"Depending on a client's problems, Ngangkari healers offer three main techniques — a smoking ceremony, bush medicines or spirit realignment."
>be Australian man fucking around with your mates >go to get your boomerang out of a tree >get bit by venomous kangaroo >go to state hospital to for that sweet free health care >doctor Abe Bo comes into the ER smoking god knows what >chants over your body in strange tounges and rubs smushed plant matter on your wound with unwashed hands >die 30 minutes later
I agree with preserving the knowledge, customs, and traditions that extend back 60,000 years, but shit like this has no place in modern medicine, saddly some cultures are superior to others.
>saddly some cultures are superior to others. When it comes to medicine, not really. There's a reason drugs are illegal for the most part and it has nothing to do with the health of the person ingesting them. This extends to natural medicine, but I'm not an expert so I can't give you any examples.
There are a lot of natural herbs that are illegal to use because they invalidate over the counter medicines. And we don't learn about medicine in our education unless we're training to become doctors, whereas older cultures that the west has tried hard to destroy teach about it to everyone for obvious reasons.
Camden Robinson
>"For the young man circumcision is followed by subincision when his beard starts to grow. The young man is seated on rock while his penis is split open with a stone knife along its full length on the underside. The penis, once split open, is pressed flat against the rock on which the young man is sitting. The Aboriginals explained that this is done in order to make it “lighter and more beautiful".
>"A red blossom is placed in the wound because the penis is to be as red as possible on the inside. After the young man has been initiated in this way he is allowed to make stone spearheads. The Wandjina cast the first bolt of lightning by splitting open his penis and in this way was able to discharge fire and lightning from it. The Wandjina created fire by turning the red inside of his split penis outwards so that fire could come out. The Wandjina can direct lightning by taking his penis in his hand and with his club show the lightning the direction it is to take."
Medical knowledge isn't some ancient tome or cult that requires years of study to understand, you can easily research medicines and drugs to see what they are and how they interact with your body.
And unless you're referring to shrooms or something I have no idea what medicinal herbs you're referring to that are prohibited from being purchased. There's a huge holistic medicine movement in the U.S that is entirely supported by selling plants and herbs to cure different ailments.
Granted the over prescrption of opioids and SSRIs are out of hand, but I don't see advantage aboroginal spiritual realignment could possibly have.
>I have no idea That doesn't mean anything user. >There's a huge holistic medicine movement in the U.S that is entirely supported by selling plants and herbs to cure different ailments. And the FDA is doing everything it can to stop it. And yes, shrooms can be medicinal and look how long weed was illegal for.
>but I don't see advantage aboroginal spiritual realignment could possibly have. Because you're indoctrinated to have no respect for your ancestors. "Modern" medicine didn't bring us into the 21st century.