Why aren’t millennials and zoomers going into trades?

Why aren’t millennials and zoomers going into trades?

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ibew353.org/wp-content/uploads/new_doc/Wages/Wages & Benefits ICI 1998-2016.pdf

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because jobs suck and trades are fun work.

Weak generation afraid of real work. Would rather be a part of the barista class with a 200k history degree.

got a degree and did an office job and ended up on the brink of suicide and i'm not saying that for effect. made a drastic change 6 years ago and took a risk because otherwise it would have been a trip to suicideville
a man is not meant to be caged up in an office. i don't know how anyone tolerates it

Because they are. Also, why is one part of the white race advocating to be dumbfuck retards that don't go to college? While the other part of the white race is encouraging college and higher learning while simultaneously fucking people over with debt? And you think white people are high I.Q.?

All the Joe's in California are Jose's.

Because there's an enormous cultural bias against it, the ruling class cannot go 5 seconds without dripping condescension and scorn for "whites without a college degree"

Because manual labor pays like shit and your colleagues are subhuman mongrels.

Pro tip. If you want to make a lot of money. Go into a field with lots if dumb people. Then you will rise to the top if smart. Trades turn into small businesses if you are talented.

>Why aren’t millennials and zoomers going into trades?
low status work. The modern women are trained to go for CEOs, entrepreneurs etc..

Blue collar retards suck my clean shaven business class sock

ask me how i know you have 30k+ in debt

>when my ROI for my MBA is 400%
suck it, vocational niggers

Well to be fair, just because you know how to fix the sink doesnt mean your opinion on politics and economics isnt totally shit.

No job stability, no unions and no pensions, you have to fund your own healthcare and not much chance of promotion without a degree

The whole system is designed to get you into debt

It’s not a choice Millenials and Zoomers made

Entrepreneurs come from trades all the time. Richest self made people I know started in construction. Hottest wives too.

ive done both. you white collars are usually closet homos that get together and have weird drug induced orgies together a lot more drama and backstabbing in the white collar scene too

>Bro if you want something just go out and get it man.

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Because it's a stupid meme being pushed by shills who want to bloat the market with trade workers in order to lower wages. Anyone with a brain sees it's a dead end career with no future, specially as governments and corporations push for automation.

>Physical labor good, intellectual pursuits bad.

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You described white collar work in America

Sincerely? Because we were told to go to college. That was the most important thing for those generations, or at least insofar as the perspectives of their parents, the boomers, are concerned.

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Several facts to consider:

--College graduates easily earn twice as much money in their lifetimes than high school graduates.

--They get raises, promotions and bonuses at a much faster rate

--Over the past 3 years, there are fewer student applying for student loans, and they are borrowing less money.

--Falling US college graduates greatly increases the value and opportunities of Russian, Chinese and Indian graduates.

Go to school and stop falling for this Moscow propaganda. Do it for yourself and your country you fucking phony nationalist.

>Pro tip. If you want to make a lot of money. Go into a field with lots if dumb people. Then you will rise to the top if smart. Trades turn into small businesses if you are talented.
Yep, if you can speak english and do basic math. You can turn a trade into a small business, and then turn that small business into a city wide business, at which point you'll be making way more than any of your college educated friends.

>Go to school and stop falling for this Moscow propaganda.
Listen to this FBI piece of shit cry because we don't want anything to do with his 4 year brainwashing camp.

Spotted the GRU shill

>College graduates easily earn twice as much money in their lifetimes than high school graduates.
You may want to update your models, oldfag

> $118k in debt for over a decade, pays $900 a month in interests
> How I ran up over 100K in Student Loan Debt
> My $172,000 Debt Story

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>Spotted the GRU shill
So are you FBI faggots rotating VPNS now? You guys are so fucking pathetic, your little Jow Forums training class is worthless, and you stand out like a sore thumb.

it literally is that easy actually

>You may want to update your models, oldfag
Yep, most debts are doubled once you factor in interest, not to mention opportunity cost of going to class instead of working. College education statistics are a nice little fraud created by professors who coincidentally work for universities.

>So are you FBI faggots rotating VPNS now?
Everybody here knows you shitty Russians with US vpns are the sleezy jewish shills trying desperately to shit everything up in America, but it's not gonna work. All the boomer/zoomer/millennial threads are a dead giveaway, Propaganda Pavel.

You traaade with Khajiit?

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>Everybody here knows you shitty Russians with US
Look at this shit folks. The third guy in this thread to call me a Russian shill. Look at how butthurt these FBI idiots get over redpilling of college education.

By the way, I'm more of an American than you you traitorous Atlanticist piece of shit. Why don't you go suck some French and British cock a little you absolute faggot.

They're lazy bitches that sat in front of their nintendos their entire childhoods. Their mommies never kicked their asses out of the house to play outdoors.

You went to You-Tube college? Is that where you learned everything? And you're not bright enough to be embarrassed by that?

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Am zoomer gonna be a plumber

>All the boomer/zoomer/millennial threads are a dead giveaway
Those are called slide threads you absolutely stupid piece of FBI shit. Jesus christ you boomer agents are fucking stupid.

Because we've been sold that whole "tortured artist" lifestyle. Told to "write a novel, paint a picture, start a small artsy business" so we can change the world.

Because trades are for losers.

Out and outliers on Youtube is how the snake oil jews in Moscow get you to disregard actual facts and statistics

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>Because trades are for losers.
Yes, trades are for losers. You know, those people who keep society running, keep your lights on, and keep your sewers flowing so you don't die of dysentery. Such fucking losers.

>dur, these videos explaining why student debt is for idiots is on a platform I don't like!
Your student debt must be killing you.

>Those are called Putinbot slide threads
There's too much manufactured traffic on them, and now that you mention it, a little too much manufactured outrage over this propaganda thread.

>Out and outliers on Youtube is how the snake oil jews in Moscow
Your such a glowing piece of shit FBI agent. Holy fuck you're pathetic. It's actually fucking laughable. By the way you boomer idiot, the USSR doesn't exist anymore.

Harvard accepts more people than my local union.

>you have 30k+ in debt

University is free here friend.

>tradecucks when they have to get up at 5 am to slave away so their tax money can pay for my education

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Fragile fucks can't handle the tradie banter.

Lol that's right. As I type away at my desk job working 9-5 with weekends off, benefits, and vacation time. You get to crawl around in shit and work shit hours. Get on my level peasant.

>go to college for meme degree
>beta males
>good goys

>go into manual labor job
>low IQ retards
>fat and broken boomers
>sports ball
>"yo dog, eh bud" niggers
>good goys

if anything I find it less exhausting to be around the former

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hahahaha okay bud FBI shill

A mix of "those jobs are looked down upon" and not willing to do a hard Day's work. I always have a good laugh when someone goes to their 9-5 cushy desk job and tell me how hard of a day they had.

Meanwhile I'm up at the crack of dawn, on the job site at 6 am in Louisiana doing manual labor till sundown. Hot and humid as fuck. Limp wristed faggots piss me off. Only solace I get from it is I make more money than them.

>You know, those people who keep society running, keep your lights on, and keep your sewers flowing so you don't die of dysentery.

The peasants kept the society running in the middle ages. Doesn't mean they had a good life.

The goal is to not be the people keeping things running, but to be the leech reaping all the rewards.

>The third guy in this thread to call me a Russian shill
You walk and talk like paid professional RIA shillbot, so you're apparently not fooling anybody.

>fuck your back and knees up for $50k a year
>all your coworkers are drug addicts or former drug addicts
what a fulfilling career, I'd consider it if the majority of trade jobs didn't pay like ass

work 6-3 fridays off
T. Electrician

>Get on my level peasant.
My buddy makes 200k a year owning his own plumbing business. My other buddy, a lawyer, works his ass off, hates his life, and still hasn't paid off his debt.

Yes, go to college, get into debt, and make sure you keep your head down and slave away for the next 10 years. Don't even think about getting politically active.

>I make more money than them

my field makes a 100k a year? we are payed more than most office cucks if not all other that the top dogs

>hahahaha okay bud FBI shill
Yep, I'm the FBI shill. Jesus christ canadians are fucking stupid as shit.

I got a Bachelors in marketing with minor in cinematography and photography. I make 6 figures + benefits and run an entire marketing department. I have been out of school for about 5 years now. The guys who I hire who don’t have degrees are lucky to make $15 an hour. If they have a degree we’ll start them at $50k + benefits full time.
The people with degrees almost always work out, the people without degrees are really hit or miss. We often times consider industry experience of 4 years+ as a suitable qualification without a degree, but anyone who is 18-22 has failed and been fired or let go because of underperforming and just not having the skill set needed to complete basic tasks.

>OK student debt
what is it with americans thinking its ok to have student debt?

>You walk and talk like paid professional RIA shillbot
What the fuck is a paid RIA shillbot? Is that some kind of new boomer FBI lingo?

You friend dun goof'd becoming a lawyer. I work in tech.

Well you look at the time? Look's like it time to go home and hit the gym. Bye losers Enjoy your "hard work".

>zero debt
>work in a call center
>one of the few people that thrive in this environment instead of going insane
>making decent wage considering I am single and it's cheap to live here
>somewhat content with my life
>learn that my co workers all have massive debt
>one girl has $160k debt for her theater degree or some shit
>some other guy $80k for his english degree
>dozens of others with student loan debt in the tens and twenties of thousands
>yet we're all working the same job

Yeah college really helped them. I've thought about doing a trade but I like my easy air conditioned job. [spoiler]Plus I don't pay rent lololol[/spoiler]

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>Goal is to be the leech
Were you raised by hobos?

I think it means 0 thousand

>practical life choices bad, wasting time and money good

>The Earth is Flat! Here, watch this YouTube video!
>Chemtrails are Real! Here, watch this YouTube video!
>God exists! Here, watch this YouTube video!
>Trade School is for Winners! Here, watch this YouTube video!
YouTube is apparently where facts go to die.

Im an iron worker and just last Monday this nigger on the jobsite said he was a "journeyman laborer".
I said how the fuck did you get that title? and laughed.
>true story

>. I work in tech.
I know more about tech in my little finger than you'll know in your whole life btw.

>mfw got a worthwhile degree in college with 0 debt since my doctor and lawyer parents paid for it
>comfy job chilling for 8 hours a day, flirting with college interns
>starting my own business in free time
>lifting 6 days a week at the gym, fit as fuck and have a hot gf
Meanwhile trade cucks are busting their ass and sacrificing their physical health to keep my office air conditioned and my lights on


Colleges and universities treat trades as a footnote because they don't make nearly as much money off of them as they would from some kid who blew 100 grand on a useless degree, and doesn't rake in as much interest payments from financing because somebody apprenticing for trades will be making money and paying it off in short order.

And then there's the political side. these leftist college professors and their Socialist handlers don't like trades because trades work for their shit and less beholden to some whackjob promising free shit-thus can't be controlled and forced into loving some socialist utopia like they want.

TRLDR version. very little money to be made off them for colleges and less likely to be socialist dickheads.

>Meanwhile trade cucks are busting their ass and sacrificing their physical health
They can also beat the shit out of your scrawny ass. I don't know why someone would want to be half a man with the only life they're given.

when your country takes 60% of your paycheque, all jobs pay like shit in your shithole country.

>The average pay for an Electrician is $21.45 per hour. The average pay for an Electrician is $52,911 per year.
from Jewgle. let me guess, you have your own business

Nah it's definitely true. $43/hr as an operator most of the time. Often times higher depending on the state. Factor in working almost 70 hours a week. Tell me who's making more.

>Yeah college really helped them.
All you can point to are worthless anecdotes. The empirical evidence proves you're just as retarded as your bad advice.

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This. Going to college was the only track I was ever exposed to. My parents didn't sign me up for any remedial shop classes in school, the military was never discussed, it was just about test scores and letters of recommendation.

Two years after getting out of the best public school in the state with a math BS, I'm still working in jobs that are now being opened up to non-college grads, and my dad has said a few times "so how about trade school? you could be an electrician".

I know I'm in charge of my own life now, but god damn at least keep your story straight.

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(1) Go to community college to get AA or AS (better) while living at home.
(2) Go to 2nd tier state school for BA/BS in something that pays real money (this is the important part!).
(3) Get paid $60K+ on graduating. Pay down any debt in 3 years.
(4) Profit!

Colleges are full of idiots who aren't good for anything but general labour think they're too important to do manual labour

Yeah I doubt it fag, I am 6'1'' 215lbs and fit as fuck. Trade cucks have to spend all their energy monkeying around in my roof while I use my energy to work out effectively.
GUARANTEE I am stronger than most trade cucks.

>from Jewgle. let me guess
The average pay includes apprentices. We just got a quote from a few master electricians to do some work, and their hourly rate was between 45 and 70 dollars. A backhoe operator was 50 dollars an hour. The cheapest work we got was an HVAC guy at 30 bucks an hour.

>GUARANTEE I am stronger than most trade cucks.
They'll still kick your ass, Guaranteed.

oh you poor motherfucker. I really hope you have a backup plan when your company sends your job to india, and you're flipping burgers for minimum wage because some towelhead does your job at a quarter of the wage.

>$43/hr as an operator most of the time
This is a cheap rate for many operators.

Bartender for 10 years.
got sick of it. just took a job at a gold mine.
entry level haul truck operator. $28.55 per hour

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No masculine role models. I wanted to be a lumberjack or a miner as a kid, working in the Yukon. These little faggots probably want to demo mascara and silicone dog cocks

>80k annually
X to doubt

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>4-year paid apprenticeship

where the fuck do you find that?
all the trades around here just want "helpers" and maybe if you work flawlessly for a year they'll take you on as an apprentice
you are better off just taking out a student loan and going to the local CC

wrong dude jeez chill

Get a job at Barrick?

>some kid who blew 100 grand on a useless degree,
The vast majority (87%+) of college degrees lead to great paying jobs.


Only the fringe degrees are unemployable and there's almost no one in these fields. Even so, that far outstrips the earning capacity for any non-degree position:

If none of this makes any sense to you, then this is exactly why you need to be educated.

damn! so the oilfield has people with a grade 10 education out earning some asshole with a masters degree, and not have the debt that comes along with that degree. lol!

i get to drive this bad boy. bigger than a 2 story house

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ibew353.org/wp-content/uploads/new_doc/Wages/Wages & Benefits ICI 1998-2016.pdf
do some research

Yeah but what's the median?

Not Barrick, my company does have operations world wide

Is there a doctor in the house?

Can you named the 87 percent who are actually noteworthy percentages mean nothing without proof and what are you talking about old people in charge is the 87 percent...