Redpill me about it. Did it really happen or not? Post evidence pls.

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Other urls found in this thread:


your mom

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What, you don't trust Soviet propaganda? Why would they lie? I mean they have nothing to gain besides Israel, tons of money on book deals and tours, and a "get out of trouble free" card they can play whenever the goyim start knowing too much.

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they just made the official story match their fairy tale OP

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Even if it did happen, there is nothing immoral about it. The US was founded on freedom of association. We didn't want to associate with the natives and they didn't want to associate with us, so we killed each other. Freedom of association isn't explicitly specified in the bill of rights, but it's implied. You have freedom to say what you want, practice your religion, assemble, or join a militia. You aren't obliged to let soldiers live with you, and you have private property. Segregation happens naturally; white flight, for example. Racial integration is immoral and had to be done at gunpoint.

Ok, but that's another debate.

Stop asking questions goy.

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I agree
Holodomor did not happen

Well it depends on what you mean by "holocaust". Sure, jews were legally discriminated against, and jewish partisans were killed or sent to concentration camps. But they were not systematically exterminated, and six million of them did not die in gas ovens. The German military was the most disciplined, and had a better human rights record when it came to wartime treatment of POWs than did the allies. Germans were not using prisoners as target practice, as Spielberg's movie suggests. Any German solider that behaved like this would have been executed. Germans were not raping women, that was the red army. Germans were not systematically exterminating the elite, that was the NKVD. Germans were not getting revenge on the people that had historically persecuted them, that was the jews in Russia.

There are no laws against questioning the Holodomor. The Holohoax is the only historical event that you can't question. They send 89-year-old grandmas to prison just for asking for proof about the 6 million figure.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

New Holohoax flyer -- print and disseminate

PDF: drive.google.com/open?id=1ipWainshExGJPUfTmBwjLy9WVCWyZfAq

PDF (Grayscale): drive.google.com/open?id=1DyijBzaw9Tf9QXbyDFFvQX5c7HmUhXi_

Large, text-heavy front-back flyer: holocausthandbooks.com/dl/FlyerLetterSize.pdf

$100,000 REWARD: drive.google.com/file/d/1gSTrvC4r603hYiWAFbbpaorQzD0BhNrU/view?usp=sharing

(note: also search for Eric Hunt's documentaries on the Holocaust)

>Intro to Holocaust revisionism:

>Dissecting the Holocaust

>Holocaust Handbook series

>Holocaust debate forum

>"Ninety-nine per cent of what we know [about the Holocaust in Auschwitz-Birkenau] we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove... it has become part of our inherited knowledge." (A Case for Letting Nature Take Back Auschwitz, The Toronto Star, December 27, 2009)

>"The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence." (Judge Gray, Irving-Lipstadt trial, 2000)

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>it's gonna be the same 10 stormweenies posting the same meme arguments

>muh door :^)
>muh typhus :^)
>muh zyklon :^)
>muh oven math :^)

There. The thread in a nutshell.

- Dr. Horst Pelckmann, defense counsel for the SS at Nuremberg, exposed the fact that over 97% of the SS men who mentioned "The Jewish Problem" denied that it was to be solved by extermination. On 21 August 1946: "1,593 out of 1,637 affidavits which mention this problem state that the Jewish problem was not to be solved by killing" (IMT Proceedings, vol. 21, p. 368)

- On 27 July 1945, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that: "A report from the place where major German war criminals are now confined discloses that all of them have denied that the Nazis had any plans to exterminate the Jews of Europe."

- According to archives director Shmuel Krakowski: "Over half of the 20,000 testimonies from Holocaust survivors on record at Yad Vashem are “unreliable” and have never been used as evidence in Nazi war crimes trials" (B. Amouyal, "Doubts over evidence of camp survivors," Jerusalem Post (Israel), August 17, 1986)

- "Survivor accounts of critical events are typical of all testimony, that is, they are full of discrepancies. About all matters both trivial and significant, the evidence is nearly always in dispute. In part the unreliability of these accounts derives from imperfect observation and flawed memory, but in larger part from the circumstance that they are not constructed exclusively on the basis of firsthand experience. In order to present a coherent narrative, the author has likely included a large measure of hearsay, gossip, rumor, assumption, speculation, and hypothesis." (Jewish holocaust historian Lucy Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader, 1976)

- "There does not exist then, anything like a written order signed by [Hitler] for the extermination of the Jews in Europe." (Colin Cross, Adolf Hitler, (Milan, 1977), p. 313.)

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The "Holocaust" is a racist, anti-White conspiracy theory

Indeed, it's interesting to see that those who accuse Revisionists of promoting a 'conspiracy theory' often promote truly bizarre conspiracy theories themselves, such as:

>"The Germans executed a secret plan to exterminate every Jew they could get their hands on, the results were such that 6M Jews and huge numbers of gypsies and homosexuals were murdered by gassing and by being shot into enormous pits."

Yet in short, there are no orders from Hitler, no authentic German documents, no records of funding, no massive graves of human remains as alleged which would necessarily be available, and a gassing method which defies science.

At the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT) it was alleged that the Holocaust had been perpetrated with the greatest level of secrecy, and very few know it was even happening. According to US Judge Leon Powers "not over 100 people in all were informed" about the attempted extermination. As with many other conspiracy theories, the lack of physical evidence and the scarcity of alleged eyewitness testimonies were seen as convincing proof that the Nazis had something to hide and that they had successfully managed to do it.

Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden:
>"This solitary confinement proved sufficient in itself in some cases to persuade the Germans to sign prepared statements. These statements not only involved the signer, but often would involve other defendants. Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the face with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken. All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators."

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While researching history, our highest goal must be at all times to discover how it actually was. Historians should not place research in the service of making criminal accusations against, for example, Genghis Khan & the Mongol hordes, nor to whitewash any of their wrong-doings. Anybody insisting that research be barred from exonerating Genghis Khan of criminal accusations would be the object of ridicule and would be subject to the suspicion that he was, in fact, acting out of political motives. If this were not so, why would anyone insist that our historical view of Genghis Khan forever be defined solely by Khan's victims and enemies?

The same reasoning applies to Hitler and Nazis. Both revisionists and their adversaries are entitled to their political views. The accusation that revisionists are only interested in exonerating Nazis and that such an effort is reprehensible or even criminal, is a boomerang: This accusation has as a prerequisite that it is deemed unacceptable to partially exonerate Nazis historically, and by so doing, always also morally.

But by declaring any hypothetical exoneration based on possible facts as unacceptable, one admits openly not to be interested in the quest for the truth, but in incriminating Nazis historically and morally under any circumstances and at all costs. And the motivation behind this can only be political. Hence, those accusing revisionists to misuse their research for political ends have themselves been proven guilty of exactly this offense. It is therefore not necessarily the revisionists who are guided by political motives--though quite a few of them certainly are--but with absolute certainty all those who accuse others of attempting to somehow historically exonerate a political system which has long since disappeared.

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The typical canard used by Jews is to claim that Revisionists "deny" the existence of everything about the Jews' experience in WWII, the camps etc. But no one says what the Jews claim, it's a classic false, strawman argument.

Revisionists do not "deny" that Jews were deported to labor camps and encouraged to leave Europe. There is no question that the National Socialists wanted the Jews out of Europe. The Zionists also wanted the Jews out of Europe.

What Revisionists do deny is:

- the unfounded and frankly, laughable '6,000,000'
- the ridiculous & irrational allegations of homicidal 'gas chambers'
- the unsubstantiated claim of a state planned genocide of Jews

The response to anyone who asks if you "deny" the so-called holocaust is to ask them to define what they mean by the 'holocaust'. If any of those 3 items are part of that definition, then say: 'yes, then I am a denier and you can't prove that any of those points are fact...next'.

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so I can finally say

The two main 'gas chambers at Auschwitz / Birkenau were exactly the same, supposedly in Kremas II & III. So let's play along with the storyline. Up to 2000 Jews were supposedly gassed until dead, then they were supposedly taken via an elevator to the crematorium directly above.

Fact: as seen in the plans, this elevator is hand drawn, and is only 4 ft X 9 ft. How in the world could 2000 Jews have been loaded onto a 4 ft x 9 ft. hand drawn elevator in just a few minutes? Remember, the storyline says that the gassings and resultant cremations were non-stop for much of the period in question.

We supposedly have another batch of 2000 Jews waiting outside, supposedly being tricked into thinking they were about to receive showers. It would have been impossible to disentangle all the supposedly dead Jews and load 2000 of them onto to this postage stamp of an elevator, hoist them by hand up to the crematory 'ovens' in just minutes.
And this repeated process meant that the crematory ovens above would not have been capable of cremating them in the time alleged, which meant a build-up, a backlog occurred.

The storyline even states that the backlog of the to-be-cremated-gassed-Jews required stacking them outside. Once again, the alleged 2000 Jews were outside in full view of this laughable backlog claim, but supposedly they still thought they were getting 'showers'. Of course, timely aerial reconnaissance photos show nothing of the kind.

Furthermore, while the Jews were waiting outside, the storyline says that a SS man with a gas mask climbed upon the roof of the Kremas (only maybe 18 inches, or close to it, above the ground, Kremas II & III were largely underground) and dropped Zyklon-B granules into a container and lowered it down into the 'holes' in the roof, into the morgues which were supposedly converted into a gas chamber.


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Since I believe you won't actually read it
>In 2006, the legislature of Ukraine passed the Law on the Holodomor of 1932-1933. “Holomodor” refers to the artificial famine in Ukraine planned and executed by the former Soviet Union regime under Joseph Stalin


The waiting 2000 Jews would have a clear view of the man on the roof's activity, yet these 2000 Jews were supposedly not concerned and still thought they were going to get innocent showers. The storyline is utterly ridiculous.

We're not done.

The Zyklon-B pesticide granules took/take hours to complete the outgassing of their cyanide load. The storyline says that this same SS man on the roof, supposedly wearing a highly visible gas mask, withdrew the container up from the 'gas chambers' in just minutes. Remember, the Zyklon-B pesticide granules were allegedly dumped and lowered into the 'gas chambers'. And since we know that the Zyklon-B pesticide would have taken hours to finish releasing it's cyanide load we have a situation where anyone in the entire area would have been vulnerable to gassing.

Yes, the storyline also says that there were vents which were used to remove the gas, but then we are still in a situation where the entire area is vulnerable to cyanide. Not to mention that this certainly would have been noticed by the alleged waiting 2000 Jews. And where does this SS man in a gas mask put the outgassing Zyklon-B pesticide granules which he has supposedly withdrawn, which would be releasing cyanide for hours?

The entire, bizarre story is unsustainable with even the slightest scrutiny. It's no wonder why Jewish supremacists trot out senile, lying 'survivors' (who wouldn't have even survived if the tall tales were true) for emotional impact. No wonder that there are Thought Crime laws against examining this absurd process. 'House of cards' is an understatement.

You're the one who didn't read it
>However, the required amendment to the Criminal Code that would have set criminal responsibility for denial of the Holodomor was not adopted by the Parliament. A move to do so had been initiated by the then President of Ukraine, Victor Yushchenko, but was unsucessful.

that """happened""" during 4 years (1941-1945)
that's 1.5 million per year
that's +100,000 per month
that's +3,000 every DAY
just for reference, 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks
are you telling me that there were +3000 dead people EVERY SINGLE DAY during 4 YEARS?
ohhhhhhhhhh, but we have thousands and thousands of survivors telling us about the """death camps""", right?

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Where is french shill?

Ah shit
Thanks for proving me wrong user
It was stuck in my head it was illegal.

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More defective zyCON-B?

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>Redpill me about it. Did it really happen or not? Post evidence pls.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Read through this thread, it's all there...
