What is the largest or most significant (((conspiracy))) you came to realize on your own...

What is the largest or most significant (((conspiracy))) you came to realize on your own, ignorant of larger schemes as presented by Jow Forums?

For me, it was (((Hollywood))) and (((Disney))).

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All the homeless people are being used to lower property values so some kike can come in and buy the houses lower than market value from desperate sellers.

That's it's all so tiresome.

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>most significant (((conspiracy))
golf rumors

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the world is run by an international cabal of elite pedophiles.

>golf rumors

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pearl harbor.

Relevant today as it was back then, sucks to be Iran

That most crimes are committed by niggers

Looking back on it, Hillary Clinton was telling Obama what to do, and would also tell Biden what to do.
We won't be safe until her ass is dead.

flat earth.
I paid my private pilot friend a hefty sum of money to go beyond the ice wall. It's real. That is all I can say.

That the murder of JFK was orchestrated by jews because he understoon their parasitic nature, wanted to keep them from nuclear weapons and wanted to end the federal reserve's power over us.


I was young when I saw it happen live, but I had seen controlled demolition. It looked like an implosion.

I didn't think much about it then, but after a few years it kind of clicked in my head. Then I found out that tons of people were talking about how fishy it was.

It was my awakening. I was always taught in public school how our government is here to protect us. 9/11 shattered that, like telling a kid santa clause isn't real and his parents have been lying to him about it for years.

That the majority of the anglosphere supper strata are involved heavily in pedofilia and human trafficking

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I watched it live.

I realized on my own the real goal of mass immigration is not to help anyone, it is to bring in low iq low wage voters. Our technology has made us too smart, too well informed, so the plan is to bring in millions of people from the third world so the average intelligence of the population remains low so that we can be controlled by a majority of idiots. When people stop believing your lies, just bring in new people that will believe them. When people don't want to be slaves anymore, just bring in some new slaves.

USA is a democracy and a land of opportunity.

That's actually in line with all the buildings people try to turn into apartments in California, but gets shut down and protested against. I can't find the video ATM but I saw some news media reporting on it

Muh nigga. They couldn’t be more blatant about it in the UK.

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the federal government and large (((corporations))) subvert and manufacture modern culture and society. everything's fake

Definitely the ayys. An industrial scale abduction and hybridization project went on around the clock for decades. There's no telling (((what else))) they might be behind.

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The biggest conspiracy and the most evil of them all is that they just don't make em like they used to.

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What's the next step, because that trick will wear itself out.

That Earth isn't what we are being told.

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any source on the ayy stuff?

also a reason that corporations support "fandom" culture through conventions, ads, and merchandise is so that people's identities are replaced by what product you follow

9/11 and the history of the middleast

a local student getting his thesis banned by (((you know who))) The Fate of Jews in German hands: An Historical Enquiry into the Development and Significance of Holocaust Revisionism

Nothing good.
There are some interesting cases mixed in with laughable ones, and the fact that the so-called "credible" investigators can't discern between the two doesn't look good in general.
I'd say the most interesting evidence of ayys is the collection of ancient artifacts depicting them.

Shit is flat as fuck my nigga


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that the dutch government put asylum crimes under the carpet and that their dirty satanic devil fucking scumbags hurting and causing deaths

I think the next step will be to repeat exactly what is fucking up our society now. After bringing them in get them minimum wage jobs, then give them home loans they cant afford, student loans they cant pay back, car loans, etc. Basically get them in debt.

>What is the largest or most significant (((conspiracy))) you came to realize on your own, ignorant of larger schemes as presented by Jow Forums?

Corruption is the norm and pervasive in modern society..
We think it's the opposite; it's not.

Wtf Santa’s not real???!!?!

My original was TV commercials. I just hated them. So I got rid of my TV. That’s when shit got weird.

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This book is pretty good:

What convinced me was the sheer number of people who report what clearly seems to be the same operation, being carried out by the same co-operating group, that have never sought fame, nor known about other people's experiences beforehand. That and I also saw a flying saucer when I was a kid. There are other books about how common it is for ufos to show up at nuclear missile bases and turn them off, as if to test (or show off) their ability to disarm us, and the American gov't recently declassified some videos from the Navy of ufos doing impossible maneuvers. The rabbit hole is quite deep, and unfortunately quite muddy as several governments spent decades running active disinformation campaigns. Still, I think there is much good evidence.

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That the whole EU and leftist politics is owned by and ran by a hedge fund manager for the purpose of trying to create chaos and destroy economies to profit from short positions

That I'm actually God

I was happy knowing he died taking a crap, but I listen to his gospel music a lot.
Being a former Scientologist, I was moved to pray for Lisa Marie on May 1st, 2017.
I googled her name when I got home.
Two clicks later, I was watching some guy do pic related to Elvis photos on YouTube. His old stuff got purged, but here's a good example of Elvis singing...youtu.be/wBsFY_e0H9I

He is a preacher, named Bob Joyce, in Benton, Arkansas. He has (had?) a small church behind a Pizza Hut. He's taking up a collection for a new one if you enjoy giving rich people money.
Bobjoyce dot org I think.

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when the Washington Post reported that Trump cutting CIA funding to "moderate rebels" (ISIS) was evidence of Trump being controlled by Putin, I fully realized how war-hungry the media is. also when they called Trump "presidential" when he launched those missiles into Syria.

during the 2016 I thought Trump was bashing the media just because they were criticizing him. I already know the media leaned left, but the pro-war slant caught me by surprise. I never paid much attention to the news around the time of WMDs in Iraq, so I'm late to the party.


Inanimate objects can’t live

Absolutely positively criminally underrated.

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Social media websites are contaminated.

(((plant foods))) are inherently healthy

Globalization, communism, and totalitarian rule are inevitable outcomes of the human race unless we inhabit territories outside of Earth

supper was a few hours ago lad

Can anybody post some golf rumors red pills?

Masonic control of employment

Checked and please be true.

Thus saith the Word of God.

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Disney and the Oscars especially when there were consistently better anime.

Also ritual child genital mutilation, when girls were campaigning about female circumcision in africa, but said circumcision of boys in North America was different. That also started red pilling me on identity.

Same for niggers in general

No, you're not.

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The holocaust is a hoax

You guys shouldn’t be talking about it. They don’t exist.

Well fucking checked and though true,
Do you autistic much?

That we are at the most crucial time in all of human history when humanity can work together as a whole. We are at the precipice we either do this right or face the beginning of the end.

There will be golf and rumors of golf.

Immigration is a bio weapon.

They murdered Paul Walker the night before a book listing out the detailed failings of the fast and furious gun running scheme was to be released.

All results auto-filtered to his death, not the book.

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C'mon, you guys always say this, Google returns no results... is it a meme?

No shit. Newfags openly talking about Golf on a Tibetan Basket Weaving Forum.
You wanna get droned?
Cuz that’s how you get droned.

Not a ((( ))) conspiracy though.

Fucking hell this is dark.
I have to rethink every franchise for what it ‘could have’ been a cover for if shit went south or became news.

That the Republican and Democrat establishment both serve the same (((donor class))), and partisanship + insignificant wedge issues are used to divide and distract, so that we refuse to rise up and unite as a nation while the parasites evaporate our wealth through inflation and taxation.

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what about them

The danger of vaccines and how they don't actually work. I thought it was some hokey conspiracy at first, but the facts don't lie. They're more dangerous than diseases that have almost been eradicated by better hygiene and they cause significant damage for little gain. Not to mention that they don't actually work, since vaxxed kids' parents still cry.


Fuck off you londoner faggot

It's the end. Although I admire your optimism.

Same. Round 2007 or so, I randomly stumbled on some 9/11 vids on YouTube and fell down the rabbit hole. I was like 13-14. Didn't really even know why I was digging into it so much at first, just felt like there was something there that I needed to see. That was the first time I encountered anything remotely 'conspiracy theory' related. I've learn quite a bit since then.

don't they do it with nigs or something I was reading about this somewhere.

The Millennial reign of Christ as King of Kings on Earth is assured.
The fuck knows if YOU will live to witness it.

You anons should check out Bohemian Grove if you haven't yet. Check out Alex Jones' video from when he snuck in there in the early 2000s.

Yup, I went to a conference where the speaker was talking about changing culture and to change culture you have to change stories and artifacts and it made me realize that not only is that what corps do, but why Christianity and Islam destroy idols. It's not a revelation, but I was amazed that all the other drones failed to appreciate his talk.

That climate change has got almost nothing to do with CO2 emissions, and CO2 is used as a red herring by government to demand more control and intervention of the economy, and anarcho-primitivst-communist faggots to demand we shut down all industry.
The climate always has and always will changed, and mankind is affecting it, of course, but it's got everything to do with LAND USE CHANGES and WATER VAPOUR EMISSIONS than with CO2

The real conspiracy, friend, is that everything around you is fake.
Yes, we live in matrix.

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Mud flood

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Yes. Some of us can bend spoons with dank memes.

If CO2 was a real problem, we could unironically reverse everything by planting trees. Funny enough, you never hear these faggot politicians supporting any kind of re-forestation efforts.

Moved right outside Arlington/DC area a few weeks after 9/11 when I was 9-10. Army dad took us to see the Pentagon. It was still an "investigation" so no repairs had been started but the debris around the hole was cleaned up.
>How is the hole so small?
>How is there no damage from the wings?
>How did the plane swoop down and avoid the freeway?

Dad didn't like me asking those questions and shut me up. As i got older I did my research and realized something isn't right. Dad thought nobody noticed but he spent night after night researching too. He still gets mad if you imply there was a conspiracy because he went to war and killed people because of the official story, but I see his guilt and anger. He knows his government lied to him after devoting his life to defending them.

Please tell me this is shooped.

>everything's fake
I harp on this all the time. Why is Billie Eilish so fucking popular? Why do I even know who she is? Because some Jewish label reps see some pretty young white girl trying to be edgy and make money, so they give her that on the condition that she propagate degeneracy and immorality. (Not that she necessarily knows that or looks at it that way, but what she thinks is irrelevant.)
Pop culture is all made up. The average person is truly stupid enough to think that people like Fetty Wap (or whatever shit fuck you wanna imagine) is organically popular and likeable. It's a self-perpetuating thing. You pay to blast some dumb nigger on the radio and advertise for him all over billboards and television, and people tune in, even if literally NO ONE knew or gave a shit beforehand.

Manufactured popularity. They could make people everywhere wear Walmart bags on their feet if they wanted.

I think it's also wages and how we need new work force, but yes you are right

Trees are racist

A warmer, wetter earth will be better for humanity once we adapt to the new paradigm. Higher CO2 and temperatures = higher ceiling on crop yields. Also will lead to higher O2 levels.
Also giant bugs which can feed all the shitskins i guess

You never hear them bitching about about how all the water and fisheries are being contaminated with plastics, mercury, and xenoestrogens though.

>equating Christianity and Islam
hello, kike

This plastics is a much worse problem that actually needs immediate action compared to carbon.

If only you knew how bad things really are, OP.


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Also don't know why they don't mention ocean acidification.

They are they are both Jew golem religions.

Early Christians did everything to erase our ancestors culture.

We persevered then we'll persevere now. Don't be a drone.

The government only exists to drain your productivity so fat cats in Washington can spend it on pet projects that get them re-elected.

For me it was student government at university
I got into by accident because the last class rep had just ghosted suddenly and a professor asked me to do it because they needed someone and I was responsible.

I mostly just tried to increase attendance at events but also had a seat on the voting body for a particular budget whose sources came from student tuition

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almost immediately there was a lot of corruption, it was really farcical because all the requests for funding were voted on by droopy, unaware student legistlators litearlly being supervised to to make sure they voted the right way, which was apparently to rubber stamp everything and spend as much of the budget as possible so that they could ask for the same amount again next year.

This was openly admitted by the supervisor (a professor) and he regularly invoked this to rush votes through and leave early.

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lmfao there is no way this is fucking real holy shit

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so eventually one my class' academic clubs approached me to secure funding for a conference on the other side of the country. Suffice to say it was for a legit academic conference and had no social/political aspect to it. It was just dry academic stuf.

Of all the things that got rubber stamped in that silly organization (cellphone chargers in the hallway, school construction in Africa) this one was singled out and attacked for reasons of funding turf wars and obscure departmental bad blood that I never understood or was privy to.

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It be real.

Probably because if the environment actually began to recover, they couldn't justifiably continue to fleece Western populations with 'muh carbon taxes.'

As usual I went to tons of boring meetings and did tons of boring paperwork, filing all this stuff with a secretary at teh school. Finally we go to meeting and suddenly there's this balding poorly shaved boomer I've never seen before sitting in room along with the normal bunch of comatose yesmen.

So whatever I get up and introduce the group and they give their proposal: they go over their expenses and justify all their costs and state their reasons for wanting to go etc... its all pretty normal.

but then we move to debate and that boomer with no hair gets up and gives this 30 minute spitting mad rant about this is the worst thing ever and how we're basically the fucking devil.

the sheeple just look tot he supervisor and he just smirks. Proposal emphatically rejected, they even lingered for a moment to try and squeeze a nay out of me which though shocked I refused to give.

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