesn't answer my question. If a person with an IQ between 100 and 120 will be viewed as a useless retard in 20 years, wouldn't it be cruel to have "normal" children now?

i have been lurking on pol long enough to know no one here would consider pic white

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She has no business being in public.

im sorry but your kind has caused nothing but evil since you got civilized by the romans and rich by the jews

Science is just nature having fun

looks huwhite to me

Ever heard of accumulated generational wealth?

Even if that 120 IQ person would be a sub-human in 40 years he would still be able to get high status to having already got wealth when the competition wasn't gene-modified. That is if there isn't a major economic crash in the next couple of years.

> CRISPR slowly going mainstream

I'm one of the kids born from IVF in the 1990s. I'm 22 now and I'm already having breathing problems despite eating healthy, not being overweight and doing mild exercise every day and intense every few. I feel like my actual existence has been fucked from the very beginning.

Nonsense question.

Everything can be edited and changed.

Type "In vivo" CRISPR on Jewgle.

Sperm donation eugenics is FAR better than crispr.


Yay Gay Baby Novelty Item it's popular

Just another rancid whore like all leftists.

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>non-European genes
You are being disingenuous not knowing that White and European are synonymous?

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>British genes

nice ass for a gaijin. don't expect it to last.

>Fox News has asked "why not" CRISPR babies this week.
I thought the evangelicals would be dead set against it? Why is Fox news reporting positively on it?

Sorry to hear about that user. Dr's playing God with lives.

I just lost my sense of smell


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thats what i meant, you cant just create white babies. so non-europeans can give their children white features but they would still be non-white and it gets fun when those mix with european whites. and like that the white race will finally vanish and we will all live in peace

The girl is fucking hot.

If they let me I'd make 1 billion clones of her and Natalie Dormer in test tubes.

>looks huwhite to me
makes sense

too bad she will spawn 1/4 paki children kek

keep lurking newfag

if god can play doctor, doctors can play god

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Body is 8/10
Face 5/10
Girl next to her is hotter.

It’ll fuck whites so bad. Farmers have warned against using in-vitro for a long time based on the livestock it produced and we’ve now seen the exact same result in children born out of in-vitro. Weaker, sicker, shorter, fatter, more health and cognitive complications but most importantly for reasons still not well understood they virtually all grow up to be 100% sterile. Imo it’s lunacy to cut out the process of sperm competing to successfully fertilize an egg and then properly attach to the uterus without natural rejection from the mother’s body. In natural pregnancy you know which ovary the egg came from because it forms a cyst that supplies necessary hormones to ensure healthy cell division. In-vitro moms are put on synthetic hormones to mimic this effect but those are known to cause serious problems like pic related. You don’t have to be religious to understand why it’s called the miracle of life. The sheer amount of things that have to go right to produce a healthy baby are fucking astronomical.

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who is the other girl?

no no no no no, you make robots and then skin them with 3d printed flesh that looks like her...but without all the nigger spots

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You really think peace will come from such a thing, I mean you do know the mongoloids sacked Babylon, and burnt Persia to the fucking ground, leaving behind something like only 20% actual Persians alive. Whity just wants clay, the yellows want it all

Sickle-cell disease still there... somewhere

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just like Rhodesia/Zimbabwe right? oh wait

I guess editing their fucking DNA is the only way whites can finally pull blacks and browns out of the mud and get them to act like humans.

Only a faggot underestimate the power of this.

Don't know

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nigger genes are like niggers themselves, always lying in wait to ambush whitey. CRISPR is like mace to nigger DNA.

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at least they left afterwards. i would take a yellow chimp out every few centuries over white invasion every month. you are about to attack iran and turn a civilization that stood for 5000 years into dust

So CRISPR means your babies can have your and your partners best genes right? how is that going to make a Black couple have White babies?

>the white race will finally vanish and we will all live in peace

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This is silly, humanity is basically obsolete already because of the coming AI/Singularity. It's like you don't want to admit it or something.

You think you matter. LMAO.

when they brunt down the farms and ruined the land just before running away?

>South Slav trying to offend an American by posting another Slav

Is that a "White man"? could pass for MENA.

Scientists should be hunted down.

You're fucking with our DNA and you're going to end up damaging human civilization to a degree which we've never seen.


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Are those moles, or does she have the pox?

I'm not saying it will make them white, they can probably identify which genes control things like bad impulse control and reduce crime.

Nature gave us niggers. I can understand worries about kikes in charge of these techniques but fucking hell. Holistic / Naturalism is fine so long as it isn't taken to luddite extremes. I've seen retards here actually advocate for keeping the general white population "dumbed-down" to an extent, even themselves. Like intelligence was the real forbidden fruit and lobotomies should make a comeback. Kike-minded wretches.

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Welp. Y'all ready for the chimeras?

Top tier Elite South Slavs are better than the average Germanic IMO. Racially superior, whatever you want to call it.

pretend you're jewish then murrica will leave you alone and secretly give you nukes.

there's nothing inherently wrong with CRISPR. the most trivial things you can do with it involve editing singular genes that are known to result in horrible diseases with no other random, unrelated effects (thus it's safe to "play god" without inadvertently doing something catastrophic). this is much like anything a hospital does and can do already. the upside is clear, but there is always a downside.

preventing undesirable traits is what's known as negative eugenics. I just made the case that negative eugenics done via gene editing is just another method of eliminating disease right? no different from aborting down syndrome babies?

well, with this technology, negative eugenics is certain to be put into practice, and then positive eugenics is certain also. (that is the deliberate selection of desirable traits.) no matter how events unfold, one leads to the other.

if the technological capabilities to "pick" traits are developed overseas, people will go overseas for it, and it breaks containment. if it's developed at home, then it still probably breaks containment, and you have a whole can of worms about which people get to use it. if EVERYONE can afford to use it, then that's the best case, and we will confront the consequences of playing god while the whole intelligence bell curve shifts to the right because there is no class divide, race divide, or anything. but if it's legal and expensive, then only the rich get it AND it disproportionately affects the different races. that could obviously lead to slave world in more than one way. oh yeah, and if your country develops it, it could be used as a weapon of war.

this is why it can't break containment, but it probably will. will there be treaties on it? will the treaties hold back the flood?

it's a genetic arms race.

CRISPR has already been used on babies in china and the US and to my knowledge a couple of the first papers on it are coming out in the UK and russia.

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Oh, okay.

I was going to suggest genocide.

Humanity is already obsolete biological machinery imo. This is all a big cope by low IQ people like yourselves. You don't unbderstand.

She's gruesome

That's skin marks and shit.
Goddamn, the internet has corrupted so many people's view on what people actually look like no wonder so many people have image issues.

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that is a nigger mutt.

>what is tannning?


The Elites win in every scenario, they own all the WMDs and control all the social mechanisms of power (i'm talking secret societies here). Who are the Elites? Whites and Jews for the most part. They all look down on us and frankly rigthly so, i'm not as smart as George Soros and whoever's behind him we don't see on the TV.

Source on this thot?

thats just Jow Forums logic. slight brown? too bad not white. i love this place

You overestimate the value of the average White "person" i mean of course you do, you're average yourself aren't you? you wish you were special like say, uh, Tom Cruise or Donald Trump. But you're not.

Nikola Tesla you are not.

>as we all know white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair doesnt make someone white.
Cope more, smelly one

shove your fucking kike morals up your ass burger, my kids are getting the edit

Jow Forums is very low IQ but unironically.

You act like all Western European nation's, and the Angelo Sphere is blood thirsty for your land. I'll agree that we were after 9/11, but that anger was warped by the powers that be to get us to attack Babylon, who if anything was a force of good in the area. Trust me, I wish we had just fucken nuked Saudi Arabia into ash, then went after the Talabain. It's why they are having a much harder time to get support for a invasion of Persia. The government has worked so fucking hard to convince the American people(and western Euros) that islam is so cool, super nice, and a plus gain for all, that it's hit a wall with Iran. All they got left is to say that their branch of islam is the real enemy. I honestly wonder if that's why so many moslems have been allowed into the west, so Iran can be blamed for it, destabilizing the region and all, and us being told they will all go home, once the evil of Iran is delt with.


nobody knows

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You will not leave a genetic legacy in my opinion, i predict the elites will genocide most of the population using WMD's. That's my prediction.

We are as they say "useless eaters". I mean let's be honest, even with this fabled "gene editing" your best is still shit tier.

We can add CRISPR benis's to them??
What a time to live.

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where we're going we dont need genes

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I think she has the pox.
She needs to be banished from the village.

transgender babies soon. the fetus consented by kicking once (yes) instead of twice (no)

nigger, I don't want the kikes alone getting their hands on it. I'm with you, I'm just some guy and I want to do good for our posterity.

Most people are low IQ NPC idiots yes, most Whites too), they can and probably will convince them to go die in some desert over some made up reason. It's all emotional not logical.

You're lucky you have smart Whites to stir you in a different direction, the guys from The Daily Shoah come to mind. But they are the minority, most Whites aren't very smart at all.

>Source on this thot?
Pox victim.
Will not live much longer, the poor dear.

AI is supposed to serve us, not we're supposed to serve it.

I'm not going to be a Windows XP bot, sorry.

I want to enjoy my life with good stuff.

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Let's get back to the real world for a second, you are not going to leave a genetic legacy IMO the elites will genocide most of us low IQ inferiors using WMDs. That is my prediction like i just said.


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